I own nothing. I only wish I could be one of the glorious Jellicle cats and join them in their jubilee of the moon.


The moon, the glorious sphere of pallid light and crystal dreams, hung over the heads of the dancing Jellicles. The waning tides of the moon held it's sway over them and their tender emotions, leading them to a new dawn and a brighter future through the tumultuous night, a guiding beacon through their confusion.

The cats worshipped the moon, dancing in its silver raiment. They let their joys and sorrows express themselves through the graceful turn of a leg or the twist of a delicate hand in their ecstasy of the moon.

They raised their voices in glorious triumph to the everlasting cat! Their energy was full as they lived and dreamed in the Jellicle moon. One would go to the Heavyside Lair, the world of golden wonders that would grant a new life. The Jellicles danced their last dance, and all wondered in their minds as only a Jellicle could;

who will it be?