Steven woke up to see the light of dawn. He wasn't in a three foot deep grave, but his own bed. He looked around- no traces of Liza trotting around, PDA in the same spot as when he went to sleep. He walked to the kitchen- no mess from Wattson. "What was last night, it felt like an eternity…." He drowsily tied a silver bathrobe around himself and walked to the Pokemon Center. "Are my Pokemon ready?"

Nurse Joy smiled at the master. "Yep! They're ready for this busy day!" She handed Steven his balls and bowed. "And Merry Christmas!"

"…It's still Christmas?" Steven was puzzled.

Joy gave the Steel trainer a strange look. "Are you okay?"

"Okay?" Steven announced, "I've never felt better! The spirits did it all in one night!" He spun around and almost danced to the door.

"Mr. Stone! You can't go out like that!"

Steven paused. "You're absolutely right! Could I have my belt?" He took the belt and wrapped it around his robe and skipped out.

"Yes… spirits…" Joy sighed. "I think Lord Stone needs a vacation…"

Steven ran into Brendan in Lilycove. "Ah, just the lad I wanted to see!"

"What?" Brendan cocked his head. "I mean… good morning Steven!"

"Is the invitation still open today for dinner?"

"…Sure!" The young trainer smiled. "Just come by around two!"

"I'll be there!" He waved as he bumped into Roxanne, glaring as she always is around Steven. "Ah! I was hoping to see you!"

Roxanne just glared, as Brawly tried to draw attention away from her. "So, are you sure you're going to be a bummer and not donate?"

"No." Steven smiled. "Is fifty thousand good?"

"Steven?" The Rock master questioned.

"One hundred fifty thousand." He raised.

"…" Roxanne was speechless.

"Three hundred thousand and that's my final offer!" The Steel master loaded the two with bills.

"That's totally tubular, Steven…" Brawly cheered. "But it's a bummer that we don't have anything to give you…"

"Wait." Roxanne untied her silk ribbon, letting her hair fall down, and gave it to Steven. "Have this."

Steven smiled as he wrapped it around him like a scarf. "Have a merry Christmas, and I'll see you this afternoon!" He skipped off again.

At last, he came to Wallace's home. He banged on the door and made himself fierce. "Wallace!"

The Water master cowered under his boss' presence. "Yes, Steven?"

"What did I say about you taking the day off?"

"Be ready for a quick Overheat, Torkoral." Flannery warned.

"I believe I said the morning only."

"Sir, it's only nine." Wallace noted.

"Wallace, I have no choice than to do this…" Steven reached into his robe.

"What?" The two stared.

Steven retrieved a piece of paper and placed it on the table. "I want you to take care of Hoenn for me, I've been working too hard. Just sign here and you'll be in complete control of this whole region."

"You mean it?" Wallace looked wide-eyed.

"Sign it now, before I change my mind." Steven glared. "Now about that little bird you're planning on eating…" He pulled out of his pack a healthy sized bird. "This may be a little more fitting." He bowed and skipped off again.

"I think he's snapped." Flannery sighed.

"Definitely." The Water master nodded. "But he's Kanto's problem now."

And so the day passed. Everyone was shocked with Steven's change of heart. In fact; even President Stone, his own father, didn't recognize him at first. It was a while after New Years that he left with a large party begging him to come and visit.

Wallace was now busy with his new job that he had to ask an old friend to fill in on his Gym. With the cool-headed and warm-hearted Water master behind the region, it rose to new heights. This is not to say that Johto and Kanto did not benefit from this arrangement, Steven brought the twin regions up to a height as well.

As for poor Wally, he was fortunate enough to live. Steven planted a few grants, and Wallace imported the technology to allow him a full recovery. He now stands as the third most powerful trainer in Hoenn, Brendan and May constantly fighting for first. More importantly, he has gained respect as a powerful Psychic master and has been seen training with Tate and Liza; in fact, supposedly there's a trip for those three to meet with Will of the Johto Elite Four and Sabrina the Gym Leader of Saffron to enter the Cerulean Cave… The last place the twin's father was seen…

In this wonderful season, we must remember that a little warmth and kindness may make all the difference. Hey- a smile or a laugh may even save a life. There is only one more thing to be said at a moment like this…

Happy Holidays