Title: Welcoming the Unexpected
Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognize.
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Summary: It was only a mistake, she never intended on growing attached.
Notes: I'm ignoring Lita's pregnancy, and subsequently her marriage. Anything else stands.
Lita's head was mercilessly pounding.

Of that much she was certain, and at the point..that was about all she knew. Her fingertips gingerly touched her temple, trying in vain to soothe away the tension. And that was when she noticed her state of undress. Normally that wouldn't bother her..given the amount she had to drink last night. She was surprised that she had even made it back to her hotel room. Or at least she thought it was her hotel room, they all looked the same on the inside anyway. And at that particular moment, she wasn't really sure nor did she really care. It was only when the arm draped around her waist tightened, did she really begin to care. An involuntary twitch of her thigh, let her know that their legs were tangled. Of course, she didn't really want to know who the other person was right now. So, instead of checking beneath the covers..she weighed her options. Sort of.

Her eyes fluttered shut, the redhead's mind racing over the events from last night. She could distinctly remember her match with Molly Holly. That wasn't an issue, because that was before her two well meaning gal pals had practically shoved her into clothing she would never wear and subsequently pushed her out of the hotel room. She could also remember, Stacy Keibler and Victoria dragging her out to some club. And then she remembered getting so incredibly drunk that at one point, she forgot her name. Everything after that had been a blur. Lita could barely remember being dragged out onto the dance floor, only it wasn't by Stacy and Victoria. From what little she could distinguish in the whirlwhind that was her mind; it was a guy. A guy that she apparently left with and was now sharing very intimate space with. She frowned then, desperately trying to make some sense of the frenzied night. Hazel orbs squinted, staring down the reading from the digital alarm clock to her left. Lita figured then, that if anything..she could just leave the hotel room, grab her clothes and make a mad dash out of there. Of course for that to happen..she would need to find her clothing first.

A hand fisted gently in her hair, sending wayward fiery red locks over the arm draped around her waist. Lita mentally kicked herself for this one. She wasn't the type to just sleep around with people, nor was she the type to leave a nightclub with someone she didn't know..let alone sleep with them. One eye opened, peering down at said arm; the redhead still not in the right state of mind. However, her realization would come crystal clear as her other eye opened. Lita blinking in shock at the tattoo staring her back. Given, there were a few wrestlers on RAW that had tattoo's on their arms. But, there was only one with this particular style. She gulped nervously, almost afraid to look over her shoulder.


The hotel bed was warmer.

That was the first thought running through his mind, the superstar still not in the state of mind to wake up and meet the world. He warily opened an eye, only to shut it quickly as a wave of pain shot through his head. And then he also remembered the crazy night that had evidentally lead up to his current situation. Chris Jericho and Maven had talked him into going out that night, even though he had been adamantly against it. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, just that he really wanted to take the time to really relax. And, by the current state of things..he had done that. Now, if he could just remember the rest of the night after he and the others had hit the fourth night club. They were only marginally drunk by that time, but still aware enough to recognize three of their co-workers from RAW. Chris had spotted them first and he had trailed behind, all the while hoping he wouldn't make a complete ass of himself. And from the looks of things? He certainly hadn't done that.

In his mind, he saw her. Looking stunning as always, but then he thought she always looked stunning. She was a beauty all her own, different from the rest of the Diva's and that was one of the many things he admired about her. One person alone knew that he liked her, and so far that person had kept null about it. That person had also advised him so to speak, on how to woo the object of his affections. This particular situation was never mentioned. It went without saying that, he had thought about a night with her..but he had never wanted it to be like this. After everything she had been through, he wanted to be the one to help her through things and help her forget. But, most of all he wanted to remember the first night he was with her. He wanted to remember and more importantly he wanted her to remember. He knew she wasn't the type to just sleep around with anyone..and truth be told neither was he. Despite what the people said, those who really knew him..knew the real him. He was also well aware, that given his past ties..he all but tarnished his reputation with most of the RAW roster. But, slowly but surely that was all changing. Now he could only hope that she would see the real him and not the image he had once projected.

But then, he decided he didn't care. Too much. The feel of her in his arms felt right. The way their bodies melded together now..the way they had last night. Even if she did end up regretting what happened, in some way he wouldn't. At least he could say, he had her once. And that once, was all he needed. But, still some part of him argued that he would never be satisfied with just that. She was after all, a drug. A good kind of drug, and one that he didn't mind being addicted to.


Lita nearly jumped out her skin, the shrill ring from her cellphone de-railing whatever train of thought she had recently mustered. Ever mindful to the body on her right, the redhead gingerly reached for the offending object; however wecloming of it's interupption.

"Good morning!" Stacy Keibler chirped brightly. Too brightly for Lita's taste at that moment.

"What in the hell happened?"

"We went out last night, remember?" The blonde Diva responded matter of factly, counting down the momments to Lita's inevitable outburst.

"Yeah, I remember that much, but--"

"You had a bit too much to drink.." Stacy began carefully, a shaky laugh filling the receiver. "But, someone brought you back to the hotel before you could make too much of a fool out of yourself."

"That's so reassuring Stace. Really, you and Vikki should be nominated for a good citizenship award." Lita drawled sardonically, not at all pleased with the blonde. "Can I ask who I left with, or do you not remember that part?"

"Hey, ya know what Li? Vikki wants to head down for breakfast now, so I'll call back later." The blonde hurridly made her excuses, even though Victoria was still fast asleep. Or at least she thought, truth was..Victoria wasn't even in the hotel room. "I'll see you at the airport or something, okay? Bye!"

"Hello?" Lita glared at the cellphone, scowling when the dial tone met her ears. "Damnit."

Seeing as how Stacy had just hung up on her, and the added fact that she really needed to use the bathroom; Lita was left with no other choice then. It was time to turn and face the music, time to see if she could at least get one question answered. Even if she was regretting it. She let out a controlled breath, steeling herself before she sent a glance over her shoulder. Blue eyes blinked sleepily at the redhead, Lita offering an apologetic smile before she began.

"Um..sorry about that."

Randy Orton only shrugged in response, or as best he could given the current state of tangled limbs, He had been awake for the brief phone call, feigning sleep when Stacy had apparantly hung up. "I'd say good morning, but from the looks of it.."

"You just said it anyway, so..whatever." Lita smiled shakily, mentally kicking herself for making a mistake like this. "If you wouldn't mind, I really need to use the bathroom."

He smiled easily, the redhead stupified for a moment before she abruptly shook it off. "No biggie."

She only nodded in response, waiting until his arms realeased her before she rose from the bed; clutching the sheet to her body. It struck her as odd that modesty would suddenly rear it's head, but at the same time..it was a truly awkward situation. Shaky steps took her from the bed, the Diva's feet barely sinking into the plush carpeting. From the corner of her eye, she saw her top haphazardly tossed on the chair, and what she presumed were his pants. Lita decided then, she didn't care where the rest of her clothes were..after all there were more pressing issues at hand. Like, using the bathroom and then piecing together the blur that was last night.