Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to me. NOT.

Sakura-Angel: Wow I was planning on writing some Naruto, but not something like this, heh. Oh well, I guess I needed some happy. And I'm not sure who the guy is, but the girl's Sakura. Yup. It's my first Naruto piece, so I'd like some feedback. Please?

Moments of Sunshine

She wasn't a very good cook.

She told him that, and he insisted she cook anyway.

What, did he have a death wish, she chuckled after.

He shook his head and said if she was implying that he cook, then she was the one who had one.

So she stood over the mixing bowl with a little grimace and tried to be an optimist. At least the kitchen wasn't levelled to the ground yet.

She dumped the dough into a dented pan and spread it out with her already-sticky fingers, switching the oven on after. Oh please please please she silently prayed, closing the stove door with her hip and twisting the knob.

Well, now that that was baking/probably going to burn she had nothing to do.

She glanced out the glass sliding door. Everything was so green and she could see little waves of heat rising and rippling the image of the lawn outside. The balcony was sun-soaked and bleached white from all the sunshine and it was just so inviting. Standing outside and feeling the humidity in the air was a much better option than sitting in the kitchen with a disaster-waiting-to-happen.

So she slid the door open and stepped into the sunshine and leaned on the railing with her elbows. She saw everything, but she didn't. Her mind had wandered already.

So he snuck up on her.

She screamed, hands flailing.

He hugged her from behind and laughed, what, did he really look that terrible?

She hit him lightly for scaring her and replied to his moving figure beside her now that no, of course he didn't.

Well, he knew that, and bumped her lightly.

She smiled at him with michevious half-lidded eyes and bumped him back.

They stood, him dark in his blue and her bright in her red. They added to the colour around them and the green trees were suddenly greener and the white houses whiter. The smell of the soap she washed her clothes in blended with the smell of the leaves and the smell of his hair and freshly cut grass. It was the kind of moment that was timeless. It was the kind of moment that was pointless, but meant everything. Because it was a shared one.

The calm stretched on.

She suddenly jumped up and spun in a charming, lopsided circle, needing to release her giddyness at him being there with her.

He grinned and was thankful that he had her.

Wait a second, what was that? She sifted through the scent of stiff furniture and daisies to the scent of a smoldering...

Realization hit her and she ran over to the oven and pulled open the door. She winced and waved her hands desperately at the undoubtedly charred mixture, willing to stop the black smoke from rolling out.

He came up behind her from the sun-soaked balcony, extreme amusement evident on his features and mused outloud if he should've cooked instead.

She looked up from the stove, slamming the charred hunk of would've-been food on the counter with her tattered oven mitts. She asked, deceptively calm, what he said and he snickered, ducking through the door to the balcony. She whipped the mitts off and went after him, charging through the kitchen to the green of the trees and the smell of his hair and the moment she'd love forever.