Okay, I didn't play FF7 so don't kill me if I get anything wrong. Please!!!!! The ages here are NOT accurate. It's just an assumption. Kadaj, Yazu and Loz weren't silver haired and green-eyed, ok?Something or someone changed them to the SHM. Who, you might ask…well, you have to wait till I updated my story. Hope you enjoy this! Review please!

The Only One in My Heart

Chapter 1

"Who are you? What are you doing?" a blonde boy of seven asked the girl who invaded his little territory by the beach. The girl jumped up from the sand and turned to the boy.

"I'm sorry!" she stammered, and lowered her head. Kadaj stared at the stranger and read the fear on her face. "I didn't mean to – I accidentally – " she stuttered.

"What did you do to my sandcastle?!" Kadaj exclaimed and shoved the little girl away. Horror was in his face when he saw the tower of his sandcastle which he had built for the whole afternoon was now in a heap of sand.

"I – I" the girl began, "I'm so sorry! I'll help you build it again!" she exclaimed. Kadaj was silent. The girl began to tremble.

"Kadaj! Don't give our new neighbour the silent treatment!" a female voice shouted from a nearby hut. "She's trembling already!" Kadaj's mother continued.

"It's okay," Kadaj finally said to the girl, "We can build another one!" he continued cheerfully. The girl was relieved and smiled at Kadaj. Kadaj suddenly felt his little heart skipped a beat when he saw the girl smile sincerely at him. He could only smile back and forget his heart skipping incident.

"Lana!" a voice called, "Dinner's ready!" Lana looked at the sturdy hut and waved

at the woman. Then, Lana turned to Kadaj.

"I'm Lana," she said, "Nice to meet you!"

"Kadaj," Kadaj replied, "I think you should go home. Your mama's calling."

"Okay," Lana said, "I'll see you tomorrow then!" And Lana ran to her hut.

Kadaj watched Lana went into her hut. He sighed to himself.

"First encounter with a girl, eh, Kadaj?" the seventeen year old Loz smirked behind him.

"Hey!" Kadaj cried as his big brother carried him up to their hut.

"Mama! Look at what Loz did to my new shirt!" Kadaj screamed when he saw a

large finger print on his white shirt. "You ruined my new shirt!" Kadaj said as he hit his brother with his small fist.

"Hang in there, little brother! I'm coming!" Yazu said from inside his room. Within a second, the dirty blonde haired boy of twelve was out and he too pretended to fight with Loz.

"Hey, hey, hey! Mom! Look at them!" Loz cried out. "They disrespect me!"

"Alright, you guys! Stop it all at once!" their mother commanded. The three brothers stopped fighting and stood in a row, facing their mother. "I want you three to behave! Your father is coming home soon. I'm sure you don't want him to see you guys fighting," she said.

"Yes mom," they replied together. They lazed around in the living room awaiting their father. Kadaj walked to the window and saw Lana in the hut next to his. He saw her laughing as she ate with her father and mother.

'I could only wish that papa is as friendly as that,' Kadaj looked at Lana's father. A figure of fatherhood, he could joke around Lana and play with her as though they are friends. 'But papa is always strict to us. He would punish us whenever we fight. Why is he like that?' Kadaj asked himself.

"Will you do me a favour, Kadaj?" Kadaj's mother interrupted him. Kadaj looked up to his mother and nodded with a smile. "Take this cake over to our new neighbour. And be polite," she said as she gave Kadaj a square box.

"I wanna come!" Yazu said.

"I wanna follow too!" Loz said as he trailed behind Yazu.

Kadaj took the box carefully with both his hands and walked to Lana's hut. It was Lana's mother who answered the door and she was more than pleased to find the new neihbourhood so friendly.

"Please, do come in, little ones!"Lina said. "Lana! Your friends are here!" her voice echoed through the hut. Jealousy struck the three brothers when they saw Lana laughing and held by her father.

"Papa!" Lana laughed, "Let me down! Lemme down!" she struggled in her father's arms. Her father laughed and set her on the floor. "Kadaj!" Lana exclaimed but she fell silent when she saw two taller figures behind him.

"My mama made this cake for your family," he said as he handed her the box.

"Oh! Thank you!" Lana's mother exclaimed and went straight to Kadaj's hut to express her gratitude to Kadaj's mother. Lana stood silent and her father had left the hut tagging behind her mother.

"This is my eldest brother, Loz, and my second elder brother, Yazu," Kadaj said to Lana. Lana smiled at them and they saw the happiness of meeting new friends shone in her brown eyes.

"Alright, you guys," Kadaj's mother was at the door, "Father's home. Let's take our dinner."

"See you tomorrow," Kadaj said to Lana, "You have to build a sandcastle with me, okay?" Lana nodded to Kadaj.

On the next day, Yazu and Loz were surprised to see the two seven year olds buildt aminiature city of Midgar in the evening.

"Whoa!" was all Loz said as he found no other words to praise the kids.

"That's funny," Kain, Kadaj's mother, said. "Kadaj never played with other kids in the village. He never build a sandcastle with his brothers before too. And now, he's having fun with your daughter," she continued.

"Lana was always alone," Lina said to her, "She is very happy to meet your sons. She had never laughed so much since she was five."

Loz carriedKadaj up and ran into the shallow part of the sea. Yazu too carriedLana and followed Loz into the sea. Both Lana and Kadaj were screaming for help when the two big brothers threatened to throw them into the sea.

"That's far enough, Loz, Yazu!" Kain shouted at them, "Don't frighten them or you two will be punished!"

"OKAY!" they yelled back. Loz carried Kadaj back to the shore while Yazu gave Lana a piggyback ride which Lana very much appreciated after minutes of yelling at the top of her lungs.