They were safe now. The rescue helicopter was flying them south. Sam looked through the thin glass window at the world

around him. He loved Laura and knew now that she loved him. But things were different in the world now. Nothing was the

same. Almost like the pioneers he thought. Back to basics. It seemed funny to "date" after all they had been through. Could

they be that casual again? He looked at Laura, covered in blankets. She is beautiful, Sam thought. He knew that if he could

muster the courage he would like to ask Laura to marry him. But what could he offer her in this new world? Would she be

interested or even willing to move so quickly? She had said that everything she had ever worked for was gone now and she

was right.

Sam had heard that people who go through a tragedy for dramatic experience together are linked to one another forever.

This experience had undoubtedly brought him and Laura closer together. Maybe she had just clung to him in fear. That was


What Sam did know was that he didn't want to waste any part of his life, not one second. He could see it all so clearly in his

mind. Marrying Laura. Having kids. He would have to step up and be a man. In a way they would be on their own. His

parents would be there for him he knew, and Laura had told him that she thought her mom had passed in the storms. She

was in England at the time the super cell hit.

He still saw himself as a boy when placed beside his parents. Traveling to New York was the first time to really be away

from either of them. He had a chance to see who he was and be a little more independent. There was so much about Laura

that he loved, and he knew he had barely begun to tap into her core completely. He could hardly wait.