LoG- Heylo! This came out of my head when I was procrastinating! :D enjoy!

Rating- R (strong hinting! I stop before I get too much into it :)

Pairings – Kakashi x Sasuke, Naruto x Kakashi, Kakashi x Sasuke x Naruto. Maybe a lil SasuNaru...

Disclaimer – If I owned Naruto... Itachi would've done something worse to Sasuke then just kill his clan... cough cough

Please, Teacher

Prologue – An irresistible offer

"Kakashi-sensei..." Naruto or rather, Naruto as Sasuke fluttered out. A weak groan fluttered out of his mouth and he pressed his back against his teacher's chest. Kakashi cradled the fake Sasuke close as he went in him, nuzzling Naruto's neck softly. Naruto whimpered, nearly breaking the illusion from the force. His teacher gripped him at his hips and bit roughly into Naruto's neck. He cried out and gripped at the sheets.

Naruto almost didn't remember when he started to be with Kakashi in this way. All he knew is that he loved his teacher without knowing it. He started to become more competitive with Sasuke, and trained hard to impress his teacher, claiming he wanted to surpass the Uchiha. Only when he saw Kakashi and his rival in a very close moment did he realized he wanted that bond with his teacher. Kakashi seemed to notice too, since he started to pay more attention to Sasuke, pushing Naruto away.

He was desperate for anything from his teacher when he realized that the Jounin wanted non other than the Uchiha. And thus, he came to him with an irresistible offer; as long as Naruto would turn into Sasuke, Kakashi would wait in his room for Naruto every night.

Kakashi's nails dug deep into Naruto's skin, causing him to moan and push against him even more. A sharp grunt came from his mouth as he stabbed roughly into the Fake's back. Naruto let out a choked moan in response, shivering as his teacher released. It caused him to release in response and he fell on the bed, exhausted, and immediately fell asleep.

Kakashi looked down at his student. He wondered if this was what Sasuke looked like when he slept. The illusion fluttered away and all that was left was the childish look of Naruto. Kakashi turned away and headed for the bathroom, turning the cold tap on in the shower. He stared in the mirror and cursed at himself for continuing to do this to Naruto. The kid needed some real love, not the fake stuff Kakashi was feeding him. The Jounin sighed and stepped into the freezing cold shower, wincing as it washed over the numerous scratches he received from Naruto from this night and many before.

The rigid water washed the muck off of his body as he stood with his head lowered. After five minutes, he turned the tap off and cleaned up Naruto. Placing the clothes on his student and himself, he picked Naruto up and jumped over to his house, opening the door and placing him in his bed. Naruto turned from the lack of heat, whimpering softly. Kakashi was already out the door.

LoG: I can't believe I wrote that... It wasn't anything over the top... but still... Ew... Kill me please... If you guys like it, review and I'll post the next chappie up! YAY!

-Finished 11/22/04