Of Phantoms And Phantom Thieves Edited Version

Chapter 1: Agency Hauntings


"I'll get it!" Mouri Ran called out to the rest of the household. Not that it mattered much since the only other being there that was actually capable of opening the door was sprawled out on his bed sleeping off a hangover. And Conan, or as she'd learnt was Shinichi, all details put aside, was too short to reach the doorknob without using large amounts of effort on his part.

And there was always the fact that the irrelevant woman that was waiting at the door would've been quite horrified, if not confused, at the door opening on it's own. But, that was all understandable.

"Welcome to the Mouri Detective Agency! How can I help you?" Quipped Ran, as she'd had to repeat that phrase often as of late.

"Um... Is this the place with the room for rent?" Irrelevant woman, wearing a windbreaker and jogging pants, asked politely.

Ran froze for a moment, blinked, then stared. "No, we don't have a room for rent. What gave you that impression?" She asked confusedly.

Irrelevant woman then proceeded to pull a flyer out of the jacket of her coat. "This did. It was pinned up in front of the corner store."

Conan, or Kudo, sweat dropped from his place of standing idly in the hallway entrance. 'I know what this is about.' He chuckled to himself. 'This is going to be quite entertaining!'

"Mou, let me see that." Irrelevant woman handed Ran the paper. Ran quickly scanned the note and turned red with outrage. She politely told irrelevant woman that there wasn't any room here and proceeded to scribble down an address where irrelevant woman could find one. The irrelevant woman thanked her and was on her way.

When irrelevant woman was out of sight not to mention hearing range, Ran let out an angered roar before charging into her Otou-san's room.

"Where-Where's the fire!!" Squawked Kogorou as he was tossed from his bed.

"I-I just can't believe you!!" Yelled Ran. Kogorou's eyes grew huge and he shrank away from his enraged female offspring. "How dare you try to rent away Shinichi's room again!" She shrieked.

"Well it's not my fault the pipsqueaks gone Ran! We need to pay the bills somehow!"

This only added fuel to the fire.

"He is NOT Otou-san! You know this, I know this, Heiji knows this and that imp Kaito knows this! You are out numbered trying to prove something that is false!! Give it UP!" Ran then abruptly stalked out of the room. Kogorou was just beginning to relax when Ran ran in with a pale of water and dumped it on him. "And no more liquor!" She then stormed back out of the room.

Kogorou's eye's widened and he gulped.

"Wow. You've really done it this time 'Oji-san'." Shinichi chided mockingly from the doorway. "Why on earth would you try to rent out my room when it hasn't worked the last twelve times you've tried it?" He grinned.

"Quiet you. You should go back to your own house you know that." He groused knowing it was a loosing battle.

"Aww... I don't want to live in a haunted house." Shinichi's grinned widened.

"Brat. I don't care what size or form you are, you are still a brat to me."

"But, you love me anyways, right?"

All he got for a reply was a book soaring across the room at his head.

It hit him.

Or should have. However, it merely landed on the ground, which previously had a person standing there.

"Stupid brat ghosts. Why's he got to haunt my house? Humph." With that Kogorou went back to sleep, not caring about his soggy clothes or the snickering that followed a young not-boy down the hall. He tried to ignore the child-like voice asking Ran how the heck he'd had an actual copy of 'War and Peace' in his room.


The doorbell rang for the second time that day. This time, however, they knew who it was behind the door and Kudo/Conan was permitted to answer it.

Sonoko looked at the door oddly for a moment as it swung open without the slightest hint as to how it had done it on it's own. The she smiled and walked in. The door shut behind her and she turned towards it at once.

"Good morning, Chibi-chan." She snickered.

The small boy grew visible in a moment's time and gave Sonoko a dry look. "Whatever happened to the ever-so-thoughtful 'Kudo-kun' I used to get from you, ne?"

"It shrunk."

"Ha. Funny. Not."

Sonoko shrugged and sat down on the couch. "Where's Ran?"

"Upstairs." Shinichi answered idly as he trotted over to the desk and flipped through the mail.


"What?" He spared a glance at her from over the desk.

"You know the Kaitou Kid, right Chibi-chan."


"I want you to give him this!" Sonoko replied by pulling a gift-wrapped box from her purse.

"..................................Why, pray tell?"

"Because, he's so kawaii!!" She squealed.

"No. He's not. Besides, he already has a girlfriend."

"Yes! But, with my chocolate made full of my love I am sure to win him over!" Sonoko ranted determinedly.

"Yeeeeeaaaaah. Right. Well… you do that." Conan sweatdroped. He then continued sifting through the mail.

Sonoko frowned at the not-so-young not-boy. "You are not one who should be giving love advice baka Chibi-chan."

"Why not pray tell?"

"Well, for one your dead."

"Yeah, well I won't be once KID finds that stone of his." Research with Kaito had proven that the stone could revive human bodies as long as their souls remained and were willing. They believed this legend could be true. Kaito just had to find it.

"Secondly, you're seven."

"Details, details."

"Third, your whole family's made up of eccentrics."

"That's a low blow."

"Right, Chibi-chan." Sonoko then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.

Shinichi threw junk mail at her.

"Mou, quit it you two!"

"Ran!" Sonoko and Shinichi coursed simultaneously.

"Yes, now let's go or we're going to be late!" Ran said urging Sonoko along.

'She was waiting for you.' Thought Shinichi idly.

"Shinichi, we'll be back soon, shopping and all that lot. Bye!"

"Bye, Ran."

With that final farewell Ran and Sonoko left the Agency where Shinichi continued sorting his fan mail and such. Who knew one could receive so many letters! It was ridiculous.

Times like these made him really wish the world KNEW he was dead…


"Birthday?" Sonoko quipped. "Ah, that's right. It is about that time again, huh."

"Yeah, he's forgotten it, again. I don't know what to do with him sometimes." Ran sighed.

"Oh so that's why we're shopping, hmm?" Sonoko queried.

"Yeah. We can't throw him a kiddy party now so it'll be harder to pick out the supplies. However, I think this'll be good for him. He's been quite restless lately." Ran sighed again.

"Ah... Hey Ran?"


"Do you know who the Kaitou Kid is?" She asked waving the gift in front of her.

"Sonoko..." Ran sweat dropped.



Yes, Kaito will be in this a lot.

No, I don't know what'll happen next. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

No, I don't own Meitantei Conan or Magic Kaitou.

No, I don't know if this plot's been used before.

Notes Edited Version:

I was unhappy with the way the chapters were turning out so I went back and tied a few loose threads. I am very satisfied. Which means MORE CHAPTERS FOR YOU!!

And the moral of the chapter is… Ghost people get more fan mail than any of us.


We apologise for the error in last week's paper in which we stated that Mr Arnold Dogbody was a defective in the police force. We meant, of course, that Mr Dogbody is a detective in the police farce.
…Correction Notice in the Ely Standard, a British newspaper…

Hakuba: Oh bugger it all…