DISCLAIMER:- I don't own the Teen Titans, or any other characters I use in the story. I also do not own any brand names, etc. I may use in the fic, So don't sue me. I would however like to own any of the above. Soooo… If any feels generous this Christmas you know what to get me.

Alright. This isn't my first fic... but it is the first fic I've actually got around to posting. Basically, right now, all of the Teen Titans live go to school in a place called Lake City and live their own lives. This is the story about how some of them get their powers, and how they form the Teen Titans as a team. Think 'Smallville' but for the Titans. I've tried to throw in lots of hints, so hinting lines and quotes from the show appear, as well as little snides to other characters in the universe. (Look out for Superboy in the second chapter!) It may sound like the comic book --- but it's actually more of the animated continuity so deal with it. Oh and -not to deliberately disappoint people - but I used Dick Grayson, not Tim Drake - because I love all the little hints in the series. OK? OK. On with the show.


Chapter 1:- Lake City Boarding School, Pennsylvania.

The school bell rang and its toll echoed throughout the hallways. A red door flew open and out emerged two boys, both about the same height.

"Man!" the skinnier boy exclaimed. "That man does not shut up!"

"Gar, he's an doctorate level physicist, he's just explaining what he knows."

"I know Dick, but jeez, who has the last name 'Light'?"

Dick chuckled. Richard Grayson (Called Dick by his friends, his teachers... Heck, everyone called him Dick.) was a relatively new student at Lake City, but he'd sunk in well. Not much was known about him, except that his adoptive father had sent him to Lake City from Gotham for some unknown reason, however he was an all-A student and most of the teachers enjoyed teaching him because of his polite and proper manner, and no one really asked about his past because of the piercing look in his eye whenever someone mentioned it. Dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, he ruffled through his spiky hair, and looked at the quickly filling corridors with his sharp blue eyes.

A passing freshman dropped her book as she walked through the bustling hallways, and Dick politely bent over, picked it up and handed it to her. The freshman blushed, "Thanks..." she muttered, before scurrying away.

"How do you do that?" blurted out Gar.

"Do what?"

"Make any girl in the entire frickin' school go goo-goo eyes when you even look at them."

"I'm just lucky I guess."

"Typical. You get girls, and I just get odd looks."

"You dated that Terra girl didn't you?"

"You know that didn't work out. And she left anyway. Had to go off with her 'father'."

They reached their dorm room. Dick slid in the key and they walked in. A bird call whistled out from one of the cupboards.

"Gar. You didn't sneak in more pets, did you?"

Gar opened the cupboard door to reveal a bird cage with three yellow and white budgies inside. "So what if I did?"

"You know it's against regulations."

"Oh, they won't hurt anybody," Gar said, feeding them a few drops of birdseed.

Dick smiled. Garfield Logan (or 'Gar') was an odd boy. His parents were most famous biologists, and their love for animals had passed onto him. He was a hardcore vegan, and he was often found sneaking animals into the school, which often got him into trouble with teachers, and the fact that he was the class clown did not help those relationships. However, he was very fond of the biology teacher, Dr. Register, and that was the only subject he really did well in. He even beat Dick in that class. He wore baggy cargo pants, with a t-shirt with shark emblem on it. He also wore a necklace, composed of various teeth from animals. His hair was like a jungle itself, a royal mess, and his eyes were as deep as the trees within a jungle. He always said he wanted to dye his hair green, but he'd never done it. Too much of a chicken, said Dick, which Gar constantly denied.

Gar replaced the budgie's water bottle, then said: "Where's Big V?"

"Football game remember? Against Smallville High? C'mon, grab your book. We'll be late for Math."

Gar sighed, grabbed his book and hurried out of the room. At approximately the same time, a tallish girl, dressed in a black knee-length skirt with a black top and black boots, walked out of the room next to theirs and shut the door, two books and a key in hand. She was pretty, but her grim attitude overshadowed that fact. Her eyes were a deep indigo as was her hair.. Everyone assumed they weren't natural, just freaky contact lenses and some hair dye. But, like Dick, she was mysterious. No-one knew anything about her except that she moved here a few weeks ago, hadn't made any friends, and had her own room because everywhere else was full. She tried to keep all her books balanced as she locked the door, but it went awry and both of the books fell to the floor.

Gar waited for Dick to bend over and picked up the books, but got a sharp elbow in the rib. "Your one," whispered Dick sharply as he turned to lock his door.

Gar bent over and picked up both the books, and handed them both to the girl as she finished locking the door.

"Thanks," she said in a drab monotone.

Gar was silent but then received another sharp elbow from Dick.

"It's Raven, right? I'm Gar, and this is Dick," said Gar nervously. Dick muttered a hello from behind.

"I know who you are," she said in the same monotone, before turning and walking off.

"Well, that went well," said Gar. "Bet you'd have her licking your boots clean by now."

"Shut up. Anyway, I wouldn't steal my best friend's girl."

"She ain't my... or Vic's... girl."

"C'mon. You've had a thing for her for ages."

"How do you know?"

"Figured it out about two days after she arrived," and he stalked off to class.

Gar scowled, then realized he was alone and hurried to catch up with Dick.


OK. I realize it moves pretty slow at first because I have to introduce the characters. It gets good soon! I promise!
Next: - Meet Victor Stone