Roxy Hart.

Hi, just a new story I had in my head I thought I'd try it out. Not all Bad will be finished but I'm having a little writers block so I'm giving myself a little break from it to do this one. I don't own the ducks and the name Roxy Hart comes from one of my fave musicals Chicago. The story is set around Roxy before through a after the invasion and shows how her life connects with certain characters from the Mighty Ducks. I hope you enjoy, please review I always like to hear people's opinions good or bad. On with the story;

Chapter One: New friends.

Roxy woke up and went into automatic, she was a student at the drama school in Ducaine city and she had a busy day ahead of her, especially as she had an audition for a big musical later that day. She cleaned her teeth and heated up her straiteners and stepped into the shower. Once out she dried her hair and set to work making sure her jet black hair was absolutely perfect. Once that was done she pulled a pair of jeans over her black feathers and put a little light make up on her eyes. Soon she was heading out of the dorms and into town where the main campus was. For most of the ordinary lessons her prestigious school shared with the local high school which was a blessing for the head of Roxy's drama school but a curse for the students. They were often quite ridiculed for their dreams of acting, singing, dancing or all three, especially the boys. Some of the kids were great about it especially when they heard about how as a child she'd starred in a really big musical, among other things, but some of the sporting kids thought that these things were for wimps that couldn't play hockey. In a way they were right but it wasn't because they didn't have the ability but because of their chosen profession they rarely had time for things like that. Roxy only ever played hockey when she went home for the summer break, with all her dancing she was quite able to keep up with her brothers so it didn't bother her much.

Roxy stepped off the bus she had taken to the city central and headed to the main school, she had a maths lesson before she had a dance practice for the afternoon, if she had her way she would be practising all day not worry about one silly lesson inhistory which she always managed to ace no matter how little she studied. She walked along the corridor and noticed a few of the older guys huddled around a new guy with white feathers who looked as though he would rather be somewhere else and quite frankly she agreed with him and wanted to avoid the crowd but her locker was right behind them. She somehow managed to push her way through and get to her locker when a blonde haired girl whom she'd never really liked screamed out a name she didn't quite catch and jumped forward right into her and in turn she fell into the guy with white feathers.

"Are you okay Miss?" he asked politely. "Ask a silly question." She thought.

"Yes fine thank you," she said without bothering to look up at him, he was obviously a jock and it seemed well known so it was unlikely he'd be interested in her, "I'll just get my books and be out of you and your adoring fans' way, excuse me." She got back to her locker, grabbed her books and started to walk off. What she didn't realise was that the white feathered duck had also pushed his way through to follow her.

"Uh, miss?" She turned and this time got a good look t him and found herself looking at the latest hockey sensation to hit the ice, Wildwing Flashblade and he was talking to her! "I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to this room, uh please." He gave her a look which, in her opinion was just adorable, not that she gave him any inclination of this of course. She looked at the schedule he'd shown her and found out where he should be.

"Sure, it's on the way the classroom I'm going to." She smiled sweetly and savoured he thought of the cheer leaders finding out she had helped the best goalie on the national circuits in years, "so what's a big hockey star like you coming here? Shouldn't you be going to a sports school?"

"I did, they bullied my kid brother there and my mom took us both out then the Ducaine jets signed me and we had to move here anyway cause of mom's work, so." He looked at her and she found herself blushing and thanking the gods she had black feathers not white like his.

"You have a little brother?" She asked genuinely interested being the youngest in her family she'd alwayswanted to know what it was like to be the elder and not the baby.

"Yeah, Nosedive, he's in junior high, he's also in the junior leagues, and he's the only one who can get a shot past me."

"Really," 'great hockey talk', "I'm afraid I don't have much time for hockey or anything like that."

"You don't?" The Wildwing looked genuinely shocked, but then so do most men when she tells them that, "Why not?"

"I'm a drama student, I do dance, acting and singing most lunchtimes and afternoons," she glanced at him just to see how much he was taking it in and he actually seemed to be listening to her, "I also do lessons in the evenings unless I'm in a show or something."

"Wow, are you good?" She looked at the hockey player sceptically, she knew she was good but rarely admitted it mainly because most of the kids at the school started making fun of her.

"I've been in quite a few things so the directors must think I'm good." She replied and noticed the door to the room he'd been looking for was coming up, "Looks like your stop, see ya around, and don't worry about having to talk to me all the time I'm sure you'll have plenty of friends." Wildwing watched the Black feathered beauty walk away and wondered what she meant; he'd rather spend time with someone like her than most of the fame seeking airheads that usually tried to hang around with him. That's why he only really hung around his childhood and best friend Canard Thunderbeak and Nosedive, they liked him not the hockey star on the holovision.

Roxy ran to catch the bus she needed to get to the audition on time and just as she got to the rear of the bus it started to move off she tried to catch it but itsoon pulled away and she stood on the sidewalk feeling dejected and knowing that if she was late there was no way the director would give her the part.

"Need a lift?" Said a familiar voice from behind her and she turned to find Wildwing standing behind her smiling.

"What do you want in return?" She asked suspiciously.

"Just a ticket to the show if you get it." Roxy looked him up and down, he didn't look like he was anything but a genuinely nice guy, but that was what she didn't trust. From experience she'd found that there weren't any of those. But she also had to get to the audition so found she had little choice and a ticket wasn't too much to ask for a lift.

"Okay," she replied still suspicious, "but if this is some kind of jock joke then you'll be sorry, and how did you know I had an audition?"

"It's not a joke, and some creep in my class was joking about it and he said he was going to give the driver of the bus a fifty to go early instead of waiting."

"Jerk!" exclaimed Roxy.

"That's what I thought; besides I'd like to see just how good you are." Wildwing lead her over to the car park to a red convertible. "What?" Wildwing asked when she stopped to look at the car.

"I just thought most jocks had a big four by four."

"Most do, but my mom got me this one and she spent a lot of money one it." Wildwing shrugged as he opened the door for her and she slipped in.

"Ah, that's sweet." She said and meant it. She smiled when she saw he was blushing a little, maybe jocks weren't all that bad after all, this one certainly wasn't.

"Where do you need to go?" He asked and she gave him the directions. Before long they were outside the skylark theatre and were going inside. Wildwing waited to the side as Roxy signed in and then she showed Wildwing to the seats where he could watch.

Meanwhile she went to the changing rooms to touch up the essentials and change into her dance gear and then to the large room near the stage to warm up. She started with some dance stretches, then went through her dance, then her spoken piece, then warmed up her voice and finally wentthrough the songs she had to sing. As usual in these auditions they wanted you to do a slow and a fast number so that they could see the range of your voice. More often than not you did one from the show but it wasn't always like that especially if it was a new musical and this was just such an audition.

Roxy had to wait half an hour before she was asked to do her dance, the a further fifteen to do her first song, it was almost straight away she was asked to do her spoken piece and ten more after that for her final song. As Wildwing watched he got a bit confused as to why there were so many stages Roxy had already done a beautiful dance and a raunchy jazz number and then she'd done a bit of acting. She came out for a fourth time and handed some more sheet music to the pianist, the grey mallard started to play and she broke into song once again, but this time she sang a ballad and he had to admit he lost himself listening to her sing, she sounded like an angel.

Soon it was over and Roxy went to the foyer to find Wildwing who was there looking at what was on there. She smiled thinking she'd found the first jock who had a little culture. He turned and beamed at her.

"You were great!" He said enthusiastically, "so did you get it?"

"I don't know yet," she replied, "this is only the first stage, a few of us will be selected as possibles and then they'll cal us back and teach us some of the songs and dances and so on just to see who catches on the best and who doesn't then a few days or even weeks later they contact the successful person by letter, phone or through their school to tell them."

"Whoa, do you do this a lot?"

"I usually have a least one audition a week that I go to but once I get a part I like I'll stop and concentrate on that part."

"You mean you'll turn stuff down."

"Of course, would you play for a hockey team you didn't like?" She asked him matter of factly.

"Well actually you don't get much of a choice, if your manager wants to sell you to another team and the other team signs you then you have to go." Wildwing leant against the wall and looked through the glass doors, "I really liked my last team and I don't get on so well with the new one, they're all a lot older and think I'm just some kid who's too big for his boots."

"That bites," Roxy found herself warming to Wildwing, "what does you're mom think of all this?"

"I couldn't tell her about how I feel, she's so proud of me," Wildwing sighed and looked at the carpet, "we, my family and I, well we . . . uh . . . " Wildwing suddenly looked up and smiled nervously, "maybe I should take you home now, you must be exhausted." Roxy simply nodded and decided not to push Wildwing into spiting out what he was going to say.

Wildwing dropped Roxy back at the dorms and they exchanged numbers. Roxy went to bed and tried to sleep but found herself thinking about her new friend, he may have been a jock but this jock she actually liked and he seemed to like her in return, which was a plus.

Well there you go the first chappy, what do ya think, good or bad. I know Roxy sounds like a Mary Sue but she will get better later on. please review. Toodles, Angel. xxx