Seed to Apple

Yoshihiro Togashi(c) but this fiction is mine.

Note: Someone... please shoot me... or shoot my girlfriend for making me write this in the first place.


May 4th.

The rain was flooding the streets, wetting expensive shoes and the hems of pants. The dark clouds towering overhead that rumbled and groaned--moving swiftly. Fluid movements that chilled the core of his very bones. The delicious shiver crawled up his spine and he licked his lips in ecstasy.

Hisoka. Magician. Killer.

That was all that needed to be said.

A bouquet of marigold held innocently in his long spider-leg-like fingers. A charming smile placed upon his face. And his copper hair matted down by the rain. Hisoka stared out the window and licked his lips. It was all just a simple motion, so simple it was terrifying. The other in the room stared. As if he had nothing better to do.

Hisoka looked back to the small figure on the bed and smirked, "Are you awake?" he asked. It wasn't much of a question since he already knew the answer. He always knew the answer.

Simply because Hisoka knew everything.




"Gon! Please Gon! Wake up!"

He was bleeding... too quickly... He wasn't breathing anymore, but he was still alive, because he was still bleeding.

Why couldn't he have stopped this? What could he have done to stop this? He couldn't do anything to stop this.

But why?

'You're weak... you're so weak...'

Lies... all lies! Stop it... stop feeding me such false truths!

'You can never stand up after your legs are cut... you have no legs... you're weak. Useless. Trash. Dirty.'

Stop... please stop. Leave me be. Let me mourn in peace!

'Deny it all you want. The truth will never change. No matter how hard you try.'

But I still want to protect him. Love him. Gather him into my arms and hold him.

Gently. Yet tightly.

'You'll kill him someday. Don't stay with him... he'll drive you to your end.'



'Now... come... love him from afar. You'll love him everyday... yet you won't taint you hands. Come.'

And so I obey.


"It's raining... Gon."

"Rain...? What is rain?"

Hisoka leered, his eyes narrowing dangerously and his lips turned upwards into a sneer, "Rain... rain is sorrow."

"Rain... sorrow?"

"Yes... remember it well, Gon."


End Prolouge

Alternative ending (just for the fun of it):

"Rain...? What is rain?"

Hisoka leered, his eyes narrowing dangerously and his lips turned upwards into a sneer, "Rain... rain is water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops. It is wet and you can get colds from it! Understand?" (smile smile)

"Un! Gon understand" (smile smile)

It was a request from my girlfriend and before you guys go saying, "Oh my god, dude you are whipped." Yes. Yes I am. I love my girlfriend very much and I am whipped. I have no shame in it.

I truly hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed (yeah right) writing this.

And before you ask, no I am not some pedophillic, pervert that chases around little boys just so I can molest their underaged ass. I'm quite sane and I think kids are the worst. (grin)

Leave a review, Flames will be mocked... by me of course... especially if you're calling me gay. I'll hang you by your balls(I won't touch you if you're a girl) to a tree.

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