A/N: I left myself hanging. I had to write an epilogue.


Three years later………..


I stood up and clinked by glass, ready to make my toast.

"Everyone, can I have your attention please?" I shouted above the noise. "Attention please! This is a very serious moment!"

Everyone quieted down and I sighed dramatically.

"Okay," I said. "A man walks into a bar and…."

Everyone started laughing, so I trailed off. Aisha mock-kicked me in the butt.

"All right, I'm serious now," I said as the laughter died down. "But, the next part is very cheesy so I hope you all brought barf bags."

Everyone laughed again.

"Four years ago, Amy wanted to get me out of my office," I started off. "I was always working and since my last girlfriend, except this girl I was dreaming about."

I knew I was going to get into the details about my past life, so bit my tongue. Too much information, I thought. I didn't want anyone to think we're crazy.

"Anyways," I said. "Amy set us up and we hated each other. But, then we realized we had a lot more in common than we thought. In fact, look where we are now."

I turned towards Aisha.

"Aisha," I said. "The girl I've been dreaming about four years ago was you. It's always been you. I'm glad we've made it this far and I'm doubly glad that you married me. I love you very much and I always will."

A chorus of "awes" sounded throughout the room and Aisha stood up with tears in her eyes and kissed me.

"I'm not done, yet," I said through clenched teeth.

Aisha chuckled and sat down.

"So, here's to my wife," I said, raising my glass. "If she makes it through the night, I'll keep her."

Everyone laughed, including Aisha, and clinked glasses. Finally, Aisha stood up almost tripping over her veil.

"My turn!" Aisha said.

Everyone booed.

"Oh, you can sit through his, but not mine?" Aisha said.

This made everyone laugh.

"This'll be very short," she said. "To my Roderick, my better half. I've never found a more perfect man to spend the rest of my life with."

There were more "awes." I felt tears coming to my eyes. I hid my face so no one would see.

"Oh, and everyone," Aisha said. "Roderick's about to cry."

I felt all heads turn in my direction.

"Am not," I said, feeling my voice breaking.

Aisha laughed pulled me out of my seat and kissed me again.


Roderick and I finished our first dance as husband and wife when he cocked his head towards the exit. I hiked up the front of my white dress and followed him towards the Egyptian exhibit. We had our wedding in the Metropolitan museum near the fountain.

"Roderick, don't walk so fast!" I whined. "I'm in heels!"

"Take the heels off," Roderick replied.

"I don't want to take the heels off," I protested.

"Aisha, behave or you'll get no cake," Roderick joked.

We finally stopped at the tomb and I couldn't be more confused in my life.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"I don't believe you remember this place," Roderick said, pointing to the tomb.

"Yes, I do," I said.

I shuddered thinking about it. Starving to death………………struggling to breath………………holding Rorderick/Radames's body in my arms……………

"I don't want to think about it," I said. "Bad memories."

"I understand," Roderick said, taking out a little box. "Maybe this'll bring back better memories."

My breath caught in my throat when I saw what was in the box. It was my amulet. It wasn't just a copy. It was the amulet.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"I found it on ebay," Roderick answered.

"How did this get on ebay?" I asked.

"I was just surfing and this guy had a picture of it and I recognized it. I had it before you did, you know."

Speechless, I ran my fingers over the amulet examining its familiar beauty. It felt good to have it again. I figured it would be buried deep beneath the sands in Egypt or still in the tomb or even on display here. But, no. I was holding it.

"Thank you," I said, softly. "I wish I had something to give you in return."

"Just spending the rest of my life was all I wanted," Roderick said. "Back then and now."

I felt like I was going to cry. "Damnit, Roderick," I said. "How do you do it?"

Roderick chuckled and kissed me. We stood in front of the tomb, holding each other.

"I love you so much," I whispered.

"I love you, too," Roderick replied.

The End

A/N: GAH! IT NEVER COMES OUT THE WAY I WANT IT! Oh, well. I hope you enjoyed it. If you all like the song, "Broken" as much as you like Aida, you should check out my fanfic "Broken." It's a little sad, but I love the song, so if you at least want to "read" the song, be my guest. Until then, adios.