Okay...so who wants to kill me now? I bet you're not going to want to do that once you see that I have finally updated a story. I got the urge to write and this is what came of it. It's not exactly the best chapter out there, but it will do. There isn't that much fluff either, but I figured I'd back off that stuff for now...at least until I've finalized Kagome and Kurama's relationship. But I do hope you like this and remember to review. Please tell me what you like about my story. Don't just write "update now" like most reviews. I want to know what you like about my story. No flames. I flame just as hard and I bite harder, I've also got tons of fans willing to back me up, including my Gemini Twin, Kage, who can be even more ruthless than I am. So if anyone wishes to face our wrath, go ahead but I'm warning you, it won't be pretty. As for the rest of my worthy fans...I hope you still exist (sweat drop).

Chapter 5

Getting Warmer

Soft hands ran over naked flesh, peeling away barrier after sweet barrier until nothing was left except the exquisite beauty of satin skin. Burning hair tumbled across her face and shoulders, the fine strands entwining with her own until she felt as if she were immersed in fire so hot it nearly scalded her soul. Sweat began beading on her forehead as she felt her lover press himself boldly against her, the hard angle of his body now lying flush against her own softened curves. The combination of his body and her own sent her mind soaring and her soon to be lover seemed to realize this as he raised a hand and tipped her face up to meet and clash with intense, forest green eyes, eyes so dark they seemed to pierce right through her. In that moment she could see nothing else in the overwhelming darkness except those eyes and could only watch as the eyes came closer and closer, slowly closing with every move he made. Her own husky-colored eyes closed with anticipation as her lover finally came into her, bringing his mouth down the exact moment as their bodies met and held each other for the first time.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kagome sat up quickly, scaring the poor feline who had recently been snoozing on her bed. Bouyo tumbled onto the floor with a small hiss before he staggered out of his mistress's room. Upon the bed Kagome gave no notice to the fat cat's misery and departure and sat with one hand clenched tightly to her bosom, her chest heaving wildly while the last vestiges of her dream replayed over and over in her over-stimulated mind. Her shoulders were heaving and her eyes were wide and blinking rapidly as her mind continued to replay the torrid dream over and over again until her body was in a state she was becoming extremely familiar with. And even though there was no one else present to witness her lusty appearance, Kagome felt the blush creeping over her neck and face and gave a low tortured whimper as her head dropped into her hands and her body fell back onto the cool sheets.

Why, why, why? Why him? Why Kurama? Why now? It's not fair. Why does he have to be so darn good looking? Why didn't I ever have any dreams of Inuyasha like this? Wait...ewww! Why would I want to dream of him like that? I mean, sure I used to have some kind of puppy-dog crush on him, but now...I can't even image doing anything like...like, well like that. Kagome shook her head to clear the dirty thoughts away, shivering slightly as the last few urges left her more than willing body. Why do I keep having these dreams anyway? There's no way I want to...well...do that with Kurama...do I? No! I am a miko! I will remain pure and untouched until the day I marry...unless the persona I marry is Kurama, er, no, wait...sigh it's no use.

Kagome let out another moan of frustration and refused to give into the childish urge to throw a tantrum. Such a thing would be unbecoming of a priestess. Kagome's nose wrinkled absently and she snorted. Some priestess she was turning out to be. While her powers were most certainly under her control, it was her body that was beginning to betray her. At night, where once she had enjoyed the peaceful dreams she was given, she had somehow become immersed in the world of sexual eroticism...and it was all because of the being called Kurama, otherwise known as Minamino, Shuichi to everyone else, the most sought after boy in her school. The young woman let out another loud side, arms crossing over her eyes in contemplative thought. It was frustrating to wake up every other morning, sweating profusely and somehow knowing every inch of her maybe-sort-of-boyfriend's anatomy when she knew for a fact she'd never seen him in such a state of undress.

To any other female this might not seem so bad. In fact it may be a normal occurrence for a girl to dream of her boyfriend in such a way.

But no! Not Kagome Higurashi; not the girl who had grow up under such dire and extreme circumstances. She didn't grow up like the other girls, hadn't experienced any of the same things they had...at least after the age of 15. So why, oh why, was this happening to her now? She should have been able to control her lust, to push aside those types of feelings and just feel relaxed and happy while in the red head's presence. But there were just too many reasons and obstacles to be worried about. The fact that she still wasn't sure where she and Kurama stood at this point was one issue. She didn't know how to find out either. If she asked him, she may be disappointed by his answer. She could have been perceiving all their dates as just 'hanging out' or 'being among friends'.

Kagome had to admit there was a small portion of herself, okay maybe a large one, that feared Kurama may just be feeling the exact same things she was. Rejection and heartache were things she could handle, things she had already experienced and knew how to deal with. But actually, knowing and receiving someone's love with no strings attached was a whole new ball game and she wasn't all too sure how to handle herself in a real relationship like that.

Oh, grow up, Kagome, she told herself finally.

Kagome shook her head, eyes flickering open to fall upon the small alarm clock on her bedpost. 9:55 AM, it read. At least it wasn't a school day. If it had been, she'd have had to take another shower and Kagome hated going to school with semi-wet hair. She took her showers at night since she wasn't much of a morning person in the first place, but after dreams like the one last night, Kagome found herself having to take another shower in the morning. And today was definitely one of those days. She had plans with Keiko and Boton later, but they weren't supposed to meet up until around noon. So she had plenty of time for a shower, maybe even a bath if she hurried fast enough.

"Keiko..." Kagome's voice trailed off in thought. She often wondered what was up with the strange girl. At first glance she appeared like your every day average school student. And at least that much was true. But there always seemed to be something else on the girl's mind. At first Kagome figured it was because of Yusuke. She knew the two had been involved up until a certain point and she somehow came to the conclusion that Keiko simply found it weird to be friends with someone who was friends with her ex. She understood that much. After all, had she wanted to be friends with Kikyo? Hell no! She may not have hated the bitch, but she certainly didn't want to make friendly with the dead priestess. Anyway, back to the main point at hand. Lately, Keiko had been sending her some really weird vibes. One moment she would be perfectly nice and sweet and the next...well let's just say Kagome now understood why some people were afraid of her own temper. Keiko's was even worse and she could scream for hours if someone let her. Of course, Kagome always tried to find out what was wrong, but Keiko would get even angrier and storm off. Botan, who was almost always seen with Keiko, would always apologize for the girl and then take off, leaving Kagome to sort out the whole fight by herself, coming up with no immediate answers.

Today they had planned an outing to the mall and Kagome hoped Keiko was in a good mood. When she was they got along great and always had a blast. Then perhaps later she could call Yukina and they could chat for awhile. While Keiko and Botan had become fast friends with her, it was Yukina who had become her best friend here.


Souta's piercing cry resounded from behind her locked bedroom door and the miko yawned widely before finally getting out of bed and crossing over to the door.

"Kagome?" This time he was closer and Kagome opened the door to find Souta with his hand outstretched. At first she was confused until she saw the small black phone in his hand.

"Thanks, Souta. I didn't even know it rang."

Souta grumbled and walked away and Kagome barely heard him say something about the 'other line' and 'interrupting his girlfriend'. Kagome shook her head and smiled amusedly, admiring how quickly her little brother was growing up. It seemed like just yesterday he was playing the latest video game, instead of playing with a girl. "Hello?" she finally asked, holding the receiver up to her mouth and coming out of her nostalgic trance.

"Good morning, Kagome."

Despite the many times she'd heard his voice, Kagome still blushed every time he said her name like that. The way his voice seemed to caress her name simply brought to mind the many dreams she'd had of him calling her name in so many various ways. Speaking of which, where was that cold shower when she needed one?

"You're blushing again." His chuckling laughter halted her immediate embarrassment.

"I am not!" Kagome protested on instinct, even though she knew he'd guessed right. For some strange reason, he was able to read her in ways no one else had ever been able to, even when he couldn't see her. Even her closest friends were unable to totally read her emotions the way he did. Still, she found herself giggling when he chuckled at her.

"My apologies then. I hadn't realized I was dealing with some other Kagome who wasn't in awe of my presence."

"Grr. I am not in awe of you presence, you arrogant nitwit!" Kagome growled, though she couldn't keep the smile out of her voice. She could almost feel his amusement grow. "I guess the stories are true. Kitsunes are terribly vain. Perhaps someone should deflate your ego a little bit, hm?"

"Ah, but that happens every time you are by my side."

Kagome found herself blushing again, but couldn't help but feel a touch of satisfaction over hearing such a compliment. "Did you want something?" Kagome asked before her head could conjure up any more unwanted images. It would seem a bit improper to be speaking to the man who she was currently seeing naked in her mind. She wondered briefly if he really did have a small tattoo on his-."

"Come to the window."

"What?" Kagome blinked, holding a hand to her blazing cheek, realizing her thoughts had led her to distraction again. Damn, she really needed to see a psychiatrist. Someone needed to knock a few screws back in place.

He chuckled again. "Come to the window."

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"Just come. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Kagome held the mouthpiece away from her and glared at the inanimate object suspiciously. Giving up, the confused miko made her way over to the window and thrust the curtains to the side, only to fall back when she came into contact with two stunning, emerald cat-like eyes.

"KYA!" Kagome screamed, dropping the phone and almost landing on her rump if it hadn't been for soft arms breaking her fall. Almost immediately she was swept back into a warm embrace, and soft lips tickled her ear.

"Are you all right? I didn't me to startle you," the voice whispered, nipping slightly at the fleshy lobe.

"Kurama!" Kagome gasped, dragging herself away from his arms and turning around, pinning him with a glare. "What are you doing here? How did you open the window? And why..." she glanced down at herself, blushing when she caught him staring at her short shorts and way too small top. "Why are you in my bedroom?"

Kurama smiled with all the charm that came from being a kitsune and sat down on her bed innocently, crossing his legs and staring at her as if he hadn't just broken into her room and wasn't staring at every spare piece of flesh his eyes could trace. "I am here because I wanted to see you." He blinked. "Was I wrong to assume you wanted to see me as well?"

"Well, I-, it just isn't proper, Kurama. You don't just break into a girl's window."

"You are implying that I should break in the front door next time?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Argh, you know what I mean." Kagome growled and Kurama smirked inwardly, enjoying seeing the normally undaunted priestess so riled up. He simply loved watching the color of her skin turn that glorious pink. When she just became even more flustered, Kurama sighed and stood up, taking her into his arms and swooping down, kissing her breathless until she stopped her sputtering and began kissing back. When her breath was duly stolen, the naughty kitsune drew back and smiled.

"I apologize for my untimely entrance and for not announcing myself earlier, Kagome," he said, brushing a thumb along her jaw line and enjoying her tiny shivers. "I should have forewarned you of my presence and presented myself properly."

"Yeah, sure," Kagome whispered before her eyes cleared and she realized he had just played her for a fool. Still, the red head was so hard to resist that she only half-glared at him this time. It was hard to stay mad at someone when you weren't really mad at them in the first place.

"So what are you doing here anyway?"

"Actually, I come on behalf of Yusuke and Yukina," Kurama responded lightly, more composed than before. "Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?"

"Sure!" Kagome chirped happily. "I'd love to. I'm going shopping with Keiko and Botan in a little while so what time should I be ready?"

Kurama rocked back on his heels and looked thoughtful. "How about 6:30? We're not supposed to meet up with Yusuke until 8:00, but in the meantime we can have a little time to ourselves before hand."

The suggestion was thrown out lightly and Kagome was almost positive he hadn't meant anything by the tiny statement, but the implications of spending some alone time with Kurama were giving the poor priestess some, ahem, explicit ideas. "Is that a yes then?" Kagome glanced at the red headed man suspiciously, wondering why his eyes were suddenly glowing something fierce and etched with a possessive light she'd noticed a handful of times. And why was he suddenly looking so smug? Her eyes widened. Was it possible he really had meant something more by his previous statement? Did he really want to-?

"Great, then I'll see you later."

It was only ten minutes later that our fair heroine realized she was alone in her bedroom and that Kurama had left the way he entered, leaving her alone to contemplate...contemplate what? With a stunned and angered gasp, Kagome ran over to the window and leaned out, knowing she would never be able to see him. Still, Kagome cupped her hands in front of her mouth and bellowed out into the morning air, not caring who heard her. "Kurama, you BAKA! Get back here and explain what you meant by ALONE TIME!"

It was much later in the day that the three girls giggled and stopped to munch on their ice cream cones. Kagome had had a lovely time with Keiko and Botan, simply enjoying spending time gabbing and shopping like any normal teenager. It was times like these, Kagome wished she'd had more of in the past. It made her feel real and whole to be doing normal things. And it somehow healed a part of her she'd lost long ago and never thought she'd regain.

"I can't believe you got a B on that math test, Kagome," Botan giggled. "I think Keiko, here, was the only one to actually receive an A on the thing. I heard the rest of the class only barely managed to pass. I myself only achieved a C-. However did you study for that with all the other extra-curricular activities you do?"

"Actually, you wouldn't believe it but I used to hate math," Kagome giggled in reply. "I was so awful that I was the sole person to bring down the class average. But since I moved here and decided to start over, I wanted to prove that I could do well in school." Kagome's eyes dimmed slightly, aware the two girl were watching her intently.

"But you're so smart, Kagome," Keiko smiled. "I can't image you being any other way. I can only hope that you continue to do as well as you have been. From what it sounds like, you've really improved. I just wish Yusuke would have become as dedicated as you have."

"Why do you say that?" Kagome asked, truly curious. This was the first time Keiko had spoken about Yusuke without sounding too derogatory or spiteful. And she had to admit she was really curious about their previous relationship. Although she thought Yusuke and Yukina had a great relationship, she still didn't know the reason behind the split with him and Keiko. No one, not even Kurama, had spoken about it. And Kagome hadn't really wanted to bring it up anyway. It seemed to be a no-no issue with everyone and Kagome just assumed it was one of those things better left unknown or unspoken about.

"It's not that I think Yusuke is stupid, he's really not," Keiko assured her friend and Botan nodded in agreement. "I just wish he would take life a bit more seriously, you know?"

Kagome chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "But he does take life seriously. Perhaps not the way you wanted him to, but he does. I know, I've seen it." With Yukina. It was on the tip of her tongue to say it, but she didn't want to hurt the poor girl and simply kept silent.

"Anyway," Botan smiled shakily, anxious to change the subject. "Did you see Kurama's fan club yesterday? I think they've doubled in size since this year began."

"Ugh," Kagome grumbled. "How can you miss them? They're all over the place." And they almost found out where she lived too. Some of the more 'dedicated' members had decided to follow the duo home one day until Kurama, sensing the danger, ran the two all over town until they were forced to hide in a tree for over two hours. It didn't help that news of their relationship began circulating all over the school. What made it worse was that Kagome had somehow gotten her own fan club from some overzealous boys and even some girls. They had taken to following her everywhere unless Kurama was with her and felt like scaring them off. Most days he was polite as can be, but whenever one of the boys got to close to her, the red headed boy bared his teeth like a true demon.

"So, speaking of Kurama. What's going on between you two?" Keiko asked suddenly. "The whole school is talking about you, you know?"

Kagome slapped a palm to her forehead, blushing hotly. "Don't remind me. And as to Kurama and I...well I don't exactly know. We've gone on a few dates and hung out after school almost every other night and I really do like him..."

"But?" Botan urged, a strange gleam in her eyes. Even Keiko leaned closer.

"Well, I just don't know where I stand with him? Is he my boyfriend? I don't know. Does he think of me as his girlfriend? Have no clue. The only thing I do know is that I want to keep seeing him, perhaps even permanently in the future."

Kagome had expected squealing and overzealous attention, you know typical female reactions when your girlfriends find out you're crushing on a guy, but dead stares was certainly something she was not expecting. "Er," she tilted her head to the side confused. "You guys okay? Did the ice cream make you sick?"

Botan snapped out of it first and smiled brightly, a bit too bright if Kagome had anything to say about it. "Oh, so sorry, my dear. I guess we were just caught off guard." Botan pursed her lips and stared thoughtfully at the miko. "Ano, I just wonder what is so special about you to capture his attention so."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked, still confused and slightly angered, wondering if that was supposed to be an insult.

"Uh, sorry, sorry," Botan waved her hand apologetically. "I didn't really mean it that way."

"What Botan means to say is that it's unusual for Kurama to spend so much time with a creature of the opposite sex. He usually blows off every female that approaches him. In fact, I was beginning to believe he might be leaning towards some one of his own...uh, ilk."

Kagome stared at the two before a smile began to creep over her face, quickly followed by the first few titters of giggling. In only a matter of seconds Kagome was keeled over and reduced to laughing so hard she was sure she was causing a scene. Keiko and Botan tried to pull the laughing girl to her senses, lightly tapping her cheeks a few times before Kagome was able to straighten and wipe away some escaped tears. "I'm sorry," she apologized sitting up straighter. "I can understand why you would think that, honestly I would. With his features and the way he treats everyone, it's easy to see how he might be mistaken for being gay or even bi. But the truth is, the man would never look at me the way he does if he wasn't at least a little bit attracted to me. I know this deep in my heart. Otherwise, Kurama would never touch me the way he does, never look at me with those adoring eyes of his." Kagome turned away, lifting a hand to her lips, and smiled underneath the soft touch. "I don't exactly know what we are to each other, but what I do knows is that his lips would never caress mine the way they do when he kisses me and makes me believe I am the only one in the universe deserving of such a gift."

Kagome became so wrapped up in her thoughts of Kurama that she didn't notice the shared gazes of the two suddenly jealous girls on either side of her, wishing and aching just once that they could switch places with the lucky girl.

After all...Kurama had been the sole reason they had befriended the girl in the first place.

Ooh, and some of the plot is revealed. As I've stated in other stories I don't particularly care for either Botan or Keiko. I'm sorry it doesn't reveal much, but that's only because I haven't totally decided what's going to happen yet. Just know that Kagome is going to have a lot of jealous school girls to get around, plus some other things that are just beginning to surface. Anyway, the date scene should be next and Kurama and Kagome should be a definite couple by the next chapter. As of now they are simply dating, they have yet to make their relationship official. But it'll happen...if you people are patient.

I'm sorry for taking so long updating my stories, but unfortunately my hours have switched at work and I haven't had much time to write much of anything. But hopefully I can come up with more updates soon so you all can stop complaining so much. (grumbles) Bunch of whiners (ducks as rusty utensils and sharp knives are thrown) okay, okay, I won't insult you anymore. If you all stop with the death threats! Threatening to kill me will not help me update faster. So, kids, remember to be nice to the authors. We are the ones who keep you entertained. Uh, I just realized that I haven't really given Botan a reason for going to school and I just figured that Koenma gave her the time off. There aren't any missions right now and this is probably before the end of Yu Yu anyway, so Yusuke is still employed and Botan is still his assistant. Okay? Anyway, I hope this satisfies you all for now. Ta ta for now.

Ja ne
