Disclaimer: I do not own the characters portrayed in this story. They belong to The Pokemon Company. To my good fortune, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is public domain. Oh… And once again I am demonizing Steven, but Steel trainers make for such perfect cold archetypes…


Lance was dead to begin with. Steven, Lance's old partner, had taken full command of his share. Steven's influence had now swelled to include three fourths of the civilized world, but he frowned each time he looked west to Orre. Steven had only one love in the world now, and that love was power. He skulked into his main office to find Wallace, who served as his admin and book keeper, huddled over the stove. "Feeling a bit cold, Wallace?" He gave a sharp look.

"It's just that today is so cold." Wallace whined. "Are you sure that we can't toss another measly coal on the fire?"

Steven gave a glare that would scare a Tyrannitar. "Do you know how much coal costs? Anyways, you're a water trainer, right?"

Wallace stopped. "Well, yes…"

"And water types get half damage from ice, right?" Wallace nodded dumbly. "So stop complaining and get to work!" Wallace scampered to his desk. "That's better." He turned to his office as a knock on the door was heard. "Yes?"

A young lad dressed in black and red wearing a white ski cap busted in holding a wreath in his gloved hands. "Merry Christmas, Steven!" He gave Steven a friendly hug (Merry Christmas, Mr/Ms. Shotocon, this is the only time you'll see that in my fics).

Steven produced a crowbar and pried the young trainer off his person. "Bah! Such sentiments could be considered weak in certain areas, Brendan."

"Gee, never thought about that… Good thing we're in Hoenn and not there!" He smiled. "Anyways, I wanted to invite you for Christmas Dinner."

"Really, Are you having Farfetch'd?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Brendan cocked his head.

"Candied berries?"


"And ham?"

"Yeah! So, will you come?"

"Let me think… How about…" The young trainer leaned in. "NO! Now out with you!" Steven grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and the seat of his pants and threw him like a sack of meat. He looked down to see the green decoration. "And take your wreath with you!" He hurled the thing like a frisbee.

Not to be one to be stopped that easily, Brendan rushed in and hung the thing. "Merry Christmas!" He called as he retreated.

A vein was apparent on Steven's forehead. "Well, you have to admire him for his determination… even if it embarks on annoying." Another knock was heard. "As I said." He opened the door to show Roxanne and Brawly standing with a tin.

Roxanne spoke up. "Good afternoon, at this time of year one's heart usually turns in kindness to those who do not have such good fortunes. Would you be willing to make a donation for the poor?"

Steven put on a twisted smile. "Each Gym still gives out Pokemon, right? And there is no charge therein?"

"Sure, dude…" Brawly started, "But there are people who are not capable of the travels that it entails. That's why we're doing this."

"Well then…" Steven thought. "How about those shelters we have?"

Roxanne was shocked. "But… The poor would rather be thrown to the Absol than live there!"

Steven shot up. "Then they should do so! There's already too many people, it's laws of nature."

"Well, tough luck here…" Brawly shrugged, "Let's go to the next building, Rox." He tried to guide her away, but failed.

Roxanne stared into Steven's grey eyes. "You are a cold-hearted beast. May every poor soul that dies this season be added to your fate."

"Woah! Take a chill pill, girl!"

"Come on, Brawly." Roxanne spat. "We have no further business here."

"But do take this." Steven threw the wreath onto one of Roxanne's pig tails as she left. "Bah, humbug!"

Time passed as Wallace started to close up. "Umm… Steven?"

"Yes?" The Steel trainer glared.

"Well, tomorrow is Christmas… So I was wondering if I could have the morning off."

Steven's eyes almost shattered Wallace's heart. "To spend with your family, I presume? Sure. You can have it."

"Thank you sir!"

"You'd be worthless here anyways, moping about… But don't expect new years."

"I won't even think about it!"

"Good, you can leave now."