Bwahahaha! I'm back Its now close to my summer break so I have more time to write:Snickers: Let me go get Kai and Rei from their dressing rooms!
DPD- :calls into a back room: Kaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii! Reeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Kai- :comes from the back room looking sleepy and a bit deshelved: what is it now woman?
DPD- :glare: you've had a loooooong break now back to work.
Rei- :yawn: alright then… :walks back to the set:
DPD- here we go!
Chapter 4: Christmas Present
"I watched him die, Rei…" Kai cried into the neko-jin's shoulder. "He died in front of my eyes… and I did nothing…"
"It's not your fault, Kai. Don't blame your self" Rei whispered comforting words in Kai's ear. He held the Russian teen in his arms rocking him slightly. It hurt him so much to see Kai cry. "Don't think on the past all that matters now if the future… Our future Kai…"
Kai sniffled slightly wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his coat. "Rei…" he looked up eyes puffy and nose slightly pink both from the cold and his crying.
"Shh. Don't speak. Kai I know that it hurts you to think about it. But you must try to remember all the good times and the moments you shared with him. Only then can you truly move on. I'm sure he would want it that way," Rei placed a finger to Kai's lips.
Kai gave a nod and leaned into the cat like blader's strong embrace. This was all he really ever wanted but now… Now that he had it, it was questionable wither this was really what he had yearned for. He prayed to the highest powers that he would gain the love of Rei. But this was more than he ever imagined. Rei took all of Kai's sorrows and turned them into a feeling of euphoria.
Rei sang softly his voice washing over Kai like a stream of cool water. The Chinese teen felt Kai shift as if to better hear the music coming from him.
Kai turned to face him, his crimson eyes once more shining with tears threatening to fall down his pale cheeks. The dual haired Russian leaned into Rei pressing his lips against the other boys fleetingly before turning his head as if in embarrassment.
"Kai…" Rei whispered touching his captain's cheek and turning Kai's head to he was looking him in the eyes. The younger teen pulled Kai close kissing him softly at first.
The kiss turned from an innocent one into a one full of passion and love. All of their previous reservations flew from the two boys as they finally admitted to one another and themselves that they were one. Rei belong to Kai. Kai belonged to Rei. They were bound in the most dangerous of ways. To be bound in love opens your soul to every emotion that is possible. Yet the dangers of love never crossed the team mate's minds as they offered themselves up to one another.
Soon they broke away when the need for oxygen became too much for their systems. They panted still wrapped in the others arms. Kai was the first to speak.
"Rei, are you sure this is what you wanted? What you want? The others… might not approve and I don't want you risking rejection. Me, however, I'm used to the feeling." Kai muttered stroking Rei's hair.
"I'm sure. And you will be surprised at their reaction. They are just as much behind us in our relationship as they are when we are in the dish." Rei stood brushing the snow off of his clothes and holding out a hand for Kai.
Kai took the offered hand and pulled himself up, "What do you mean, Rei?"
"Well, if you must know, Max and Tyson have been dating for at least 2 years now. And the Chief has himself a boyfriend as well," Rei explained taking Kai's hand in his own.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? That would have made things so much easier for us…" Kai asked as they walked into the crowded streets still cuddled close to one another.
"I didn't think to. I always thought you would be the homophobic type. How ever there was always this light in your eyes when you would look at me or the others," Rei said casually as they walked into a café called 'Silver Hearts'. It was the local spot for couples to go hang out.
As they walked in and took a seat they noticed the café was filled heterosexual couples kissing or talking. However, if you looked into the dark corners, there were a few homosexuals cuddling.
Kai ordered them two coffees. He then turned to the clock and noticed it was 11:59. Just one more moment and it would be Christmas Day.
Rei noticed this and touched Kai's hand, He leaned forward. 5…4…3…2…1… Rei kissed Kai's silky lips but not before whispering, "Merry Christmas, Kai Hiwatari. Wo ai ni.(1)"
"Я люблю Вас(2), Rei Kon, for ever and always" Kai whispered.
1: Wo ai ni is Chinese for I love you
2: if you can see it, it says I love you is Russian… I don't know if it showed up tho… --'
That's the end. Wow the only story I've ever finished… Cool! But how do you like it? I tried to make it romantic. :sweat drop: where they to OOC? Well anyways read and review. OH! I have a request for any one with will step up to the challenge. Could anyone turn this into a comic and send it to me at duelistgurl01 yahoo .com (no spaces tho) Well good bye I much appreciate everything you all have said!