
Rated "C" for the clichéd plot. Rated "F" for the fluffiness. And, finally, it ain't rated "R" for nothing, ya know. Ooh, lah, lah…! O.o


This is for my reviewers and the other people who read my fic but don't want others to know they read romantic smut. lolol You know who you are. :winks: BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA


A D.N.Angel Side Story


Out of the Snow

By Orion Velvet

Chapter 2


Thirty minutes was all it took. Thirty minutes of locating a bed of straw at the corner from which she dragged it in front of the fireplace. Thirty minutes of dragging dusty logs the size of a man's forearm to the fireplace. Thirty minutes of having to figure out how to light it without a match, then come to find a small group of matches scattered above the fireplace. Thirty minutes of thinking of ways to not have to take his clothes off.

She thought of placing him close to the warmth of the fire to let his clothes dry, but his very pale face scared that idea from her head. Did she really have to take his clothes off? What if he wakes up? What'll he do then? Think of her as some female pervert?! Then, as some kind of mental reprieve, she heard a faint cough and a small wheeze afterwards. She turned around with relief filling her eyes.

"Hiwatari kun! I'm so glad you're awake! You scared me half to death! Falling in that snow isn't healthy, you know. Maybe you should…Hiwatari kun?"

He didn't reply to her prattling. He lay still, but occasionally, he'd roll his head from one side to the other, mumbling words of confusion.

Risa moved closer to him and repeated his name. "Hiwatari kun…?" She placed her hand on his forehead. 'He's got a fever!' She moved her palm toward his cheek. He reacted and pressed closer to her hand. Her forehead wrinkled in newfound worry and she knew she had to do something.


She sat with her back turned to the now half-naked Satoshi lying in the bed of straw and a stiff, itchy, green blanket covering him that's seen better days. She left his boxers on, but the memory of having to strip his clothes left her as red as a fire engine.

'It was nothing, Risa. It's just Hiwatari kun—the biggest nerd in the whole school. He's not that good-looking. Besides, just think of it as…as…nothing.'

But in the back of her mind, she couldn't ignore the feeling she felt as her hands accidentally brushed against his arm muscles…and his well-defined chest…and…and…

She shook her head violently. 'Think of Dark san! Dark san—the most delicious hunk in the whole galaxy…'

…his lean body glowing in the soft, warm light of the fire…

'Just think of it as being nothing! It never happened. This whole day never happened. And when it stops snowing, you can go find the others and before you know it, you'll be back home, having hot chocolate with whipped cream on top…'

She sat in the corner close to the fireplace with her clothes becoming soaking wet. Even her padded gloves were becoming drenched with melted snow. Risa knew she had to get out of her clothes, as well, but being naked in the same room with a naked boy was quickly removed from her mind. It wasn't just any boy. It was Satoshi Hiwatari. She turned around in her spot and rested her gaze on his face.

He looked much better without that trademark scowl or glare he usually had on. He stopped tossing and turning and seemed to be at rest, now—more peaceful-like. Maybe he was dreaming…

She wondered why Satoshi was always…bitter. She knew better than to take that calm, aloof façade that he always wore at face-value. She didn't know why, but she guessed it was probably a woman's intuition. Not that she was a woman, herself… However, she could always feel emotions that people hid from the world.

Risa's eyelids involuntarily wavered a bit and closed. Exhausted? That was the understatement of her life.

'I wonder…what he's dreaming of…'


Satoshi woke up a bit disoriented. Opening his eyes to a darker setting was something that he minded waking up to. He sat up quickly and unknowingly threw the blanket aside. When he felt the cold batter at his exposed skin, he realized he had been undressed and threw the blanket back on himself.

'Where am I?' He looked around a bit and observed a few things. He was in a small room lying close to a dying fire, there was a big lump right next to the fireplace, he was half-naked underneath a very itchy blanket that's seen better days on a bed of straws that poked at his defenseless body every time he moved, and his clothes were out of reach, next to the fireplace obviously drying.

His head reeled a bit from having woken up from a good dream into the cold, real world. It was the best dream to say the least—very comforting. …That would be the last time to ever have a dream instead of a nightmare for once.

To his left, he heard a shifting sound. Could it have come from the big lumpy object? He saw it shift again. Then he saw brown hair. Then a sleeping face—was that Harada san?

It was. Her face was barely visible in the dying light of the flames. He understood. It was she that did all this.

Now, how was he going to thank her? Never in all his life did he display his weak side to anyone except for Krad, but that was an entirely different matter when the demon was the cause of him being weak.

It's no big deal to say two words, right? Just two small words. Two very miniscule words of thanks. He felt the words form in his mouth, but getting it out was a little too hard for the blue-haired boy. Finally, with his voice cracking, he whispered, "Ha…Harada san…" Again, he heard the familiar shifting of her big jacket.

Risa lifted her head at a small sound. Did he just say something? She saw him sitting up, clutching the blanket. She gave a faint smile when she thought she saw his cheeks no longer pale, but had a twinge of color…or was she hallucinating?

"Hiwatari kun…" she began weakly, "I'm glad…you're okay…" The whole room swirled a bit, and then everything went black.

"Harada san!" He leapt to his feet with the blanket still around his shoulders when she fell to the floor. His hand became wet when he barely touched her jacket. 'Was she... the whole time she was… in these wet clothes?' His mind became frantic—unusual for the cool-headed one. She was indeed very foolish. Her breathing became shallow and her forehead was damp, despite the cold, either from her wet clothes or from sweating. He felt her cheeks and was very hot in contrast to her frozen clothing.

He couldn't just leave her like that…not after all she had done…


AN: Ahh, poopy. I think I just wanted to get through with this part. My head's spinning from trying to come up with anything. I guess I'm just not cut out to write romantic smut. What do you peoples think? lol

But really and truly, I love Satoshi and Risa pairings. It's kinda cute. Too bad I can't really capture it. XP