And without preamble, the final installment of Surfers… amazing!


Chapter 14.

Eriol had Tomoyo sandwiched between his hard body and the wall. After coming home from the beach and being tortured while she took a shower as he had to talk to his boss about a shift change the next week, he had jumped her before she even stepped out of the bathroom. Placing a knee in between her legs, he earned a moan from his longtime girlfriend. Breaking his lips away from hers he started to trail kisses down her neck when his cell phone rang.

"I-Ignore it," Tomoyo gasped as he lavished her collarbone. He happily agreed. Soon she was unbuckling his pants as they moved toward the bedroom. His phone went off again, but thoughts of answering it quickly left his mind after his pants fell to the floor and they fell to the bed. Resuming their heated kissing once more her hand started caressing his chest, and then back, and then… her cell phone started ringing.

"Oh for the love of God!" she yelled and grabbed it from the floor. "What is it Syaoran? What is the big-" she paused and her eyes went wide. "What?! Why didn't you call me sooner?!" she practically screamed and shoved Eriol off of her. "We'll meet you there!"

"What is it?" Eriol asked as she hung up and started flurrying around the room getting dressed. Tomoyo smiled and threw her arms around him.

"Sakura's having a baby!"


Contrary to popular belief Syaoran did not get lost on the way to the hospital, nor forget his pregnant girlfriend. Fiancé? She hadn't actually answered him, but he wasn't going to bring it up now. And contrary to popular belief he was also rather calm. He had just asked his girlfriend to marry him causing her to go into shock and her water to break. It was all perfectly normal.

After announcing that she was entering labor, Syaoran had ignored the prior topic of conversation as they calmly went through the plan: call Dr. Hotele, grab the overnight bag, get Sakura and the bag and him into the car, and sanely drive to the hospital.

Everything had been going well until Sakura had gotten her first contraction while getting into the car. Moaning, she had grabbed Syaoran's free hand and he had pulled over to help her breath through it. They weren't coming very quickly and were pretty sporadic, so there was no danger in the baby being born in the car (JimRay was going to owe a lot of people money). He pulled up to the maternity ward entrance and helped Sakura out of the car.

(Really though, on the inside he felt like wave after wave after wave was hitting him and keeping him from surfacing. Sakura had mentioned once on the drive to the hospital that he looked like he was turning blue, and that's because he had forgotten to breath.)

"You're being awfully calm," Sakura and stated as they walked through the doors.

"Oh believe me, I am very nervous," he had answered. 'In more ways than one,' he added to himself.

"I'm scared," she had whispered, pulling him to a stop before they made it to the front desk. He looked into her eyes and saw tears starting to form.

"Hey hey, it's ok to be scared but you have to be strong! Break my hand or something, but don't cry!" he said jokingly. He had to put his thoughts on the botched proposal aside, they were about to meet their baby! He had to be as supportive as possible, for as long as possible, until he broke under the pressure too. Sakura giggled slightly at his joke, but then sucked in a deep breath as another contraction hit. Syaoran looked around and plopped her in a chair nearby and walked over to the desk.

"Hi my girlfriend Kinomoto Sakura just started having contractions and we think her water broke earlier at home." The receptionist focused in on her computer.

"How far along is she?" the woman, Karen, asked.

"Full term," Syaoran answered, looking back to check on Sakura. She was breathing normally, and gave him a thumbs up in reassurance.

"Ah yes, it looks like Dr. Hotele is already upstairs and has a room ready for you two. I'll go grab a wheelchair and we'll make our way up." As the nurse walked away, Syaoran went back to Sakura.

"How are you doing?" he asked, holding her hand again. She smiled at him, rubbing her belly.

"They're not bad yet," she said. "Everything ok?" Syaoran's hand joined hers as he rubbed soothing circles on her stomach as well. Her eyes fluttered closed at the touch.

"Yup, Karen is getting you a wheelchair so we can go upstairs. Looks like Dr. Hotele beat us here and there's a room set up and everything! I think it's official." Trying to make a joke, Syaoran winced at his own words, mind wandering to the proposal again, but if Sakura noticed, she didn't say anything.

"I wonder if we got the penthouse suit. You are pretty famous after all," she joked. He smiled as Karen came by with the wheel chair.

"Alright Ms. Kinomoto, time to go get you comfortable," she said Sakura transferred seats.

When they got to the room, Syaoran was asked to wait outside while they changed Sakura into a gown and got her situated. He took the time to call Tomoyo and Eriol, even though it took a few tries to reach them.

When he came back in Sakura was hooked up to an IV and a few machines that were monitoring her and the baby.

"Everything seems to be progressing nicely, but slowly." Dr. Hotele explained when Syaoran came in. "Your water did in fact break at your house, but it could still be hours still you are ready to push. I'll stay in here to monitor and go through a few contractions with you, and then I'll leave you to for a while."

Dr. Hotele did in fact stay through a few contractions, which were getting stronger, but not faster.

"We're in for a long night," she said. "My team and I will be in every few minutes to check on you. For now you can have visitors, and if you feel the need to walk around it might even help." Sakura and Syaoran nodded and Dr. Hotele left the two alone.

"I know that I'm scared, but I'm so excited to meet our child," Syaoran said, staring at Sakura's stomach that was under the covers. "Just think in a few hours we'll be holding our child! Our child!" he said, now looking at the machine monitoring the child's heartbeat. Syaoran's smile was contagious and Sakura smiled back.

"Syaoran I-" she began but was cut off by the monitor picking up the beginnings of a contraction. Sakura clenched his hand tighter.

"Just breathe through it, you can do it." Syaoran encouraged.

"But I want… I want to tell you…" she was cut off as the contraction reached its peak.

"Shh, that's it. Just breathe first," Syaoran said again rubbing her back and kissing her forehead.


By the time Eriol and Tomoyo had picked up Chris, Jeff and JimRay, Sakura's labor had progressed. Their birth plan with Dr. Hotele was to try for a natural birth if everything was going smoothly. So far both the health of Sakura and the baby was good, but the pain of the contractions was getting worse. As the group made their way towards Sakura's room they were met by a very stressed out Syaoran.

"Hey guys glad you could make it. Everything is going great, and both Sakura and the baby are doing fine."

"How are you holding up Syaoran?" Eriol asked, clasping his friend's shoulder.

"My hand might be broken by the end of this, and I'm nervous as hell, but otherwise can't wait to meet 'em," he said, the nervousness in his voice apparent.

"Did you say 'him'?!" Tomoyo yelled in excitement. Syaoran and the group stared at her.

"No sorry. You're going to see for yourself soon anyway." Suddenly, Sakura let out a string of curses and they couldn't believe their ears.

"Syaoran! I hate you! This is all your fault! How could you ask me such an important question like that one the fly? You messed everything up! I can't believe you got me pregnant and then nine months later asked me that! Syaoooooooran!"

"Woah what is she talking about?" Chris asked, shocked.

"I asked her to marry me." He said shrugging.

"WHAT?!" five voices screamed in unison. A passing by nurse frowned and told them to keep it down.

"What? That's awesome! What did she say? What happened?" Jeff asked.

"She went into labor."


"I can't believe it," Tomoyo whispered. "I never thought- I mean I told her just to be patient- but I didn't actually think- and she hasn't actually answered- and my best friend is having a baby-I think I need to sit down," Tomoyo rambled.

"Well, why don't you go inside and help her out," Syaoran said with a gentle smile. "She could probably use you guys right now, and I think the time for you to visit isn't going to be much longer." Tomoyo nodded and entered the room.

"I dunno, I'm a little scared of Sakura right now." Chris said reluctantly.

"Yea, this reminds me of when you guys didn't want each other to know you liked each other, and you fought all the time," Jeff added. It took a while for the rest to process the sentence, but Eriol laughed. JimRay put a hand on Syaoran's shoulder.

"We'll be here in spirit, but it's you she needs. We'll be in the waiting room." Eriol stood up as well.

"Come get us when you're a father."

It took Syaoran a moment to let Eriol's comment sink in as his friend and cousin walked away. But when he felt another hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Tomoyo, he was pulled from his trance.

"I'm gonna be a father," he blurted out. Tomoyo smiled.

"Soon too I think. Dr. Hotele is asking for you."

Syaoran all but raced inside.

It was a flurry of activity. Striding over to Sakura he saw her panting hard at the end of a contraction.

"Is everything alright?" he asked the doctor, but looked at Sakura.

"Everything is great, and she's fully dilated. I'd say we can start the delivery. It's time to have a baby folks!" Dr. Hotele said and started addressing her team. Still looking into her eyes, he saw Sakura tiredly smile up at him.

"You're gonna be a dad," she said, unconsciously mirroring his early statement. It made him smile.

"You're gonna be a mom," he said back and watched the nervous smile bloom on her face.

"You know I don't mean anything I say while I'm in here right?" she asked, blushing. He kissed her.

"I love you too."

"Alright you two, listen up. Everything seems to be going great so far, and as long as the baby isn't stressed we can stay right in this room, do a natural delivery and take all the time in the world. But if your baby gets distressed in anyway, I will make the call, ok?" The two soon to be parents nodded. "Alright, Sakura when the next contraction hits I want you to push."

Sakura looked determinedly into Syaoran's eyes, but he could see her nervousness. Brushing some hair matted to her sweaty face he smiled again.

"Don't worry you can do it. I know you're gonna do great." As much as he tried not to, his voice waivered. He was nervous too.

"Everything is going to be alright." She answered back, pulling him into a kiss.

The machine broke the moment as it picked up an incoming contraction and the delivery staff bustled into position. Tomoyo moved to the corner of the room, ready to give help when needed, but also giving the almost parents space.

"Alright everyone get ready." Dr. Hotele said and watched the graph of the contraction rise. "Ok Sakura I'm going to count down from ten and you need to push the whole time got it?" Sakura nodded. "Ok push! 10…"


A few hours later and a few hours closer to holding their baby and a few hours closer to Syaoran getting his hand back and Sakura was still in labor.

"Ok, here comes another one. Sakura we are almost there, your baby's head is just starting to crown. Ready? Push!" Dr. Hotele started to count down in the back ground as tears flooded Sakura's eyes.

"You are doing so great Sakura! Don't give up now!" Syaoran yelled, holding her hand. Sakura finished off the contraction with a hiss.

"YES!" she yelled, panting. The delivery staff, Syaoran and Tomoyo all looked at her strangely.

"What?" Syaoran asked, wiping her sweat and tears away.

"Yes!" she panted, looking at him with a bit of a smile. "I would- I-" she took a deep breath to try and catch it. "I would love-to marry you." She answered. Syaoran stared at her.

"What?" he asked stupidly again. Tomoyo shed a happy tear in the background at the truly overloaded man.

"I would love to-argh!" Sakura yelled as another contraction hit.

"This is it Sakura push!" Dr. Hotele yelled and ceased counting down all together.

Suddenly a baby's cries filled the room and Sakura fell back on the bed.

"You did it." Came Syaoran's praise as he wiped her forehead again, and tried to see the child.

"Congratulations! You have a son!" Dr. Hotele said showing the new baby boy to the parents, before the staff cleaned him off.

"A boy! It's a boy!" Tomoyo practically screamed and ran out the door.

Quickly, the baby was measured, the chord cut, swaddled and handed to the awaiting arms of Sakura.

"A son…" Syaoran murmured, looking at the child who was wailing loudly.

"Your son," Sakura confirmed as she gently rocked him. He looked at her again and swept her into a big kiss. "Want to hold him?" she asked tiredly and handed him over. Once again, Syaoran fell in love at first site.

"What's his name?" Dr. Hotele asked, coming over to check on Sakura.

"Ryou, Li Ryou." She answered, holding his tiny hand in her own.

Syaoran tore his eyes away from his son, who had finally stopped wailing, at looked at Sakura. His fiancé. His future wife. Her cheeks were still flushed, tears still lingered in the corner of her eyes, and her face was sweaty, but she had never looked more beautiful. Her jade-green eyes were tired, but they looked at their son with love and adoration.

"Thank you," he said gesturing to the baby in his arms and to her. "For this." Sakura smiled and the three of them snuggled up together as a family.


Six months later…


Sakura strapped the Ergo-carrier so that Ryou fit snuggly against her chest.

"He's going to be too big for this soon!" she commented as Ryou giggled happily at her.

"I can't believe how fast he's grown!" Tomoyo said, making faces at him.

"With how many diapers and bottles he goes through I'm not surprised," JimRay teased, sitting at the counter. Tomoyo glared at him.

"Speaking of the diapers, Syaoran was supposed to get the diaper bag and we were supposed to be leaving, what is taking him so long?" Sakura asked, looking around for her fiancé.

"Syaoran, dude, you're gonna be late!" Chris yelled towards the Jeep.

"You don't want to miss your flight do you?" Jeff yelled after. There was a thump followed by a curse, and then Syaoran appeared, running towards them.

"Sorry, sorry! Ryou's pacifier fell behind the car seat, and I couldn't reach it, but then I had to wash it and- never mind." He finished with a sigh. "I'm ready to go. JimRay, you're all set to watch the apartment while we're gone?"

"Yup, it's all good! Don't worry about it." Syaoran looked at JimRay, who looked at Chris and Jeff, who smirked. Syaoran groaned.

"Oh no, they're going to burn down the house!" Sakura laughed, bouncing up and down as Ryou smiled.

"It will be fine Syaoran, now we've gotta go or we'll miss the plane." Tomoyo hugged her girlfriend, trying not to squish the baby.

"Don't worry about a thing! By the time you get back I will have ordered all your flowers, gotten everything with the caterer set up and your dress will be ready for its final fitting!" She squealed, stars in her eyes.

"I can't believe were going to Hong Kong just three weeks before the wedding! I honestly don't know what I would do without you Tomoyo!"

"You two would be eloping," Eriol deadpanned with a smile. Tomoyo glared at her boyfriend.

"Anyway, what I mean is don't worry about the wedding-"

"Or the house!" JimRay piped in.

"-while you're gone. Just focus on inducting Ryou as the Li Clan heir. And good luck!"

Syaoran handed Sakura the diaper bag, picked up their luggage and they went inside the airport.

"So, will there ever be a day when we fly to Hong Kong and are not worried about what's going to happen when we get there?" Sakura joked as she fed Ryou his afternoon bottle. Syaoran looked over her with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry. I know my family can be…intimidating. It won't always be like this, I promise. Ryou will be inducted, and then when we marry it will be finalized, and then-"

"Syaoran, I was just kidding. You know I love your mother and Wei and your sisters. I'll probably end up loving the entire Li Clan at some point too." When Ryou finished the bottle, she started sitting him up on her lap.

"Here, I'll burp him," Syaoran offered, taking Ryou into his arms. "I don't know what I did to deserve a patient woman like you. I can barely handle your brother, let alone an entire elitist clan."

"Yea, but if our positions were switched, I know you would tolerate them for me," Sakura said smiling at her fiancé and their son.

At six months old, Ryou had already started showing similarities to both his parents. He already had Sakura's delicate ears and nose, but Syaoran's chin and deep eyebrows. His cheeks were still chubby, and he also had Syaoran's golden eye color. His little wisps of hair were a light brown, but he still didn't have much to compare to.

"You're aunties are so excited to see you little man!" she cooed to him.

"I just hope they don't squeeze him to hard," Syaoran mumbled. Sakura laughed.

"All of their own children survived them," she answered.


"I think your mother is the most excited though." Syaoran looked at her in surprise.

"Why? It's not like Ryou is her first grandchild." Sakura smiled knowingly as Ryou started to drift off in Syaoran's arms.

Syaoran had stepped into the role of fatherhood quickly. Though he had to go back to work when Ryou was three months old, when he was home he spent all of his time feeding, changing, conversing, entertaining and sleeping with his son. Sakura was always glad to take a nap when he first got home, but loved to be with the two of them as well. They really made a good team.

"Yes your mother is already a grandmother, but I think she is so happy that you 'decided' to settle down too. I mean, first you run off and pretty much sever all ties with her for years, then you show up with a pregnant girlfriend and reconnect with her, and now you're bringing her your son. I think she's just happy to have you back."

As the Hong Kong skyline became visible far below them, Syaoran realized he was happy to be back too.


The next morning Syaoran woke up to the sound of crying coming from the baby monitor next to their bed. His mother had given Sakura and him one of the guest villas on the Li estate. Ryou had started sleeping through the night at five months old, but he was in a new place. Syaoran opened his eyes just to notice that his son's crying had already stopped. He sighed, turned over and was about to go back to sleep when he realized that Sakura wasn't next to him. Opening his eyes fully he found that she was not in the room at all, but he could hear a soft humming coming from the baby monitor. Picking himself out of bed he exited the room, walked down the hall and opened the door to the room next to theirs. He smiled at the sight.

Sakura was sitting in the rocking chair sleepily humming to a sleeping baby in her arms. Syaoran could tell she was just on the verge of falling back asleep herself. He moved into the room and placed his hand on her cheek as not to scare her of his presence. Her green eyes blinked sleepily up at him and smiled.

"Hey," he whispered. "Let's get both of you back in bed."

Carefully, as not to wake him he lifted Ryou out of his mother's arms and back into his crib. Then he turned to Sakura and placed his arms under hers, pulling her up. She leaned heavily against him, and he put his arms around her waist to steady them. He knew she was half asleep, but it was too few a times that she was against his body like this. Sakura glared up at him as she too felt his body's reaction.

"Not fair…" she mumbled.

"Sorry," he started guiltily. "I can't help it, I love you." Sakura smiled, and truthfully, ever since his wandering thumb had started rubbing her skin under her shirt, she had started to wake up a bit faster. She shook her head in understanding and they left the room.

As they got back under the covers of their bed Sakura pulled Syaoran into a long kiss. Syaoran responded and drew her underneath him. A few moment later they pulled back.

"What was that for?" Syaoran asked huskily. Sakura smirked.

"I guess I love you too." Syaoran kissed her again.


The trip to Hong Kong went by too fast for all parties involved. Yelan and Syaoran's sisters were delighted at the sight of Ryou and everyone from the Clan fell in love with him immediately. The ceremony inducting him into the Li Clan and naming him heir went along very smoothly and the Clan Elders were happy that tradition had been kept. Syaoran had also formally announced his wedding to Sakura which was taking place in early December. Some of the Clan members were a little upset that the wedding of Li Syaoran wasn't a grand to-do ceremony happening on the estate, but Sakura and Syaoran both wanted a small wedding on the beach. Yelan promised that later in the year the pair would be back for a smaller, more traditional vow ceremony to keep the Elders happy. On the last day Sakura and Syaoran dropped Ryou off with his grandmother while Syaoran showed Sakura Tai Long Wan, one of Hong Kong's premier surfing beaches.

When they got back to Hawaii, they braced themselves for the tornado that was to come. Though they were having a small ceremony on a beach on Oahu, there was still much to be done. Especially since Tomoyo had taken on the responsibility of wedding planner. Tomoyo had called planning Kinomoto Sakura's wedding, as well as making her dress, since they were six years old. Sakura also expected that she had the dresses designed since then too, but would never be sure. Not only did Tomoyo have wedding details to plan, but also accommodation for all the guests. Sakura's father and brother were flying in a week before the wedding, Yelan and Syaoran's sisters were flying in a few days before, some of Sakura's friends from Japan were coming, and a few of Syaoran's coworkers (aka really hot, famous surfers as Naoko liked to joke) would also be attending the wedding.


By a week before the wedding, the flowers had been ordered, the cake and food decided upon (that was the easiest part, since Amelia had volunteered her services to cater the wedding- though it was hard to find wait staff since her usual go-to-team were all part of the ceremony), and all the dresses fitted. All that was left were the decorations, which Sakura had said she wanted to do herself, with help from the girls of course.

"He is just too adorable Sakura! I can't understand how you could let him out of your sight for one minute!" Chiharu cooed, playing peek-a-boo with Ryou as they decorated place tags.

"Oh believe me, Syaoran was two hours late to his first day at work because he had such a hard time leaving him!" Sakura laughed.

"His cheeks are so pudgy! All I want to do is squeeze them!" Naoko said, then sighed. "But then I'll be 'that aunt' huh? I hated mine as a child…"

"Yea, but there always has to be one, right?" Tomoyo answered.

"Rika, I can't believe you were able to make it to my wedding! I mean, flying with a three month old? You're very brave," Sakura said, gesturing to the tiny baby in Rika's arms. Just a few months before Rika had given birth to a baby girl, Maka.

"I would never miss you wedding Sakura! You were there when I walked down the aisle, I had to do the same for you!" Sakura grinned. Even though they didn't live very close, it was nice to have Rika as a friend going through the same things. Since Sakura and Syaoran were a few months ahead, Rika and Terada often called for words of advice.

"So Tomoyo…" Chiharu said, finally turning away from Ryou. "We always thought you'd be the first to get married. When are you and Eriol gonna get hitched?"

"Yea, I lost a bet you know! Five bucks to Chiharu when she got married first, another five when it was shy Rika and Terada-sensei next, and now Sakura! I'm still surprised Touya is letting it happen!" Naoko exclaimed. Tomoyo blushed a pretty crimson.

"Well, we have talked about it, and of course I think Eriol is the one. But he is definitely old fashioned. He wants to be financially stable first." She answered.

"He did drop everything and move around the world to be with Syaoran. He was studying at Oxford right?" Sakura piped in. Tomoyo nodded.

"I think he wants to finish up his degree first. And there's also the responsibility of surfing with the Clan. Those guys need a good role model."

"Well I think that's romantic that he wants to be a good provider," Rika said smiling.

"You two will probably have crazy smart babies too, so it'll be good to have a college fund," Naoko said, everyone stared. "What? It's good to think about future education!" They all laughed.


Finally, it was the day.

A day Syaoran thought would never happen.

A day Touya hoped would never happen.

A day Tomoyo had planned since she was small.

A day totally different than Yelan had imagined when Syaoran was born.

A day Fujitaka would always remember.

A day Sakura had just given up on, but was now the (second) happiest day of her life.

"How can I be this nervous? I can surf huge waves and almost drown, I can take on the Li Clan, I can be a father- hell I can take on Touya, but I'm nervous about getting married!" Syaoran practically yelled, running his hands through his hair anxiously.

"If you mess up your hair, Tomoyo and your sisters will throw a fit," JimRay mentioned 'helpfully'. Syaoran pulled his hand away quickly and sighed. They were standing on the beach away from the main ceremony space, waiting for the guests to appear and get settled.

It was a beautiful December day on Kauai- which was lucky, because it had been raining for the past week and a half straight. Tomoyo had been devastated by the prospect of pulling everything inside, but weather had cooperated last minute. The sun was starting to dip in the sky, and if everything went perfectly, Sakura and Syaoran would be saying their vows at sunset.

"Look, everyone is almost seated!" Chris said. Syaoran glanced over, and sure enough, the small string quartet had picked up their instruments in preparation for the start of the ceremony. Syaoran saw his mother, carrying Ryou in her arms come towards the group.

"The girls are almost ready and should be joining us at any moment," she said, bouncing the little boy up and down.

"Alright Syaoran, we give up." Jeff said, playing with Ryou's tiny hands.

"He is adorable in that baby tux," Chris finished with a smile. Syaoran couldn't help puffing out his chest a little with pride.

Finally, Syaoran saw the bridesmaids walking over. They emerged from a small tent set up on the beach for them and the bride to get ready in. Syaoran could wait to see Sakura…yet….the butterflies were there full force. Syaoran turned away from the wedding party and took a deep breath. A few moments later he felt a presence stand next to him. A slight cooing told him that it was his mother, still holding Ryou.

"Sakura isn't going to abandon you Syaoran," she said and Syaoran sucked in a breath.

"What?" he said meekly. Yelan looked down at Ryou, who was looking sleepy in her arms.

"I can tell you're nervous, but you shouldn't be." She looked up at her son, looking very handsome and very nervous in his black tuxedo. "Here, take him for a moment," she said handing him Ryou. Syaoran took his son into his arms, and instantly the warmth emitting from the infant cause him to relax.

"Ryou is a product of you and Sakura's love. He is the evidence of the strength and bonds you two have. If anything can help you relax, it will be him." Syaoran smiled, a few tears gathering in his eyes. "You can't cry yet, trust me. You have to wait until you two are standing together." Syaoran lifted an eyebrow at the Li Clan matriarch. "When your father and I got married…" she started to say wistfully. "It was not a small ceremony, the Li Clan traditions were even more strict back then. I had just turned 18, your father was a bit older, but we were madly in love. Your father was the epitome of strength. Not only could he lift an ox, but he was always there for a shoulder to lean on. When we started saying our vows, he started bawling. In front of the whole Clan." She laughed, and Syaoran joined her. Eventually Ryou giggled too, though he had no idea why.

Syaoran's ears perked up as the quartet started playing the "warning song." It meant the ceremony was starting. He and Yelan walked back to the group, and he noticed Tomoyo was missing. He felt the nervousness creep up again, but hugged his son a bit tighter, and it went away again.

"She's just finishing up a few last minute touches," Rika said softly with understanding. Syaoran nodded and as the song changed took his mother's arm to lead her down the aisle. With his mother on his right, and Ryou cradled on his left, he made his way to the priest at the end of the walk way. At the end, he kissed his mother's cheek, handed Ryou over to her, and turned to await his bride. The music changed, and the bridesmaids Rika, Chiharu and Naoko were escorted down the aisle by his groomsmen Chris, Jeff and JimRay. They were quickly followed by Tomoyo and Eriol- Tomoyo with the biggest smile on her face he had ever seen. There was probably only one that could be bigger, and that was reserved for her own wedding day.

Finally, the music changed again, and Syaoran felt something shoot through him, but it wasn't nervousness.

It was excitement.

But when Sakura, led by Fujitaka finally came out of the tent, he forgot to breath. Again.

Though her bridesmaids had been clothed in light pink, she wore a simple, yet elegant dress of pure white. With a simple sweetheart neckline, the strapless gown fit tight through the waist, and then slightly poofed out right above her hips. Syaoran was told it even had pockets, but even Tomoyo couldn't tell him what for. Her hair was curled into perfect beachy waves and they traveled down her back and bounced slightly as she walked.

Simple. Beautiful. And about to become his wife.

They made it down the aisle (without tripping, he could see Sakura's triumphant smirk) and Syaoran shook hands and hugged Fujitaka.

"Make her happy," her father said. Syaoran nodded confidently.

Sakura and Syaoran could tell you, honestly, that the ceremony went by in a blur. They can remember Ryou letting out an ear splitting wail in the middle and they managed to somehow get out their hand written vows without stuttering, but that was about it. Each got lost in the other's eyes which promised nothing but a wonderful future together. A future that didn't start at that moment, but rather the day that the pro-surfer-to-be Li Syaoran almost drowned, and was pulled from the waves by his green-eyed soul mate. A day that Sakura cried in his arms because the stick had turned blue. A day that Sakura had said yes, right as the screams of Ryou filled the air for the first time.





"Syaoran I can't find my rashguard!" Sakura yelled out the door in slight frustration.

"Which one?" a deep voice replied from downstairs.

"My pink one!"

"Did you check in your top left hand drawer?" There was silence as Sakura quickly checked that specific drawer.

"It's not there!" There was silence again until a soft giggle was heard from the doorway. Sakura turned around.

"Why are you looking for it? You're not going to need it for a while anyway," Syaoran said again, an 18 month old boy sitting on his shoulders.

"I know, but you know it's my favorite one and I don't like that I can't find it. Even if I can't use it now anyway." Syaoran looked at her swollen stomach and smiled impishly.

The doorbell rang and the boy on his shoulders started squirming.

"Looks like Mike is here. Ok ok, Ryou you can get it!" Syaoran said putting his son down. The two watched him run down the stairs.

"Ryou don't run on the stairs!" Sakura yelled after him. Syaoran walked over to his wife, putting his hands on her stomach.

"I think it's gonna be a girl," he said lovingly but Sakura shook her head.

"I think it's gonna be another boy, and I am the expert on these things," she answered with a grin.

"If we keep this up, were going to have to buy a bigger house," Syaoran said.

"Keep this up? What do you mean by that?" Sakura yelled, hitting him on the arm as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hello to the house!" a voice came from the stairs. Mike appeared holding a boy by the ankles. "I think I found something that belongs to you," he joked and Ryou squirmed happily. "Are you guys ready to go? Waves wait for no man!"

"I can't believe we're going to Australia!" Sakura gushed as Syaoran loaded the bags in the Jeep.

"It is called Surfer's Paradise, how could we not?!" Syaoran replied with an ear to ear grin.

"Now that you've made a name for yourself, starting with your win at Mavericks a few years ago, the Quicksilver Pro competition will be a piece of cake!" Mike said.

"Your daddy is gonna take Australia by storm!" Sakura cheered to Ryou who clapped his hands. "Remember your cheer?" Sakura asked her son.

""Go Daddy! Go Daddy!"" they both yelled in unison. As Mike revved the engine, and they pulled out of the driveway, Syaoran smiled at the two.

Life was good.







Holy crap. I can't believe it's finally done! I think I started this story when I was in middle school, and now I'm getting my masters! A lot has changed, including my writing style and ability (time to go over earlier chapters with red pen) as well as what I had planned for this plot!

It's been a rough decade *coughcough* but thanks for sticking with me! The good news, is that I have a ton of stories that are already half way done, so be on the lookout!

PS I always get nervous about choosing a name for the child of Syaoran and Sakura- it's a lot to live up to! But for this story I wanted something water-based and Japanese/Chinese. Ryou is Japanese, and it means cool and refreshing, which I think describes how he fits into Syaoran's life in the story.

Anyway, thank you all for the reviews and encouragement! I couldn't have done it without you!