Disclaimer! Diclaimer! J.K. Rowelling own all Harry Potter things, and Lewis Carroll owns all Wonderland things. I will make a note of what neither of them do not own. Also I own the INFO girl/booth, and the two birds that appear around the same time as INFO. Another thing, the Wonderland events will be based on the books, not the Disney movie, so that is why I haven't mentioned Disney yet, and never will again. Hahaha Disney! it's not good enough for this story! End of Disclaimer

"Harry, wake up!"a voice rang out through Harry's ears. Harry expected it to be his aunt yelling at him because he was supposed to be helping make breakfast.

"What Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked as he stat up and yawned. He looked around and he realized this was not his room in the Dursley's house. It was a meadow, which melted into a hallway with a small door at the end. Then he saw Hermione and Ron looking at him.

"Guys, what going on? Where are we?" Harry asked.

"Well what I figure it was, we were on the train to Hogwarts, and then we ended up here unconscious," Ron told him.

"Okay," Harry said a little confused. "But how did we get here?"

"I am unsure Harry," Hermione said. "The best theory we can come up with is this is the work of Voldemort. He must have sent us into another reality."

Harry looked down to the hallway end of the meadow/hallway. There was a door and a table. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione and said, "Shall we see where that door leads?"

They nodded and head down towards the door. The door came up to Harry's shoulder, and the table was at Harry's knees. Ron tried to open the door but it was locked.

Ron looked around for a key when the door said, "You are too big! Even if you find a key you won't fit."

"Bloody hell. Did the door just talk? Hermione, what kind of charm would make non-living object talk?" Ron asked.

"It has to be a very advanced wizard to be able to do that," Hermioneexplained looking at the door.

"What the hell are you all talking about!" the door demeaned. "I have not been charmed to be like this! I was always like this!"

The door started yelling at them about random things, and Harry turned to Hermione and said, "Would you like to do the honors of unlocking the door?"

"My pleasure." Hermione said. Then she turned to the door and said, "Alohomora."

The door swung open, and Harry said, "Thank you."

All there of them bent down and went through the small door, and right before they went in they heard the door yell, "You are too tall! This is not supposed to be how it happens! Get back here and do it right!"

When they got into the new area, Ron said, "I'm glad to be rid of that talking door. He was annoying."

"Yes, I am glad to rid of it, but where exactly are we?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe we should ask the girl at the info booth," Harry suggested as he pointed to a tiny booth with a large sign that hung over head, and it read, "INFO" in bright red letters. A girl with reddish brown hair leaned back in a chair, blowing a bubble with her gum, and looking at her nails. She sat straight up when she heard them and said, "Listen I already told you Al…"

She stopped short when she saw who they were. "You aren't Alice. Who are all of you, and how the did you all get in here?"

"We are lost and the door just opened up," Harry said quickly.

"The door just open up, on it's own?" the girl inquired.

"Yup, that is right," Ron repeated.

"Ah, crap. It was such a good door, and now we are going to have to replace it," the girl said sadly. The she whistled and two birds came down. One looked like a woodpecker and the other one looked like a box with wings and a beak. The girl took the woodpecker bird and pushed its head and feet close together. Then she pulled the other birds head and feet apart, making the stomach thin, and easy to write on. She took the woodpecker bird and started using it like a pen, and surprisingly the bird acted just like a pen would act. She jotted down, Henry opened by himself, letting in three teenagers. They did not do it properly. I am goanna treat them like I did with Alice, send word about how prevent that this from happing again. The girl squashed the square bird back together, and whistled again, then shooed them on her way.

"How peculiar, it's like our owl system only instead of parchment you actually write on the bird," Hermione observed.

"Oh, you aren't going to do well here," the girl said with a small smile.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked offended.

"You'll find out once you start your journey," the girl told her.

"Speaking of journey, where are we and how do we get out of here?" Ron asked.

"Oh, I can only give a limited amount of information," the girl answered.

"Well then you aren't a very good information booth," Hermione said.

"Who said I was an information booth?" the girl asked. "I am an INFO booth. You know International Nationol of Females Organized."

"How can something be international and national?" Hermione asked.

"I said nationol," the girl corrected Hermione.

"Okay, never mind," Harry said cutting off Hermione. "What can you tell us?"

"I am going to have to start off with the basics," the girl said.

She paused took deep breaths and turned around. She was like that for a couple minutes, and Ron was being to become impatient, and started tapping his fingers on the booth. Then she smiled and turned around and said, "Hi, and welcome to Wonderland."