My Obsession

((My very first fan fic that I ever posted, so be nice!!! > ))

((Disclaimer; I do not own any of .hackSIGN or anything created by Project Dot Hack, although I wish I did because that would be Kewl! and yes, I spell "Cool" in my own stupid way!))

((Authors note; in my fan-fic, Tsukasa is a BOY okay?))

Chapter 1

Tsukasa was standing on the bridge of Mac Anu, alone… Subaru had asked him to meet her there, but she hadn't come. This confused him, Subaru… She was always there for him. Wasn't she…?

The artificial wind blew through Tsukasa's silver hair. Why did he ever start this game? Didn't he want to go back to the real world? These questions always seemed to be on Tsukasa's mind… He picked up his staff, hoping Subaru would come at that moment. When she didn't… he left reluctantly.

At the Crimson Knight's base, Subaru was sitting on her throne. The players of The World didn't seem to trust the Crimson Knights anymore. "All of my hard work has gone to waste…" She said to no one in particular. "The only reason I live anymore is for this game…" Subaru sighed.

She stood up and went to the second-story window; she saw a passing wave-master. It was Tsukasa. She had completely forgotten about her meeting with him. Subaru quickly called out to him "Tsukasa!"

Others around Tsukasa obviously heard her cry, they lifted their heads and looked at her, but Tsukasa didn't reply, he just kept walking.

Mimiru was in a dungeon, located in Lia Fail, fighting a monster… a golem to be exact. She wasn't doing well against it though; she had already used two healing potions and was still running low on hit points.

"Gyaa!" Mimiru lifted her sword and swung at it, but the golem deflected it and sent Mimiru flying across the room. She hit the wall with a crash and fell to the ground. Why wasn't she fighting right? Then, someone came and casted a spell on the golem, which deleted it. Mimiru struggled to see who it was.

"Fool, don't force yourself." A tired, familiar voice said to her. Tsukasa held his hand out for Mimiru to pull herself up. She did. Tsukasa then gave her a potion.

"What were you doing?" Tsukasa asked. "That monster nearly killed you." Mimiru looked at Tsukasa, a little surprised that he was being so nice to her. "I don't know… I guess I let my guard down." Mimiru said quietly.

She looked distant, as if thinking of something else. "What's the matter?" Tsukasa asked, somewhat worried about her. Mimiru shook her head. "It's nothing, I think I'm going to log-out." She said, as she walked past Tsukasa, who looked after her.

"Can I come with you…?" He said without thinking. Tsukasa gasped soon after, realizing what he had just said.

Mimiru stopped dead. How could she reply? She didn't speak for a few seconds. Then she turned to Tsukasa and smiled. "That's up to you." She said light-heartedly before she transported herself out of The World…

((Did you like it? I know nothing much happened, but I plan on writing more… ONLY IF I GET REVEIWS!!! I want to know if it's good or if it sucks…))