Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade though I wish I do. Any unfamiliar character in the story belongs to me.

Author's note: I watched the movie and was inspired by it. So I decided to write a fic on it. I've changed parts of the story to fit but the storyline is there. I hope you enjoy it and to those who R&R my other story (Blue Wolf), don't worry. I'll still update it every week. But right now, please R&R. Now on with the story!

Chapter 1

She was lost. That was plain fact. Jade Summers sighed, checking the map the secretary that given her that morning along with her locker number and schedule. It was pretty hard, considering her arms her full with books and files.

Terrific, she thought. First day in school and you're lost even with a map. Great first impression.

At least she hoped her choice of clothes hasn't already made her first impression. She thought the blue jean-material skirt and V-collared blouse was appropriate for the first day of school. She had everything supposedly planned out. Come to school early. Send in her application forms and get her stuffs. After finding her locker and dumping the load there, she was supposed to be getting a bearing of the school grounds.

Now if only I could find that locker...

That was when her load of books started to tilt. She gasped but a hand scoped in and caught the falling books.

"Need a hand?" a guy's voice said smoothly with an amused tone.

She looked up at her unexpected savior, finding herself staring up at a gorgeous red-head boy. His turquoise blue eyes were lilted with amusement as he gazed at her. Jade felt herself turn red from head to toe under his gaze. Swallowing hard, she remembered how to speak and her manners. "Yes, please. Thank you."

He took the load from her and easily slipped them onto his arm. "You're new here."

That was a statement not a question.

Am I that obvious?, she wondered. Then again small town. She managed a shy smile. "Yeah. I'm."

"I have never seen you around here before. Where are you from?" he asked as they started walking down the crowding hallway.

From the corner of his eye, she saw him give her a look over and he probably saw what everyone saw. A lost high-school girl with a raven ponytail and confused green eyes.

"I'm from California." she mumbled.

"Oh." his eyes lilted with interest, giving her no clue if he has ever been there.

"My dad got...transferred here." she winced inwardly at her little lie. Her dad actually got fired from his job back in California and decided in a moment of drunkenness to move to Cawil, a small town somewhere in the middle nowhere. Her mother had protested but all that got her was a smack to her face. So here she was.

"What about your mom?" he asked.

Jade shrugged, finding her mother an easier topic to talk about. "She's a dance teacher."

"Ah. Dancing." the corners of his mouth curved upwards. "The art of the body. It's interesting the way one controls their body movements."

She looked at him as if in a new light. "You dance?"

"No." he grinned and shook his head. "I mean I like watching other people dance but as for myself...a disaster waiting to happen."

She laughed at his self-mockery joke.

"What's your locker number?" the boy asked.

"452." she recited it by memory.

"Follow me." he said and led her around a corner. He stopped at a locker and nodded his head. "Locker 452."

"Thanks." she said gratefully. She turned the lock and pulled open the locker. Quickly she placed everything she did not need inside; making a mental note to clean it up neatly later before she closed it.

The guy checked his watch and sighed. "I've got to go."

"Oh." she could see why. School was about to start and she would be late for her first class if she doesn't get moving. "Thanks for your help."

"No problem. Always here to help a damsel in distress." he said.

She flustered. "Anyway I'll see you around?" she cringed for sounding too hopeful. He'll think you're desperate!

"Looks like it." he flashed a heart-stopping smile at her and hurried off down the hallway.

Jade smiled to herself before she realized she didn't get his name. And he had already disappeared into the crowd by then. "Stupid." she murmured to herself. "First friend you make and you forget to ask for his name." she shrugged. "Oh, well. Now where is that darn classroom...?"

The noise of the classroom seemed to elude the blue-haired boy sitting in the last seat by the window with his eyes closed. He was listening to his Discman, regardless whether school has started. He was alone and he didn't care. He liked being alone. It suited him just fine. The students around him settled down when Miss Sharon, their class teacher entered.

"Good morning, class." she said. "Today I'm please to announce we have a new student."

The door opened and a girl walked in.

He opened his crimson eyes and removed his headphones. With curiosity he studied the newcomer. Her long raven hair was pulled into a ponytail and her green eyes revealed excitement. While most new students would be scared or nervous, she was excited as if she was about to embark on an adventure.

"Class, this is Jade Summers." Miss Sharon introduced. "I hope you kids will get along with her." she turned to the girl. "Jade, if there's anything you need."

Jade nodded and said with understanding and gratefulness. "I know. Thank you, Miss Sharon."

"You may sit there. Next to Kai." the teacher beckoned at the empty seat next to the bluenette.

"Thank you." Jade said and started making her way to the seat. As she sat down across Kai, she smiled at him. "Hi." she said in a warm attempt to make friends.

"Hn." with a grunt, he glanced away.

She blinked in confusion. A low chuckle drew her attention to the girl sitting on her right.

"Don't mind him. He's always like that." a brown-haired girl said as she leaned in. "Hi, I'm Hilary."

Jade shook the hand she offered. "I'm Jade. Nice to meet you."

Hilary rolled her eyes at the unfriendly boy. "Don't bother about him. He's like that with everyone." she said with a smile. "How bout later I give you a tour of the school?"

Jade smiled. "I would like that very much."

Later after school, Hilary showed her the lay-out of the school and introduced her friends to her.

"Meet Mariah and Mariam." Hilary nodded at two girls sitting on a bench outside the school, enjoying the sun.

A pink-head smiled. "Hey."

"Hello." the girl with blue hair said.

"Where's Tanya?" Hilary asked her friends.

Mariam sighed. "Where do you think? Cheerleading practice of course. That girl hardly has time for us since she became captain."

"Figures." Hilary said. She turned to Jade but the other girl's attention had wavered and was on a certain bluenette when he emerged from the school front doors.

Jade stared after him, remembering him as the unfriendly boy she sat next to in class. "Who's that?" she asked.

"That?" Mariah followed her gaze and made a face of someone frustrated at an adorable puppy. "That is the Ice Prince a.k.a Kai Hiwatari. Trust me. You don't want to know him."

"Why?" Jade was confused.

"That guy has no friends only because he doesn't want any." Mariam explained.

"The basketball team will do anything to get him on the team." the Chinese pink girl added with a sigh.


All three girls were taken by Jade's repeated question. Hilary made it her job to answer. "Because that's Kai just being Kai." she said.

"Put it into words for her." Mariam suggested.

"Let's see. Kai's the most anti-social yet most sought after guy in the whole school." Hilary said in one breath. "And darn is he good at everything!"

"From studies to sports." Mariam said. "You name it. He's the best."

"Except in the social part." Mariah added. "He should learn to be more like Ray."

"That's only if he'll ever speak to Ray." Hilary said with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh, okay." the new girl muttered thoughtfully, assuming that Ray's Mariah's crush or boyfriend or special someone. She herself has yet to have a boyfriend. "But why is Kai so lonely?"

"He's just a loner." Hilary said. "Look. A word of advise, Jade. Stay out of Kai's way. He isn't worth the trouble to know." from there the conversation pretty much drifted away from the Ice Prince.

But despite everything they said about him, Jade found herself intrigued by him. Must be hard...being so alone...