Disclaimer: Do not own Cowboy Bebop… I know such a shame...hehe

A/n-Kind of a different kind of story I decided to write. I know ones of been like this before but I SWEAR its going to be much different. I plan on making really dramatic and a romance that um can't really be but you know plans never go as planned. Please review and tell me what you think. Thanks! K totally messed up the first and second chapters so I'm trying to fix it!

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Unwanted Bargains

"What? You're kidding right?" Spike couldn't help but laugh at what he was hearing. This was all to cliché. What with him dying and then finding himself in a little white box, about the size of a closet with some kind of angel figure in front of him. Of course the angel figure was just as typical as the white closet, wearing a white gown with long golden hair and white heavenly eyes. Her voice was like, well like angels. This isn't what Spike wanted his heaven to be like. He wanted his big screen television, lots of beer and cigarettes and lots of food. He wanted to be able to see Vicious burning in hell. Most of all he wanted his Julia next to him, not this imposter who is trying to condemn him back to earth to help the last person he wanted to see in his after life, Faye.

"So are you ready to go?" the angel practically sang out in her oh so holy voice.

"I rather burn in hell then go help the wench." He spat out while searching in all his pockets for his cigarette.

"I know you don't mean that." She now spoke as if she were a child scolding a young child for saying something outrageous. Spike cringed at her voice, he knew she was right. He didn't hate Faye, just didn't want to spend his after life with her, he wanted his Julia.

"Let's say I decide to go help her instead of taking that trip to hell. What do I get out of it?" questioned while arching a brow. He had given up searching for his cigarettes which he needed right now.

"Why your whole life from where you met Faye will be different because she would of died long ago." The angel smiled as she spoke.

"Wait a damn minute. That doesn't sound like I'm helping her very well then. I mean if she's dead and all." He said while eye this supposedly angel who was asking him to give up his after life with, Julia, and go kill his comrade, Faye. Spike thought this was one twisted angel. But she was offering him a deal where he and Julia would still be alive and maybe together.

"Don't be silly. She will live along full life during her lifetime and you on yours." She said while patting him on the back. Spike swatted her hands away.

"Don't touch me. And how do I know she wants that? I mean maybe she's happy the way she is?" Spike asked, staring down at the ground. There was something wrong with the deal, he just wasn't to sure what exactly.

"Spike you know better then that. She's miserable. She has a massive debt, no family, and just barely getting her memory back. Plus now she's losing you. That could devastate her, you know?" she said, still cheerful and smiley while still seeming concern.

Spike thought about this for while. This wasn't just his life he was messing with. It was Faye's life too. He didn't want to make it any worse for her.

"Fine, but she you promise she will live a full life, right?" he asked. He figured he really had no other option. The angel nodded her head 'yes' to his question.

"Are you now?" she asked cheerfully. She opened up a door from the side of the closet and started pushing Spike towards it.

"Wa-wait! One more thing." Spike said with his hands gripping the side of the door and his feet spread wide, to keep him from him going all the way out the door.

"Yes?" the angel asked still sound pleasant buts lightly irritated.

"Will Faye remember me?" he asked, slightly hoping she would.

"No, how could she. But you will remember her. You will remember everything. Things that happen on earth during your first life and your brief experience in heaven. You'll remember everything." She said with a smile before shoving Spike out the white, heavenly closet and letting him free fall down to earth.


That was like just an introduction. Please review and tell me what you think. Is it just stupid? I've never really tried to write a story like this. Otay thanks! Bye bye