Liquid Sunshine

Disclaimer: Dude.

Chapter 6: Attack of the 'Woodland Creatures'!

Sharpener pulled out a grey capsule and popped it open on the forest floor. He hefted the heavy bag of fabric and metal pieces, and them dumped it all out on the ground. Sharpener looked like he knew what he was doing, so Gohan was content to let him do all the work setting it up unless Sharpener asked him to do something.

"Yo! Brains! Help me spread the tent out and then start hammering these pegs in where the little loops are over there!" They quickly evened out all the lumps and wrinkles of the fabric, and then stationed all of the pegs in their proper place. Gohan had surprised himself, and had only broken one little peg hammering them into the ground.

"'K, now we gotta slide these bars through the loop-tunnel thing at the top. Here, put these two bars together and slide them through your side, and I'll do the same, and then I'll connect them together while they're in the loop."

Gohan picked up the two long bars and slid them together, making a 7-like shape. He slid the shorter part of the seven through the long loop of the tent fabric, and waited for Sharpener to complete the same task. Sharpener walked to the center and felt for the ends of the two bars, and then snapped them together and went back to his side and grabbed the long part of the 7-shaped bar.

"On the count of three, lift the bar and position it vertically, but coming away from the tent at a slight angle." It was as easily done as it was said. Gohan picked up the bar that would suspend the center of the tent, raised it, and then poked the end into the ground so it wouldn't move. Sharpener came over to inspect, and satisfied, handed Gohan another four bars, that were similar, but the long end of the 7-shape was shorter.

"Here, we have to do basically the same thing to the front and the back of the tent. Let's start with the back, and then we'll do the front."

Gohan again arranged the bars, and they repeated the process all over again. Sharpener proudly surveyed their work, and then unzipped the red curtain-like piece that was for privacy, and then unzipped the screen, and went inside to check it out from that perspective. Seeing that everything was in order, Sharpener came back out and went over to the original bag that the whole tent fit in. He pulled the last thing out of it- a white curtain-like piece of fabric.

"Here, hang this down the middle of the tent inside."

Gohan took the fabric and hooked it up to the 'ceiling' of the tent in all the right places. Now it was an official two room tent; behold its majesty…a curtain wall.

Gohan was just about to walk out when he heard Sharpener talking to a few of the girls that had chosen to come.

"Yep, I put the whole thing up by myself! That weakling nerd-brain couldn't have even lifted a single pole even if he tried! Ha ha ha!"

Gohan squinted his eyes. Why must everyone call him weak? He was really sick of Sharpeners attitude, but he couldn't very well do anything to him to put him in his place in front of all these people.

"Come on girls; let's go back to your tent…"

Gohan heard Sharpener and the girls start to walk away. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He smirked evilly to himself, and silently stepped out of the tent. The teen looked around for a second, before spotting the perfect projective. Gohan picked up a rock about two inches in diameter and looked to where Sharpener was sauntering away.

With the accuracy earned from years of training, Gohan flung the rock and beaned the long-haired blonde male right in the head.

"What thhh-" Sharpener started saying before he slumped over into unconsciousness.

Gohan zipped back into the tent just as the girls looked back to see what happened. Gohan smirked to himself again. Sharpener would be fine. He'd have a headache when he woke up, that's for sure, but other than that, he'd be all right.

Gohan chose this time to step out of the tent and pretend to be completely unaware of how Sharpener ended up in his predicament.

He spotted Erasa about 100 meters away, and decided to see how she was doing.

When he got there, Erasa had her hands clasped together in front of her chest and was staring at her tenter her hot pink monstrosity.

"Isn't it the coolest Gohan?" Erasa cooed. "I just love pink!"

"Ack! Erasa!" Videl yelled as she stepped out of her own tent. "That thing is like…the SUN! Put it away!"

"Aw Videl, just because you don't like pink doesn't mean I can't!"

"Fine, just let me get my sunglasses and SPF 65…"

"Do they even have SPF 65?" Erasa questioned.

Just then, some kind of dinging sounded over the campgrounds, most likely a triangle.


Videl began walking over, and was soon followed by Gohan and Erasa.

In a matter of minutes, the gaggle of campers was circled around the director, either standing on the ground or sitting on the various logs that surrounded the unlit fire pit.

"Well, I'm sure you're all curious as to what we'll be doing over the next few days." The director began. "We have some planned activities, but as to how they go, that will be up to you. This is after all, survival camp! You will all be expected to complete certain activities, whether they are individual or group activities. I also expect you all to cooperate. There will be one or two activities that will require the cooperation of everyone present, so if you have any issues with someone here, forget about them for the remainder of the weekend." The director looked around at everyone. "Now that that little inspirational speech is done, you can all go back and finish setting up, or you can just relax if you're already done. Dinner will be provided for you tonight, and it'll be ready in about an hour. See you all then. Dismissed!"

Gohan trudged into his half of the tent for the night. His stomach gave a loud gurgle in protest to the meager meal that had been provided. He cringed and flopped to his small blanket on the ground. At least they hadn't done anything today. Tomorrow was the second of the three day trip, and also the only full day. That would be the only day they would really do anything. Sunday would mostly be packing up again and then the hike back to the pick-up area where the bus had dropped them off earlier this day.

How long he'd been laying there, Gohan wasn't sure, but he did know it had been several hours since the sky was now pitch black. He sighed and got up to go outside. Making sure Sharpener was sound asleep; he left and went around to the back of the tent. Gohan sighed again.

"You can come out now guys. I know you're there."

Two little blobs shot out of the forest and attached themselves to Gohan's legs.

"Hi Trunks. Hi Goten." He said as coolly as possible. "Goten, didn't I say I'd be back and I'd play with you all day on Monday?"

"Yeah, but I missed you! Please don't make us go home Gohan!" He pleaded. "It's scary in the woods when it's all dark!"

Trunks scoffed at him. "You big baby! There's nothing scary!

Gohan grinned amusedly at the lavender haired boy. "Oh? So you wouldn't mind going back home right now? By yourself?"

Trunks paled visibly, even though it was dark. "I-um…no, I think I'll stay here and make sure Goten isn't um…too scared or anything…yeah."

Gohan shook his head. "You guys can stay for tonight, but I want you to leave as soon as you can tomorrow morning! Your mothers are probably worried sick about you!"

Trunks smirked again. "Nuh uhh! My mom thinks I'm at your house, and Mrs. Goten's mom thinks he's at my house!"

Gohan shook his head again, this time in disbelief. "It's your funeral…" He tossed back at them as he turned to go back inside the tent.

And there you have it! Chapter 6! Sorry about the wait again. I was sick and had an absolute TON of make-up work. I still do, even though this is the last official day of spring break. Blech. I'm not gonna have a fun day tomorrow…

I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for those who reviewed last time (and motivated my to finally finish this chapter)!

Please review!