Note: I've revised the first 4 chapters of this story, so it might be helpful to go back and read it again. If you're reading this you might have to anyway since it's been 5 years.

A/N: at bottom

Pairings: Draco/Ginny Blaise/Ginny

Summary: Ginny wants a perfect world, a fairy tale to live in. But Ginny's world is dark and filled with a pain that no one would ever believe. Ginny wants a knight in shining armor, or a friend to depend on. But Ginny has no one to cry with, and her one savior has taken on a different role. But some one has decided that, what Ginny wants, she'll get. And she's about to live a dream.

Rating: R for a reason

Till Kingdom Come

"We have, approximately, one hour before our first class," Blaise said, smirking, as he threw the door to their room open. He grabbed Ginny's hand and dragged her inside, as she seemed to be looking at the door uncertainly.

"This is your room now too, angel," Draco said comfortingly as he went to stand behind Blaise, pulling the door closed and putting his arms securely around his waist. Blaise smiled as he leaned back into Draco, closing his eyes for a moment in contentment. Draco leaned down to whisper softly in Blaise's ear, making Blaise's smile widen.

Ginny smiled at the sight of them together. Not wanting to bother either of them, she went to lay on the bed, spreading herself out to see how much room she could take up. It certainly wasn't much; she felt confident that she could have rolled over twice, spread eagle, both ways without falling off. It was amazing—the differences between her old dorm room and this one. This was what it must have been like to grow up with money.

Draco lifted his head and let it rest on Blaise's shoulder. They stood, enjoying the view of Ginny, and holding each other. Things were changing so fast it was hard to keep up. They had only truly met Ginny last night, but already her presence felt like the same balm for Draco's soul that Blaise's did. Blaise untangled himself stealthily from Draco's arms, giving him a devious smile which Draco humored with a shake of his head, and crept towards Ginny's prone body. Once he was close enough, he pounced.

Ginny shrieked as Blaise landed right next to her, leaning over her and dragging his nose along her cheekbones, softly. He had to pull away shortly, though, as she couldn't seem to stop laughing.

Draco grinned from his place above them both, still standing. His stomach clenched up at the sight of them laughing. It was like a sense of euphoria had filled his insides, making them twist around wildly. The thought of all of them together just made him so happy. He couldn't remember ever feeling this happy.

Maybe it was the fact that they had survived breakfast unscathed, his housemates accepting Ginny easily into their group. Maybe it was that the trio was in trouble, or that Potter was currently unconscious. Maybe it was just because the two before him were smiling.

Draco laughed as Blaise lowered himself on top of Ginny to pin her down, letting his hands wander her sides to see if she was ticklish. It appeared she was as Ginny let out another burst of beautiful laughter and Draco's grin widened.

"Congratulations, angel. You have successfully been deemed worthy of Slytherin approval," Draco said, laying down on her right side and lacing his fingers through hers.

"You had already accepted me, I had nothing to worry about," Ginny said breathlessly.

Blaise grinned. "But they do honestly like you. Even though they respect us enough to put up with you otherwise, they are doing it by choice. Be proud of your accomplishment, not many can boast the fact." Blaise rolled himself off of Ginny and to her other side. He grabbed her other hand with his larger one.

Ginny sighed lethargically, laying her head down, weary from Blaise's tickling. It was so calming to be near these two boys. She smiled when Draco dropped a kiss to her collarbone, and let Blaise nuzzle the crook of her neck. She let her smile grow a little when she realized that Blaise had been successful in making her feel comfortable. She had been a little uneasy with just waltzing into their room, only having been there once before, and making herself comfortable. Their room was very different from any place in Gryffindor Tower.

"You're in the top of your class, are you not?" Draco asked, turning his head towards Ginny. She was beginning to realize that Draco was a business oriented person, while Blaise was more easy-going. It was a perfect balance, and Ginny was wondering where she would fit in.

"Yes, somewhere in the top five," Ginny answered honestly, letting her body relax completely beside him. She knew she wasn't number one, but she prided herself on staying as high as she was.

"You should have no problems with our studies then. The only difficulties presented are the things that you have yet to study that 7th year requires more in depth. We will help you, but I doubt you will struggle much," Blaise informed her, and Ginny could sense a note of pride in his voice. They believed she could do it.

"I doubt that Potter will be attending our first class with the Gryffindors, seeing as his condition has seemed to worsen. No matter, that gives you less stress on the matter, seeing as how your brother and his mudblood friend will most likely be absent as well. The more time you have to adjust before they can object, the better," Draco said, careful to keep his voice calm and soothing as he mentioned Harry Potter. The affect still made Ginny close her eyes tightly, but only for a moment, as she wanted to let Draco know she was still listening. She couldn't even bring herself to correct him on his term of Hermione.

Blaise had begun to stroke her hair gently.

"Our first class is with Gryffindor then?" Ginny asked. Draco squeezed her hand as a response, knowing that she was trying to ready herself.

"It's potions," Blaise said lightly.

Ginny let out a humorless laugh. She guessed that for them, the matter was not so important, but for her, it was entirely different. Snape had never liked her, or even approved of her. She was rather good at potion making, if she did say so herself, but he had held his misconceptions of her brother over her as well, making class a not so pleasant experience. It also didn't help that she was a Gryffindor.

"He will not trouble you, angel," Blaise said earnestly, "He knows you are now within the bounds of our house and so you will be treated as such. That is the way that his mind works; he created our rules. You will be protected from your classmates' scorn, should they choose to bestow it upon you."

Ginny closed her eyes, suddenly feeling bad for laughing as she had. Draco and Blaise had proved that they were willing to protect her, and it was obvious that she felt safer with them than she had felt anywhere else in her life. It was time for her to stop being afraid for herself. She would be strong for them and they would be strong for her. Ginny took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Thank you," she said sincerely, opening her eyes to gaze at Blaise and then to Draco. Blaise just leaned in to kiss her nose softly. She felt Draco squeeze her hand.

"Do you approve of the room?" Draco said, changing the subject tactfully.

Ginny noticed all the same, but kept her mouth shut, knowing that this subject would be broached again at a later time. "It's huge," Ginny stated, honestly. Draco let out a surprised laugh at her candor.

"Yes. It is. My father would never have a Malfoy sleep in anything but the best rooms," Draco replied lightly. Blaise rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at his lips. He obviously found Draco's pompousness endearing. Ginny was surprised to find that she did as well. It wasn't nearly as annoying as it had been before.

"Daddy loves you very much," Ginny said reassuringly, giving Draco a light pat on the shoulder. His eyes widened in disbelief and Blaise gave out a bark of highly amused laughter. One second she was lying in between the two boys and the next Ginny was in Blaise's arms and off the bed. Ginny shrieked in surprise as Draco had rolled to his knees in indignation at her comment. Blaise had moved them just in time to put room between them and Draco, who was beginning to look offended.

"Now, now love. We know Lucius is a very powerful, regal, masculine Malfoy. He would never stoop to outright doting. You must admit, though, this room is a reflection of his…strong devotion," Blaise grinned, first placating and then teasing. Suddenly Ginny didn't feel so safe anymore, fifteen feet away from Draco. Three seconds later Draco was on his feet, stalking towards them, his face a mask of deadly promise.

"Take it back. I won't have you disgracing the Malfoy name with words like love and devotion," Draco's voice was dark and his eyes were serious. Ginny suddenly began to wonder if they were still playing a game. She had meant her comment as a joke, which Blaise had apparently found funny but Draco had not. Blaise's grip around her tightened slightly and she saw Draco's eyes dart down to her body in Blaise's arms before going back to his face. Draco's eyes lost none of their promise, instead they seemed to darken with something else.

Ginny chanced a glance at Blaise's face, only to find that his eyes had lost their humor too. She felt as if she'd gotten herself caught in one of the traps the golden trio seemed to find themselves in every year—the kind where nothing was fun and games.

"Draco," Ginny started softly. He was moving closer to them slowly, his eyes glued to Blaise. His back was straight, his shoulders back, and Ginny couldn't help but notice the fact that he was walking with purpose.

Blaise snapped to attention at her voice, seeming to come to a conclusion. He began to set her down very slowly, not making any sudden movements. Ginny felt her feet touch the ground, but her nerves were so jumbled she couldn't catch her balance. She grabbed the front of Blaise's shirt haphazardly to steady herself, her eyes still glued to Draco whose eyes were glued to Blaise.

Instead of finding her balance, Ginny was suddenly whirled around. Blaise's hand found her hair, tugging her forwards roughly to meet his lips. The affect was immediate. Ginny's knees gave out and Blaise moved his other arm around her slim waist, dragging her closer. Blaise's mouth was supple and intent. His lips were moving desperately over hers, greedily devouring what he could. Ginny's responses kicked in and she latched her arms around his neck, one hand grabbing his hair and pulling—hard. Blaise gave a pleasurable moan that vibrated through Ginny, spreading heat through her body down to her toes. She moved on her tip-toes to get closer to him, using her hand in his hair to move him down towards her, but she was ripped away.

Draco had come from behind her, grabbed her elbow and turned her around in one fluid motion. Ginny opened her mouth to speak—either in indignation or apology—but Draco's mouth was on her's too fast. He stepped closer to her, pushing her back into Blaise roughly. Blaise's back hit the wall behind them with a resounding thud, but Ginny couldn't even pay attention to that. Draco's lips on her's were completely different from Blaise's. They were rougher in intent, but softer in texture. Ginny's hands had grabbed Draco's shoulders for balance, but he just stepped closer into her, sandwiching her between Blaise's front and his. Ginny had never felt anything like it.

Draco's hands were on her face, manipulating her head to find a pleasurable angle for both of them. Blaise's hands had grabbed hold of her hips and he was pressing her back against him and Merlin was it good. Draco's tongue was tangling with hers, his teeth were nipping her bottom lip and then sucking it in apology. Blaise's hands were moving her hips in a gyrating motion against his. She could feel his length behind her, pressing into her ass and she pressed back harder rewarded with another of his moans. Draco whimpered in his throat at the sound, something Ginny found unbelievably sexy, and moved his lips to her neck.

His teeth grazed the sensitive skin before he kissed it. Ginny let out a breathy moan, the sound catching in the back of her throat as she grabbed Draco's hair to hold him to her. She had never moaned in pleasure before. One of Blaise's hands was trailing up and down her side, leaving behind a sensation that made Ginny want to press herself back harder against Blaise and forwards against Draco at the same time. Everything was happening so fast, and there was so much to feel. Ginny's brain was having a hard time keeping up. Draco felt the sharp tug on his hair and seemed to understand. He gave one last hard suck before stilling, moving one hand to the wall to brace himself. The motion made Blaise's hip movements slow, the pressure receding, and both boys laid their heads on each of Ginny's shoulders, breathing roughly.

Draco only let himself have a moment before he stepped back and away from Ginny not making eye contact. He turned slowly towards the bed, his shoulders tight with tension. Blaise removed his head and slowly brought his hand up to Ginny's shoulder to run comfortingly down her arm. Ginny started at first, and then sunk back into Blaise, embarrassed that she could still feel his slight erection but thankful that he at least wasn't pulling away. Blaise didn't seem embarrassed by it at all, and continued to stroke her arm, leaning forward and whispering in her ear that it was ok. Ginny was surprised by this and then she realized her shoulders were shaking and her breathing was ragged. It felt like a mild anxiety attack, which wasn't surprising considering everything that just happened.

"I'm sorry Ginny," Draco said quietly, "I didn't mean to come on so strong." Ginny's eyes widened and she tried to slow her breathing so she could get out the words she wanted to say. But, "Oh," was all that would come out. Draco was sorry. He was sorry he kissed her. Ginny's eyes began to fill with liquid and she squeezed them shut tightly so none of it would escape.

Rationally, she knew that Draco probably didn't mean he was sorry for making a move, because that was the second time he had done it, but it was only the second time. Maybe these boys were just interested in getting one over on Potter. Maybe all of their efforts—talking to Dumbledore, letting her spend the night, moving her to their class—maybe that was just a power game. Maybe these two boys weren't interested in her at all. Maybe they didn't feel the pull that she felt.

Ginny's body began shaking harder and she suddenly felt that tightening in her chest that told her that she was extremely close to losing it and shutting down the way that only he could make her. She desperately wanted to leave the room, if only to save herself the embarrassment of a breakdown in front of the two most beautiful boys on campus. Or from having a breakdown at all. Merlin, she was so sick of crying. Why was she so weak?

Ginny felt Blaise's hands reach out to touch her arms, to try to comfort her, but that only made it worse. Why were they trying to be so compassionate? In all her time at Hogwarts, Ginny had never seen them show compassion for anybody. They were cold and driven and undeniably powerful. They didn't flaunt it the way that Harry inadvertently did because of his fame, but she could feel it when she was near them. Was this just some sick joke they were playing on her? Why would these Slytherins want anything to do with a broken Gryffindor Weasley?

Her body tremors grew until Ginny felt her knees give out beneath her and mentally raged at herself for not even being able to take a rejection standing up. Her throat was closed off, muffling the sounds of her frustration, but they were slowly building. Finally, they came pouring out in a lone wail, a low keen that was the evidence of her disappointment in herself and her life and her pitiful, non-existent willpower. The low keen built itself, rising in volume until Ginny let everything out in a scream of rage.

Draco and Blaise stepped back, amazed. When Ginny fell to the floor a wall of energy came up, surrounding her. Blaise moved to touch it, but couldn't even come close before he felt a magical block. Draco panicked immediately, taking out his wand and attempting to break it down with spells.

"Ginny! Angel!" Draco called out. His spells were ricocheting off her barrier. He didn't even know if his voice was getting through. Merlin, what had he done?! He'd said sorry. He'd said sorry for coming on so strong, for violating her space, for assuming she wanted to give what he had so callously taken. He could be that way with Blaise, but he couldn't with Ginny. Not when everything was so new.

And now his actions had made her react. He'd reminded her of Potter. He'd hurt her. Draco had to show her that he cared. He had to show her what she meant to him. Draco ran to Blaise and grabbed his face, pulling his eyes to his own.

"She needs us. She needs us," Draco put his emotions behind the words, not that Blaise needed them to understand. He always knew exactly what Draco felt.

Blaise gripped his hair roughly, pulling Draco's lips to his own, confirming. Draco could feel his magic rise around him, swirling with Blaise's as their lips moved in tandem. Their magic was surrounding them, building its own barrier, and Draco knew just the moment when it grew enough to touch Ginny's. He felt it spark, suddenly and violently, and then where his lips had previously been on Blaise's passionately, they were abruptly torn away.

The boys stumbled roughly away from one another. The shock of Ginny's magic and their own had effectively shut down their power. But their magic had done its duty. They were inside of Ginny's bubble.

Blaise was the first to move to Ginny. She was rocking, still keening, but softly, passionately. He kneeled beside her and gently called to her.

"Ginny. Ginny? Angel, listen. We're here; we're right her," Blaise was whispering in her ear, afraid to get too close, but more afraid to stay away.

Draco moved to Ginny's other side and stared at her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was breathing roughly. Her pain was so palpable and Draco knew then what he needed to do. What he needed to say.

"I need you," Draco whispered. "I need you so much. I need you so much it hurts me."

Blaise relaxed beside Ginny slightly, hearing the truth behind these words.

"I can feel you in my soul. You're so deep inside me that I know you must feel it too," Draco continued. Ginny's breathing became more ragged, but her sounds were becoming softer.

"I've dreamt about you. I have. I didn't know it was you then, but I know it now. You came to me faceless and told me that you'd be here soon, and that I wouldn't have to wait much longer. Merlin, the dreams were driving Blaise and I up the wall. We were so tense, not knowing what to expect." Draco's heart was beating so fast. He hadn't thought to tell her these things. He hadn't thought that she needed this truth. He was such a fool. He felt a tear slide down his cheek and he turned to Blaise.

Blaise's gaze was so passionate and loving that Draco felt his insides burst with so many emotions he became dizzy. He was so lucky to have what he had. Blaise was his life. And now Ginevra Weasley was too.

Blaise spoke up. "You had us wrapped around your little finger before you even got here. If I had known who you were, if I had known what was happening—Merlin I never would have let Potter touch you! Ginevra. This is it. There's no going back from this. There's something here between us all, and it's huge and powerful and fucking scary. But it's ours. I can't explain it to you. I can't justify it or defend it, or prove to you that I'm not lying. But I can show you what I feel. We can show you."

Blaise reached his hand out gently, and touched Ginny's shoulder. She gave a small start, pulling away and looking up. They were staring at her. Their eyes held so many emotions that she knew she couldn't read—but suddenly she didn't have to. She felt them. She could feel their fear, and their hope, and their…care. Their devotion and their attraction. She could feel their power, so much stronger than ever before. And she could feel it linked to hers. It was subtle, and she could tell that in a way it wasn't complete, but a bond had formed and it made her feel…safe. Safe, and strong, and like she could truly stand up for herself. Ginny felt like she had found a missing piece of herself that she had been needing. The piece that told her that she was capable, and useful. And powerful.

"I'm not afraid. But I'm so…broken," Ginny raised her eyes to meet Blaise's and then Draco's. It was hard to say it and it was hard to hear, but Ginny realized immediately that it was the truth. She didn't want to be broken. She wanted to be enough for them.

Draco's hand came out to cup her cheek and Ginny let her head be turned to him.

"You're perfect," he said. Ginny felt her stomach muscles tighten at his words and the emotion in his eyes. She knew he hadn't meant to hurt her. This had been a culmination of everything in the past forty-eight hours spilling out finally. Ginny smiled slightly and then did what she felt was right.

She threw herself into Draco's arms, his coming up to circle around her waist tightly. Blaise let out a breath of relief before resting his head on her back.

"This is real?" Ginny mumbled into Draco's shoulder. "This is real," the boys said in unison.

A/N: I don't know what I'm thinking writing and posting this. I'm so grateful and thankful for all the support I've received from readers. Everyone has been so encouraging. I suddenly felt the need to write some, and I can't promise I'm going to continue. I've always wanted to finish this story, but I have absolutely no time to write, and sometimes I have no inclination. But this chapter was a long time coming (5 years now?) and I felt like if I had it completed, then I should post it. So here it is ladies and gentlemen—I hope you enjoy it. And maybe there will be some more in the near future. Thank you again for your amazing comments!