Hey People, I am sooo sorry I took soooo long! Especially to you Cloudy-Skies, you really imspired me and thank you soo much. I was working on this one for a day (rhyming can be soo hard) lol! Anyways, bye bye, I hope you enjoy!


Amy is a human, a woman from Mars,

She likes to make out in the cars.

She once had a crush on Fry,

But Fry just made her cry.

Then she went back to the search,

A search for a man preferred to be a nurse ;).

Amy has black hair,

And her clothes are a two pink pair.

To all the men she has a great sex appeal,

For those who don't get her will just have to deal.

One day Amy met her man,

And when she saw him she never ran.

Now this man's name is Kif,

When he calls her he gets so stiff.

He is a green dude- not so much a human,

But when Amy wants him he zooms right in.

Now that's enough of Amy,

If you want more pay me.

Now we move not on to Herme,

But HermeS.