Someone- Burp!!!!
Will- Bordon!
Bordon- Not me! I would never!
Peter- What?! On the many occasions of my horrible displays of bad behaviour- one of which landed me in prison, this was not one!
Will- Braden?
Braden- Not me Papa! It was Bo!
Bordon- It was most certainly not!
Braden- Was too!
Bordon- Was not, was not! And no more horsy rides!
Braden- Papa! No fair!
Will- Okay, okay. It certainly wasn't Brielle… Mary?
Mary- Anyone up for more pie? More wine? Bordon?
Will- Mary! How improper of you!
Mary- William, I've told you before; I'm
Will- Not proper. I know… especially from your display last night. That was anything but.
Peter- No one's proper there.
Bordon- Okay; I'm not hungry anymore.
Braden- Horsy! Now Bo!
Bordon- Alright, alright, let's go. (anything to get away from talk of bedchamber activities…)
Peter- You are not leaving me alone with these two! Bordon and Braden exit Bordon?! Bordon!! (Peter looks at Mary and Will) Agh!!!! Brielle and me will just… Yeah, bye. Peter exits with Brielle
Will- Well Mary… Big house, empty…
Mary- Is that all you think about now?
Will- Just because the war is over doesn't mean I don't think about blood… But come on Mary, you can't tell me you don't think about it. Huh?
Mary- with a thoughtful look Well… It did cross my mind…
(they exit)
Bordon- (from outside) Get a bloody room! Lock the doors!