Blood Red Eyes

Disclaimer: Naruto could squish my insignificant body with its greatness, therefore I don't own it.

Author's note: It's been so long since I wrote a fan fiction. I got the urge when I started reading them again. Just to let everyone know, all the documents of my other fan fictions were lost so I'm sorry, but I can't continue them. Evil computer. I've learned more about Naruto so hopefully, I'll get everything right this time. Wish me luck!!!

The sun shone through the window, like beads of glass. Sakura yawned and stretched; the same ritual she did every morning. As usual, the first thought that crossed her mind was 'what will Kakashi-sensei make us do today?' followed by As she ran her fingers through her pink hair, her mother called from downstairs. Sakura groaned. No matter how many mornings passed, her mom was always yelling for her to come down.

"Sakura! Come downstairs! You have a visitor!"

Sakura's green eyes opened a little in surprise. It wasn't often that she got visitors this early, especially since all her friends were usually busy on missions. Hinata was currently away on a mission, Ino was busy at her flower shop, and Rock Lee would be training. Sakura casually walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. What she observed almost made her pass out.

"S….Sasuke-kun…..?" Sakura whispered. She could hardly believe her own words, but there he was; the guy she had fallen in love with as soon as she had laid eyes on him. His black hair hung loosely over his hitai-ate leaf band and his face was flushed as if he had been running. His dark eyes slowly focused on her. Hot blush spread across Sakura's face. Had he run all the way to her house, just to greet her or walk with her to the bridge? It was too good to be true. Her mother stopped talking to Sasuke and turned around to face Sakura.

"Ohayo, Sakura. This boy—EH!!! SAKURA!!! GET SOME CLOTHES ON!!!"

Sakura stared at her mom in surprise for a touch, and then glanced down her own body. To her horror, she found she was still in her pajamas. The oversized T-shirt she was wearing hung over her breasts loosely, overlapping along the curves of her waist. As she looked further, she realized that the T-shirt wasn't long enough to cover her underwear! The teddy bear printed lingerie peaked from under the hem of the shirt. Sakura gave a small squeak and bolted up the stairs.

When she got to her room, Sakura flopped back down on the bed, sweating with embarrassment.

He…he saw me…..omigod….he saw me….

Sakura reluctantly stripped herself of her shirt and began dressing in her normal clothes. As she looked back, blushing horribly, she realized something. Her eyes smiled and even her "inner self" couldn't disagree. Sasuke had BLUSHED when he had seen her. Like a gentleman, he had turned away, but he had blushed.

He is so shy……even though I only got to see him for a minute, it was enough….he blushed….he came over to see me….maybe he….likes…me?

Sakura squealed joyfully and hugged her hitai-ate leaf band.


The exasperated voice of her mother stopped Sakura's ranting. "Really, Sakura. Quiet down. I can't believe you actually came downstairs indecent like you did."

Sakura rolled her eyes, then faced her mom, straightening out her skirt as she did. "I'm sorry….I didn't know Sasuke-kun would be there."

Sakura's mom glanced to the side. "Well, he's gone now. He left right after you went upstairs. Is he someone from your team?"

Sakura nodded, disappointed that Sasuke had left, but flattered that he had come to see her. "Well, I have to get going. Ja ne."

"Your lunch is on the table!" Sakura's mom yelled. As she passed the table, Sakura picked up her lunch, wrapped in the usual blue scarf. Even without looking in it, Sakura knew it contained rice, curry, and two small sausages cut to form octopuses. Sighing, Sakura left her house, wishing that her life would change.

When Sakura reached the bridge, the usual meeting spot for her teammates, no one was there. 'But….Sasuke should be here. He was ready even before me,' thought Sakura, blushing at the incident.


Someone's hands covered Sakura's eyes.


Sakura mumbled, "Naruto….," then shoved him off. "Naruto, that joke is getting old. Grow up!" Though Sakura acted exasperated, she was grateful that at least someone was there to keep her company. Naruto's eyes pulled back in one of his huge grins, stretching the slash-like marks on his cheeks. Rubbing the back of his head with his hand, Naruto played with the collar of his orange jacket.

"Ano sa, ano sa! Where's that jerk, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, looking around.

"I don't know" Sakura answered.

After an hour or so of boring chitchat, Kakashi finally appeared.

"Right on time, eh?" Sakura murmured sarcastically.

Kakashi smiled beneath his mask and told the excuse he had been using all week. "Ohayo, Minna-san! I got a little sidetracked on the road of life."

Sakura and Naruto yelled in unison, "OI! THINK OF A BETTER EXCUSE!"

Kakashi jumped down and looked around, "Sasuke-kun isn't here? That's odd."

"No…I'm here"

Sakura turned around to see Sasuke standing there.

"AH HAH HAH HAH!!! You're late, Sasuke!" Naruto laughed, pointing. Sasuke chose to ignore him.

"Where were you? It's not like you to be late," Kakashi pointed out.

"My own business. What's our mission to today?" Sasuke looked down at his shurikan pouch.

As Sasuke's hair brushed downwards as he lowered his head, Sakura noticed something on his cheek.

A scratch. Deep with red stains around it, as if blood had been wiped away from it. One thing was for sure, the cut hadn't been on Sasuke's cheek that morning.

"Sasuke-kun…!" Sakura started, but Sasuke looked at her. Though she couldn't comprehend his emotions, his face was enough to make her stop talking. What had happened to Sasuke?

Nan: Well…it's been awhile…but yeah…I'm hoping that this chapter was okay. I will force myself to write more so I should have an update soon. Ja ne!