DISCLAIMER- If I owned FFX, Chappu would still be alive, there would be abundant Arriku and Tidus would, if possible, be even cuter than he is right now. Sadly enough, that is not the case. I don't own FFX, but believe me, I wish I did.

NOTE- There's no actual FFX people in here yet... but they're going to be in here by the 3rd chapter, k? This chapter is pretty much just an introduction into Susan's life.

CHARACTER- Seince I'm not gonna be able to get this into the story... for anti-confusingness, Susan is a 7-year-old that lives with her parents, 36 and 34. More details next week!

Chapter One- Fights and Emergencies

A peaceful-looking house lay quietly between its two brothers that looked quite similar to it. A woman that was holding a small girl's hand walked up to the door of the house. She looked inside the mailbox and pulled out a few letters and bills and led the girl to the door of the house. She opened up the door and let the girl's hand go.

"Daddy!" the girl yelled, running into the family room. A man was sitting in an armchair, reading the newspaper. As the girl hugged him as much as she could, he put down the newspaper and patted the girl's head.

"How are you, Susan?"

"Great, Daddy! I got an A on my vocabulary test!"

"Good job!"

"No, terrific job!" Susan giggled and turned, running up to her room. The woman that walked her home dodged out of her way s she was walking into the living room, flipping through the mail.

"Hi, Clark...," the woman said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Hello, Katie... Anything in the mail?"

"Nothing yet... a few bills... wait, what's this?"

"Bright pink.... that's not good..." Katie observed the card and read the print.

"Emergency Town Hall meeting tonight... day care provided... please attend," Katie read from the card. She lowered it and handed it to Clark, thinking, "What could be the matter?"

"I wonder what's wrong," Clark said, voicing her thoughts.

"Maybe it's nothing," Katie said.

"They wouldn't call an emergency meeting if nothing was wrong!"

"Well, Clark, I want to convince myself that we will be safe!"

"Yeah, well, here's a newsflash. We aren't safe!"

"That's news to me!"

"Of course. That's why newspapers were invented!" People read them and know what's going on! But some people can't be bothered to read the newspaper!"

"Well, pardon me if I actually care about Susan! I, unlike you, spend time with her!"

"I have to work!"

"I work, too! This house won't take care of itself!" Katie practically screamed. Clark seemed frozen for a moment, then stuttered and slapped her. Katie and Clark, angry, glared t eachother, but both looked at the door when they heard a stifled cry. Anger turned to compassion on their face as they saw Susan sitting in the doorway, huddled up and crying into her knees.

"Susan..," the two said at the same time, going over to her.

"You... you guys... always fight..," Susan said, sniffling.

"Not always, sweetie," Katie said, hugging Susan. Susan looked up at her mother, crying silently.

"It's alright, Susan..."

"I don't like you guys fighting... Mommy always gets hurt..."

"It will be alright... besides, sweetie... there's a meeting tonight... you get to hang out with the other kids!"


Please review! It can be bad, just as long as I get some!! I'll hurry up and get some FFX peeps in here, by chapter three! Thank you!!