The Greatest Swordfighter by ayamedances (which is me!!) is a second story I done. My first one was real bad, maybe cuz I was careless, and not took the time to look over my story, or something else… BUT I worked hard on this one (thanx ppl for giving comments on my first one cuz it really helped me on my new story!!) And I hope this story is a good one!

Main Characters are: Roy, Lilina, Nino, Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, Florina, and Yoritomo (not a Fire Emblem character, but my own) so let's begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem, only the plot!

Chapter one: Promises

Roy smiled as he walked onto the school campus. His red, firey hair bouncing up and

down as he walked, his blue eyes sparkling as he smiled at everyone he knew in the sixth

grade. He was in Junior High School now and his blue headband with a star in the center

on his forehead still lived since last year. Roy is not too tall (like five feet, seven inches)

but not as short (like four feet) but like five foot three. He wore a blue coat over his body

to keep himself warm from the autumn weather. Roy walked towards the school building,

waiting for a friend of his to get here on the side of the school, so they could go together

in their special class to get their schedules, so they would know how many classes they would have together. He got

there, he waited for awhile, and greeting people as they passed him and that was then

until he heard a female's voice calling his name, a few minutes later.

"Roy! Roy!"

"Huh?" said Roy as he turned to see who was calling his name. Then through the crowd,

he saw Lilina, his childhood friend, who has long violet hair, her eyes sparkling purple, a

red headband to keep her hair in place, and wore a red coat whose face is shy like,

running towards him. Roy smiled and waved towards her. Lilina finally caught up to

Roy, then parked herself right in front of him. She looked straight at Roy's blue eyes:

"Roy! Where on earth have you been?! I thought you made a promise to me that you will meet me under that pine tree," Lilina said as she pointed across the grass on the side of their school, "And it seems that you have broken it!!"

"Huh?" asked Roy, "What promise? I mean like I don't remember anything last year, I think," he looked at Lilina who was still looking deeper in his eyes to see if he could find the answer himself. Roy began to think even harder, and then he finally said.

"I don't."

"What?" cried Lilina, and then she began to giggle, "C'mon Roy! I'm not going say anything until you figure it out." She looked at Roy, "I…I know that you will remember. I know because it was you who agreed, Roy. Just keep thinking."

Roy dug hard in his head for awhile, until Lilina hesitated:

"Alright, alright!" Lilina said, giggling, "Here. I'll give you a clue. It happened on the last day of school last year when we both walked passed this school."

Lilina smiled at Roy and her smiled grew a lot bigger when he said:

"That's right!" Roy looked at Lilina who began to hug him. Roy blushed, but he didn't let it show. Then Lilina let him go as he continued, "Yea, I remember…"

(This means flashback!) --

"Wow Roy!" shouted Lilina as they left their sixth grade class, walking out the doors, "We're going to be in Junior High soon!"

Roy looked at Lilina and smiled, "Yep! Imagine us being way taller and older than the kids here! Hey look!" he shouted to Lilina as he pointed at the Junior High School that is across the street of their grade school, "Look at that! I've never seen that tree before!" Lilina began to giggle, "Roy! How can you not see that?!" as they crossed the street to examine the tree, "I've seen that old pine tree since ever!"

"Really?" asked Roy as both him and Lilina went through the school gates and stepped into the tree's shadow. There they rested.

"Just joking!" smiled Lilina as she looked up at the tree.

It was so pretty with little pinecones, being ready to grow bigger, the branches hanging low, low enough for Lilina to smell the sweet pine leaves.

"Ooh! I love this tree! It's so pretty and it smells so good!" Lilina looked at Roy, "So, what do you think about this tree?"

Roy looked at Lilina then the pine tree. Sure it smells great and looks real pretty, but the only thing he really liked this tree was the shade. Then he turned to Lilina, "Yea, I agree…"

Lilina looked at Roy who began to touch the pine leaves. Then she looked at this wonderful pine tree that she asked, "Roy?"

Roy let go the branch of pine leaves and answered, "Yes?"

Lilina came up to him, "Roy, you and I, we almost have everything in common," she rested her hand on the bark of the pine tree, "and so, I was just wondering if, by any chance," she looked into Roy's eyes, "that you would like to keep a promise…"

Roy looked at her, "Sure Lilina, anything to make you happy."

Lilina smiled, "Well, when we get to this school, I…I want to, um, see the person who has been so kind and wonderful, and, um, so I was just thinking that I want to see you first Roy…"

She came up to Roy and lifted her right pinky up. "Promise me that on the first day of school, you will come here."

Roy looked at Lilina and smiled as he lifted his pinky, "I promise."

Roy looked at Lilina and began to shake his head, "Oh! Now I remember! I'm sorry! I must've been caught up in the summer vacation that I forgot!!"

Lilina smiled, "No problem. At least I saw and talking to you first. Now that's what I really wanted to do!"

Roy looked at Lilina, then he placed his hands over his face, "Still, I can't believe that I forgot the whole thing!"

Lilina was about to speak, until the bell rang.


"Huh?" Roy asked, "Already?!"

"It doesn't matter!" laughed Lilina. Then she grabbed his hand, "Come on! Let's get our schedule fast so we won't get all crammed up in the crowd!"

"Alright." Roy and Lilina ran to their classroom before the other kids arrived.

So how's chapter 1? Was it bad? Good? Interesting? Plz let me no!!