I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Okay, YES I am starting ANOTHER story.
Yes Oc's well be in this story.
YES, This is a shonen-ai fic.
"Blah" talking
'Blah' thinking
Chapter 1
It was a bright sunny day in the city of Ekko, as a small figure could be packing away stuff into a bag on the side of a camel.
The small figure had tri color hair and wide amnesty eyes, they had just put away there last of their belongs, there previous belongs already bent sent to there new home.
" Are you okay Yugi?" an elder as he had dark graying hair with a bandanna with purple eyes he was know to many as grampa.
" Yeah gramp, I am okay, its just its hard t believe we are leaving that game shop," Yugi said with a hint of sadness in his voice. The game shop had been Yugi's home for as long as he remembered.
' And going to some new land where I will not have any friends' Yugi thought to himself.
" That may be true, but we will open another one in our location," the elder reply as he got onto his camel as he waved one final good bye to the games shop.
'Hopefully life will be much better' Yugi thought to himself as he took one more look at his old home before he to got on his camel.
The camel trotted off to the distance where nothing but sand could be seen.
They after about two days the group reached a well where Yugi's grandfather started to look around like he was looking for some one.
Yugi looked at his grampa with confusion, as it was as if he's grampa was looking for someone.
" Grampa? What are you doing?" Yugi finally asked
" Well, Yugi, we are suppose to meat some on here," Solomon replied.
As a girl about Yugi's age appeared with wide pink eyes with dark skin and short bangs hair that fell around her shoulders wearing some golden jewelry around her wrist her neck and one around her waist with a light one piece light tunic that was separated from the golden waist belt. " Sorry si- Oh my pharaoh I didn't know you where here" The girl said as she bowed and then resumed her position she had earlier. " I thought you where at-. " But how-" The girl said confused.
Solomon laughs at the girl's confusion. " Miss. Are you Kathy? The one we are meant to meet up with?"
" Yes sir, I am" the girl replied.
' Pharaoh, they still have a pharaoh in where we are going,' Yugi thought to himself.
" Just call me grampa, and this is my grandson Yugi"
" Nice to me you Yugi and grampa" Kathy said as she held out her hand to welcome them.
"Nice to met you" Yugi said as she shook her hand while giving a laugh.
Kathy then began to look a bit uncomfortable.
" Umm Kathy everything is ready alright?"
" Oh I am sorry Mr.- err grampa, there was a slight problem and it wont be ready for another three days but don't worry the pharaoh has seen to that all of your stuff is taken care of and guarded," Kathy said.
" Okay," Solomon replied.
" Um Kathy, what is it like where you live?" Yugi asked hoping there would be something fun or different to do, also there something else was on Yugi's mind was how close is this girl to the pharaoh.
" I'll explain on the way," Kathy said as she lead them to a near by tree where some horses that where waiting.
"HORSES?" Yugi said in awe.
" Yep, sure they can't handle long journeys like camels but you get to your destination quicker.
Okay so it was a very slow and rushed start and possible you are all wondering what's going on? It will pick up as I write more. I am also sorry that it was so short. I will try to write more next time also I will try to explain more next chapter. Well till I update again and I may come back and edit this chapter.