Yes, I know I haen't updated in like... a year or so but oh well. I currently have up to chapter 20 typed out so I'll post them (Unless you don't want me too) Whether I finish this or not depends on if I get reviews to motivate me :lol: Enjoy

Chapter 13: What Is Happening To Me?

"What's for breakfast?" Dashasked upon entering the kitchen. It was morning and Dash had just woken up. He stretched his arms and looked around when he got no answer. "Mom?"

"Sorry Honey, you'll just have to settle for cereal this morning." Helen said. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. She looked very tired.

"Why?" Dash asked

"It's nothing." Helen replied, smiling a bit. She was just too tired to do anything this morning, considering what had happened last night. She had not been able to sleep at all after that.

"Where's Violet?" Dash asked as he poured milk into his bowl of cereal. Helen looked up at him, smile disappearing.

"Still in bed." Helen said, reassuring herself.

"Doesn't she have to go to school?" Dash asked.

"She wasn't feeling good last night." Helen said, looking out into the hall. Dash shrugged his shoulders and sat down at the table to eat.

"Morning all!" Bob said as he walking in the room. Helen and Dash looked up.

"Hi Dad!" Dash said enthusiastically. Bob waved his hand and then went over to make some coffee.

"I've already made some." Helen told him as she motioned to the cup in front of her. Bob nodded and poured himself one. Then he looked over at his wife.

"How long have you been up?" he asked her. There was no reply. Instead, Helen looked down the hall again. Bob wouldn't have been surprised if she'd been out here for more than half the night.

"Hey mom, can I have some coffee?" Dash asked quickly. Helen snapped out of her trance and faced her son.

"No." she said. Dash frowned and went back to eating. Then Helen got up and poured the rest of the drink down the sink.

"Has Violet gotten up yet?" Bob asked Helen so Dash couldn't hear them. Helen shook her head slowly. It was obvious they were both worried.

As they were talking, a door was opened down the hall. Both Helen and Bob looked towards it. Dash continued eating. A couple seconds later, Violet walked into the hall and made her way to the kitchen. She was clutching her stomach a bit, as if she was in pain.

"Morning Violet!" Dash said, looking up from his food. He said it in a bit of a sarcastic voice that made his dad turn and give him a warning look. "What?" Dash asked back. Bob turned around to speak to Helen, but found she was already making her way to Violet.

"Violet..." Helen started as she got within earshot of her eldest daughter. Violet looked up, but didn't smile. Instead, she stopped walking and looked back at the ground.

"Mom I..." Violet started in a small voice. Helen put her fingers to Violet's lips to shush her and then embraced her in a gentle hug, glad she was alright. Violet winced a bit and pushed away.

"How are you feeling?" Helen asked her softly as she pulled her hair back out of her face. She got a good look at the cut on Violet's cheek. The blood had dried overnight and it was smeared a bit across her face.

"My stomach hurts a bit." Violet responded, finally looking at her mother in the eyes. They were filled with worry. Helen raised her hand to feel her forehead.

"You feel warm, do you want to go to school today?" Helen asked, withdrawing her hand. Violet shook her head no and then made her way to the kitchen. Helen followed her in and stopped next to her husband.

"How is she doing?" Bob asked her as he put a comforting arm around her shoulder. Helen looked up at him, worried.

"Not good." she replied as she watched her take her seat at the table. "I just wish I knew what was wrong with her."

"I don't know." Bob said as he too watched her. "It could have something to do with what we saw last night." he told her, referring to the sheets getting stuck in the basement ceiling.

"You don't think it could mean..." Helen said, stopping before she finished her sentence.

"Could be." Bob said. He gave her a quick hug and went off back to his bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Helen asked him.

"I've got patrol this morning." Bob told her before closing the bedroom door.

"Oh... right." Helen said, turning back to face her children.

"What's wrong with you?" Dash asked his older sister. Violet didn't answer, and instead rested her head on her arms, letting her hair cover her face. "So, what's wrong, did you have a scary dream?" Dash said, poking fun at her. This made Violet raise her head to look at her brother.

"No, I didn't!" Violet said in defense as she rose up in her seat. She sat up straight, but when it hurt her stomach to do so, she crouched back down.

"Was it really scary?" Dash asked, mocking her. He made a scary face at her, or attempted to at least. Violet clenched her fists under the table.

"Shut up." she said in bit louder of a voice.

"Was it?" Dash said again. This time Violet got really angry. She stood up and slammed her hands on the table. Dash sat back in his chair a bit, to avoid getting pummeled by her. But he didn't have to worry for at that moment, Violet seemed to lose her balance. Her left arm gave way along with her legs. Then she fell trying to sit back down and her cheek brushed the table, opening up her cut and allowing it to bleed freely again.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Dash said as he watched his sister struggle. Helen heard the commotion and turned around just in time to see Violet stagger from her chair and run down the hall. She went into the bathroom and shut and locked the door.

"Uh-oh." Dash muttered to himself. He knew he would get in trouble for that, so he got up quickly, grabbed his stuff and went out to wait for the bus.

"Violet?" Helen said as the bathroom door closed. She followed her down the hall and stopped in front of the door. "Violet. Are you okay?" Helen called out to her again. There was no response, just random coughing noises coming from the bathroom. "Violet, are you okay!" Helen called again, this time louder. She knocked on the door with her fist, anxious to help her daughter. She grew even more scared when there was no answer.

"What's going on?" Bob asked from his bedroom doorway. He had heard the commotion and came out to see what all the fuss was about.

"Something's wrong with Vi." Helen said in a quiet voice. She stopped banging on the door and turned to face her husband, her eyes wet with tears. She could her a slight retching sound now and then as her daughter was being sick.

"What happened?" Bob asked.

"I don't know..." Helen said, burying her face in her hands. She rested her head on Bob's chest for comfort.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Bob said, trying to comfort his wife.

"What should we do?" Helen asked him, looking up into his eyes. They were filled with worry, much like her own.

"Call up and tell E about it. If we're right about this, she'll know what to do." Bob said, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek when he finished.

"Okay." Helen said. She kissed him back, then let go.

"Listen, I've gotta go. I'll see you this afternoon." Bob said. He gave his wife one final kiss and hug and then left for the door. Helen watched him leave and waved as the door shut. She watched his car pull out of the driveway and drive down the street, but never stopped watching. She didn't want to stop, she didn't want to face her fears.

Meanwhile, Violet was in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror.

"What's wrong with me?" Violet asked her reflection. But, as she herself, it had no good answer. She was scared to go back out, for fear of what might happen if she did. What if something even worse happened to her?

"Why does this have to happen to me, why can't I be normal?" Violet asked herself again. Whatever had happened, it was definitely not normal. Falling through the floor was not normal. She was not normal.

She picked up a cloth and dabbed at her cut, which was still leaking a little bit of blood. It stung and she pulled it quickly away. She then pulled her hair back behind her ear to get a better look at it. It was about three inches long and all dried up, but it hurt a lot. She didn't even quite remember how she had gotten it at the moment, maybe when she fell.

Her thought were then interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Violet stopped what she was doing to listen.

"Vi, are you alright?" she heard her mother call through the door. She paused to think. Would anything happen if she went out there? What if something worse were to occur!

"Mom..." Violet said as she opened the door hesitantly. She stepped out and looked at her mother. She looked worried.

"Violet!" Helen said as she pulled her daughter in to a hug. Violet didn't pull away and instead embraced her mother back. She felt safe in her arms and never wanted to leave them.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" Violet asked her. A tear fell from her eyes, stinging her cut. Helen didn't answer right away, as she wasn't sure what was wrong. She and Bob had talked about it the night before and they thought they came to a reasonable conclusion, but they couldn't be sure.

"I'm not sure yet." Helen told Violet.

Later that day, after Violet managed to eat some lunch without becoming sick, she was resting on the couch. Helen walked in and sat down next to her.

"Vi..." Helen started.

"What?" Violet asked. She sat up to face her mom.

"I need to know exactly what happened last night." Helen told her in a soft voice. Violet sighed, not wanting to tell, not wanting to relive it.

"After I went to bed, I'm not sure exactly what happened..." Violet started. Then she stopped. She wasn't sure where to continue from there.

"Well, did anything happen in the middle of the night, anything different?" Helen asked calmly.

"Well, I had a dream," Violet said. Her mother rested her hands on Violet's, urging her to continue. "I was running away from something." Violet said.

"Do you know what?" Helen asked.

"No, I don't remember." Violet said, trying to recall the night's previous events. "But he sounded familiar, just his voice. I couldn't see him."

"What happened after that?"

"I tripped and fell." Violet said slowly. "Then I didn't stop and I woke up in the basement. And that's all I remember."she finished.

"Okay." Helen said. "Are you sure that's all you remember?"

"Yeah." Violet replied. "Why was I in the basement anyway?" Violet asked, finally finding the courage to do so.

"I'm not sure, but your father and I..." Helen started, but turned around when she heard the door open.

"Hey Helen!" Bob said as he walked in the doorway, mask in his hand.

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"Nothing unusual, just a couple of robbers." he replied sullenly. "How's Vi doing?"

"Better." Helen said, looking back at Violet. She was still sitting there, listening to her parents conversation.

"Did you call yet?"

"No, not yet"

"Are you going to soon?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Call who?" Violet said, interrupting their conversation. Both her parents turned to look at her.

"Edna." Bob said finally. Violet raised an eyebrow.

"Who's Edna?"

"She works with the Supers, designing costumes to fit powers and stuff like that," Helen replied to her daughter. "In fact, she's the one who made all of our suits, your's too"

"Why do you have to call her?" Violet asked them.

"Well..." Helen started, looking to her husband for support.

"Is it about what happened last night?" Violet asked slowly. Bob and Helen exchanged glances after hearing this.

"Yes," Bob said, breaking the awkward silence. "You see, your mother and I think that your powers may be developing. But we're not certain about it."

"We we're going to call E to see if she could confirm it for you." Helen told Violet."My powers are developing?" Violet asked back. She had considered the idea herself, but thought it to be silly and pushed it out of her head. But now that her parents had mentioned it, it did seem logical.

"They might be, and if they are, it would explain why you haven't been feeling good." Helen told her. Violet looked down at herself. True, she hadn't been feeling good all day, but she hadn't known why.

"Why would it make me sick though?" Violet asked them. Helen gave a long sigh before answering.

"Well, it's just like any normal change with your body. People react differently." Helen started.

"But when powers develop, the side effects are usually more drastic." Bob finished for her. Violet sat in silence for a moment, taking in all the information. Her parents thought she was getting a new power. That was the last thing she wanted, to get a new power she couldn't control and on top of that, be sick because of it. She was becoming less and less normal as her life dragged on.

Violet got up off the couch and stood to face her parents.

"Are you okay Vi?" Helen asked her, also standing up. Violet nodded before answering.

"I'm just tired." Violet said. Helen gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before she turned and slowly walked off to her bedroom. Bob and Helen watched as she closed the door.

"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Helen asked Bob to reassure herself.

"I don't know," he started. "Do you want to call E now?"

"Yeah, we should." Helen said as she extending her arm out and grabbed the phone from the kitchen. She dialed Edna's number and held it up to her ear, listening for an answer.

"Hello darling, you need an appointment to come in if you.."a voice started on the other line.

"Edna, is that you?"

"Who is this?" Edna replied back. Helen gave a sigh, preparing herself for the explosion.

"Elastigirl." Helen replied through clenched teeth.

"Yes, yes, yes! How are you darling? We haven't talked to each other in ages! You must--"

"No E, I need a favor."

"What is it? You want another patch job?"

"No, it's about Violet."

"Darling, who is this Violet that you speak of?"

Helen gave a long sigh. "You know, my daughter?"

"Oh, yes, yes! You must bring her over, there is so much we could do. Bring the other's too darling!"

"No, you don't understand..."

"I understand perfectly. Bring the whole family over tomorrow afternoon, I insist! Good-bye." Edna finished dramatically, then hung up. Helen was still holding the phone to her ear after the line went dead, mouth agape. She never did enjoy talking to Edna that much.

"So?" Bob said, asking for her answer.

"She wants us to bring the whole family over tomorrow afternoon." Helen told him. Bob looked at her incredulously.

"What?" he said. Helen just shrugged her shoulders in reply. They both knew how difficult and abrasive Edna could be.

AN: Again, sorry this hasen't been updated in forever... oh and please review :D