Teen Fic: Piper thinks she's just a normal teenager until she suddenly lands into a world she had no idea ever existed, and she wants to go home, so one of the locals says he will help her. And she soon discovers going home isn't going to be as easy as she thought. PL. Contains Magic.R&R

Ages: Prue - 20, Piper - 17, Phoebe - 15, Dan - 18, and Leo - is about 70 something but looks 20.

Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of it's characters, any others that are not in charmed on the other hand are mine. But this story does happen to be mine and my own idea.

© Charmed-Phoebe03

The Land Of Make Believe … Chapter 1 (The Portal)

Piper's PoV

She just sat there, school was getting a real drag lately. Infact it had turned into a drag ever since she entered Junior High. There would be the odd comment about her torn drawn on jeans, and she had to admit she did care when they called her names, but nothing was going to change that, she was who she was and frankly even if she was a 'dork' she didn't want to change. At least at the moment anyway. But she did have friends, or at least a follower. He name was Annie, now she was a geek- but then again that's probably what others say about her, so she couldn't really complain. She had always been the one she actually to please to everyone, or at the very least she tried. She was the sort of person that if Missy asked to spit shine her shoes while she was wearing them she would do it- but realise she was used later. She had always wanted to be liked, she wanted to popular, she wanted to be loved. But she couldn't get all mushy now, she'd never be aloud to forget it. If she wouldn't be reminded everyday by everyone at school and then it would travel all the way back home- no she couldn't have that. But she couldn't say she wasn't all mushy for someone could she? She had to admit it she was. Dan the most cutest and most popular guy in school. But then again who didn't have a crush on him these days? Basically everyone. Including Missy Campbell also the most popular and prettiest girl in school. She was the one Piper would follow like a little lap dog- that girl. She knew she was delusional about being her friend but when ever she came up to her asking for a favour she'd somehow think this time it was different- it never was though. Dan, yeah him. Basically he was the hottest hunk around, she'd hear girls in the bathrooms saying how they'd love to put their hands through his 'glossy' hair, and that was a quote. She had to admit though she wouldn't mind doing that herself, she thought with a giggle. God she couldn't do this if she had giggled any louder she would be caught out and she didn't want that. No bloody way. And Phoebe sure as hell wouldn't light up on her if she knew, not after last night. They had had a big fight she didn't know if Phoebe had let it go yet, she was so stubborn like Prue. God if Prue found out she would be like 'oh Piper's got her first crush!' she had had other crushes she had just never acted towards them or been caught out- but Dan he was different, he was more then a crush. She had been in love with him since Junior High. Sometimes she had been sure they knew, all of them how infatuated she was with him. Sometimes she had even thought he was waving to her, and she be there waving back and then find out it had always turned out to be the person behind her. She could almost hear them snickering behind her sometimes when she looked at him. Sometimes she would day dream of how it would be with him, but it was useless she'd never get him- but she could always have him in her head, in there he was no ones but hers. After all no one would be able to mock her dreams. She thought with yet another giggle.

"Is something funny Miss Halliwell?"

She suddenly realised the whole of her chem class was looking at her. Damn. She knew this would happen. Crap, Crap!

"Erm, no Miss, err just thinking out loud"

"Well next time you decide to think out loud maybe you can answer the question"

"Yes Miss"

"So what is the Chemical symbol for Lead?"

"Err Pb" she said trying to think.

"Good, I'm glad to know you revised even if you don't listen." she said turning back to the class.

Bitch. Piper thought silently to herself she liked her chem teacher, but ever since she had gone on stress leave and left that sub, she had made Piper's life even worse. They were laughing at her again. She couldn't say she didn't care, she couldn't say it didn't hurt. It did, More and more every day. It sort left a hole in her heart, it's not she had anyone to make her feel better- so it just got deeper and deeper, and now was no different. Not at all. It didn't make her feel any better no matter how she thought of her living this school soon to go on to college. It probably wouldn't until she actual got there, then maybe she could forget about them all. But one things for sure she would forget about Dan. God no. she didn't know what it was about him but she was truly in love with him. This would be the part of high school she would definitely remember.

"The periodic table is a big …" her teacher went on, and then she noticed it.

Dan was looking at her, oh my god she couldn't believe it. The most cutest and most popular guy in school was giving her the time of day, eye contact! The shock must have shown in her face because after out came a snorted laugh. She honestly couldn't believe it he was looking at her, actually looking at her, not through her but at her… and smiling too. She couldn't believe what her eyes were showing her. Even with her braces and acne he was still looking at her and smiling, almost flirtatiously. In fact it was actually starting to scare her, but just slightly there was nothing to scared about he was a 18 yr old guy and she was a 17 yr old girl it was perfectly normal- well except for the whole attention thing he was giving her. She didn't know whether to be happy or scared so she decided she'd be both until she knew better of what he was doing it was just too freaky, and it was also freaky the way he legs wobbled together as he carried on gazing at her.


"Well that's the bell class remember to go over your periodic tables for your quiz tomorrow"

Going through the class room door in to the hallway, everyone look around to her and then turned back to there friends with papers in their hands talking and laughing. What the hell was going on around here?! Everyone was looking at her, either that or she was coming down with a serious case of paranoia, but then again neurotic came to mind closely followed by obsessed. Damn she couldn't be imagining this could she? Maybe she had tucked her knickers into her t-shirt again, maybe that's why they were all looking at her, even Dan though it hurt her to think that, she thought as she headed over to her locker feeling as though all eyes were on her and her alone.

A boy recited "…He is sooo hot, I'll never have him though. He's not in my circle of friends. He makes my heart flutter and my knees shake I long to be close to him if only to feel him push me away…"

She stopped dead in her tracks, in between putting in the combination to her locker. That. It sounded so familiar. Oh god she hoped to god this wasn't happening to her, her heart was in her throat. She continued to unlock her locker

A different boy continued what the other one had started "…I want him to embrace me into his arms, I need his touch, I want to feel his breath on the base of my neck, as he forever makes my body tremble…"

This was all so wrong, she thought putting the combination in faster till it popped open and a few sheets stapled together fell out of her locker she bent down and picked them up and as soon as she saw it tears stung her eyes.

They continued taunting her "…My knees buckle at the sight of him, almost like he is filling my entire soul, his skin so pure and his hair just begging for me to touch it, though I know I can't… But in my head he'll always mine, my Dan"

It was extracts from her diary, she could believe it, who could have done this?! The tears flowed down her checks continually. Not giving any indication of stopping. She turned around. They were all laughing at her. Dan was there too. Laughing just as fiercely as the rest. He didn't like her he just … just wanted to make fun of her, just like all the rest.

"Hey Piper" Dan was calling her "nice penmanship!" and with that a roar of laughter filled the halls. She had to get out of there now. She decided slamming her locker shut and running downs the halls of howling teenagers. She felt like she was running in slow motion her tears holding her back from everything, her insides lurched with pain. Getting out side the tears streaking across her cheeks everyone looking at her, she hurried along the front walk way on the curb of the road. She turned around there was Phoebe she was smiling smugly. She had done it! She had been the one Phoebe knew Piper knew. Piper could see it in her face, she was smiling like a cheshire cat. Then he face turned into a frown, she was scared why would she be scared, there was nothing she could do to her. Fear and utter fright spread across her face. Her and her friends stood up looking fearful. Then she screamed.


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