Chapter One-A New Student

As the final bell rang Momoshiro slamed his locker shut, and slipped his dark red ear phone over his ears. He waved to a cute girl and laughed softly to himself when he saw her blush. As he joined the main flow of students moving down the main hallway he turned on the headphones and casually stepped down the steps that led to Seishun Academy. Heading towards the tennis courts he nods his head to the music playing in his ears, his large Mizuno tennis bag slung over his shoulder. Quickly changing into his Seigaku Team uniform he threw his head phones in his bag and looked into the small mirror placed on one of the walls. with a satisfied smile he jogged out to the tennis courts, his racket over his shoulder. Stepping onto the courts he looked around. "Shit! eh heh hehehe!...No Practice today!!" Momoshiro laughed like a little school girl, but came to an abrupt stop. Placing his left hand deep into his pockets he surveyed the courts. Then spotting a bvright yellow tennis ball a few feet away he srugged and walked over to it, picking it up he smiled. "Why not?!" At that he threw the ball up, and with surprising speed, brought the racket off of his shoulder and made contact with the ball. Suddenly the ball spun forward and made contact with the dark green board. The ball came spinning back at him, and Momoshiro continued to slam the ball back at his "opponent", absorbed in his little game he soon became oblivious to all. Including the small crowd that had begun to gather.

After a few minutes a boy about the same age as Momoshiro walked onto the courts, his white and blue ascis making soft noises, and his hat pulled low over his eyes. The boy soon stood next to the oblivious Momoshiro, andwhen the ball was only a few feet away, reached out and snatched the yellow ball from the air with extrodinary speed. A small smile grew on the boys face.

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