The solution is hidden in the past

A/N: This time I really have to say I am sorry... this chapter is really coming in late... but I actually really didn't know how I should write the stuff, which I had already prepared... But finally: Here is the newest chapter. Not very long, I know... Hope you like it neverthe less.

Don't know if there are still people who are reading this: In case there are... I would love to get reviews... Have fun reading. I try to update my other stories too.

Reviews from chapter 14:

Charming-Lynn: THANKS.

Phoebe turner: Now , okay it's really long time ago... well finally an update ;) (soory that it took soooooo long). I don't say anything about Wyatt being evil or good in the end – i guess you will see it yourself ;).

JadeAlmasy: Thank you very much. I try to keep on my work... Sorry that the update took so long.

Nathy1000000: Thank you soooo much. Well I guess Wyatt's plan slowly reveals himself... you will see ;)... I would say I am happy in case i can finish this story... because, to be honest, I think I never finished one story I wrote ever before (expect really short ones) and I am happy when I can finally can write – the magical words (which I don't want to write now), insteed of ‚to be continued' ;) – but maybe... in case i have the mood for it. I could write a prequal or sequal or something comperable for this story... i will see ;)

Reviews from chapter 15

Hope master: Thanks.

Phoebe turner: Thanks and as I said, wait for Wyatt's development...

Nathy1000000: Thanks again... and well it doesn't seem so good for the CharmedOnes, does it? Well I somehow ignored Chris and the little Ones a little bit, sorry.

MzPink: Thanks. Glad you liked it. Well Wyatt doesn't seem so protectiv anymore ;)... About Leo: It's definately a fact, that he knew Grams somehow already ( see 6x11, where Leo is in the Manor during his light show...) the fact that he knew the little CharmedOnes already... i invented it (would be somehow strange wouldn't it... knowing your wife since she was small and you are an adult?) but didn't Leo once say, that he had always watched them – i am not sure.

MzPink (part 2): The solution is coming, I promise I (i hope). Hope you didn't die yet... I am really sorry for the delay... but i had a huge writing blockade...

JadeAlmasy: Thanks.;)

Chapter 16

The sisters and Leo and Penny appeared in the underworld. It was really dark and they all needed a few seconds until they could see something. As they could see the well they noticed that they weren't holding eachothers hand anymore... actually they were standing a few meters away from eachother. „Okay.. what just happened?" Piper wondered, as suddenly a few candels flammed on. That was when they all noticed that they were standing on a circle that was drawn on the ground and together all were standing as a marking point for a pentagram, which was also marked on the ground (like in 2x21 –some thing with Apocalypse…) .

„Oh no... that's not good!" Phoebe and Penny decided at the same time. But as everybody tried to leave their spot they couldn't move a foot or orb away.
„Welcome in the Underworld... Nice that you arrived, only to see how the power of three will give their powers to the upper-level demon Morth." Morth said with a smirk. He was standing at the well – which was in the middle of the pentagram - with an athamate in his hand.
"Ok…it was a trap!" Paige commented sarcastically.

Wyatt had orbed out just after his family. But he was hidden behind shadows… watching his family in the trap. Morth was really playing a good role.

"What do you want from my child?" Piper asked seriously.

Morth smirked. "You want to see him?" He asked and with a move of his hand the cage with the children appeared next to the circle.

"Mom!" Chris said relieved as he saw his mother.

"Grams!" Prue, little Piper and little Phoebe said happily as they saw them.

But Chris was the first one, who realized the situation and he looked at Morth in shock.

"Honey… everything is going to be okay." Piper said who was relived that her youngest son seemed normal again.

"What a nice picture. But I am sorry that I have to interrupt the reunion." Morth said and he threw an energyball against the cage.

"No!" Penny and Piper yelled immediately.

But the energyball only surrounded the cage. But the next second everybody inside the cage felt a great pain. And they cried out loud. And it just didn't want to stop.

After a while the sisters (from the future) began to feel the pain as well.

"No!" Penny said shocked.

But they all still couldn't move…. And she cries from the kids didn't stop…

Morth who was still standing in the middle of the pentagram, was cutting into his hand and he let a few drops of his hand land into the well, which immediately turned the whole water red.

The pain was irresistible and the kids couldn't bear it any longer and became unconscious, which caused that the pain also stopped for the older CharmedOnes.

"Huh… that wasn't funny." Phoebe complained hard breathing.

Morth smiled and began to mumble some Latin words and he slowly went over to the cage and opened the door…

"Leave them alone, you son of a bitch… I am telling you, you are going to regret it, in case something happens to one of the children inside there." Piper said furious as she saw that Morth went over to Chris, still with his athamate in the hand…

"What are you going to do witch? You can't even say the spell to vanquish me, because you need to hold you hands … sorry… but I fear, you won't see your son again." Morth said with an evil smile.

"No!" Piper yelled totally in panic and she and her sisters tried desperately to move an inch or to use their powers.

But Morth stopped listening and he formed an energy ball in his hand and with the other hand he was cutting into Chris hand.

Piper, who couldn't clearly see what Morth was doing freaked out and tears were running down her face, but she just couldn't move.

Morth let some blood drop into the energyball and it turned red… the he went over to the other four girls and he began to cut their hands. And he let each on of them drop some of their blood into the energyball.

Piper and the others finally calmed down, as they noticed that Morth hadn't harmed the children really, yet.

Morth kept on doing his work… just ignoring his surrounding… he went over to the well again and he dropped the energyball full of blood into the well….

The second the energyball touched the water in the well, the CharmedOnes felt a great pain which was surrounding their whole body.

"Okay… what is happening?" Paige asked feared.

"If he takes the children's blood… it's your blood too." Leo suggested…

The next second he was hit by an energyball and so was Penny and they both collapsed on the ground.

"Hey." Phoebe said weak, but she still couldn't move and then finally the Charmed Ones became unconscious too – the pain was overwhelming.

Morth smiled.

"Happy, now?" He asked with a big grin.

"Totally." Wyatt said cold as he stepped out of the shadows.

He stepped over (not on) his mother, totally ignoring her painful face and he went over to the well….

"Good work." Wyatt said as he was going with his hand through the red water.

"You are sure it will work?" Morth asked a little doubtful.

"Are you questioning me?" Wyatt asked threatened.

Morth looked at the teenager. He was just a child, but already so powerful and he knew exactly that there was nothing that could stop him, Morth shivered.

"Of course not." Morth said with his head down.

Then he conjured a bowl into his hand. He went over to the well and filled the bowl with the water inside.

"Powers of the Halliwell line,

From now on you are broken,

You are mine."

Morth said and drank the whole bowl empty.

Wyatt grinned evilly.

Morth gave him the bowl and Wyatt too filled the bowl with the water from the bowl and drank it all. But he didn't say the spell. He let the bowl go into flames.

"Cool." Wyatt said as he felt the new powers he earned.

"The bound is done." Morth said and with these words Wyatt shimmered out.

-to be continued-

A/N: One final chapter or maybe two chapters are left…. And it will be the first story I finished – expect my One Shot.

Be patient… I guess an update is coming soon.