A poem dedicated to my favorite character! You'll understand who it is at the end(if you miss ALL of the hints). You might not understand it if you missed Season 4.

Hope you like it! ;)



Only in silence can I think.

Remember how my words have betrayed my intentions.
See how I've mislead my decisions.

Know that I've been noone's friend.
How I had nowhere to attend.

Leading a life of sadistic wishes.
Beliefs of what make me malicious.

Living a time of chaos and misery.
Never came to a resolve but something that's eerie.

Changing masks of emotion and indecision.
Only used with precise precision.

Residing in a lair of nulls without contempt.
Can only be active with an attempt.

Became flattered with a guardian as my love.
Never filled with these feelings before, not even from doves.

Irony that it be, that noone but me could ever fulfill a task as far as the eye can see.

Because a virus equals an infection.
And only I can cross over to all sections.

Malignant inevitability leads my unseen heart.
To a duty I have yet to start.

An artist's hands give him up.
Like before, except without teacups.

Give a gift of rememberance.
Someone who gave birth to the one with no tolerance.

Leave final words of devotion.
That only he can make me endeavor such a notion.

Reveal a face that isn't mine.
Release him to her as I cross the line.

Save the ones who abhored me.
Only he knew what I could be.

It ends here, wasn't that quite a sob?
For the Queen of Chaos fell for Guardian Bob.

Like it? RR! Please...? ;;