
When Lord Raenef first came under my care I had hundreds of reasons why I would never want to be with him.

He was a child...but he had grown up fast on the streets.

He was an idiot...but he was brilliant in all the ways that mattered.

He was a weakling...but only until he absorbed his others and became strong.

He was my student...but only for a short period of time.

He was my liege...but he acted like we were friends.

And so none of that mattered.

When I fell in love with Raenef I had thousands of reasons why we could never be together.

It would never be accepted by the other demons...but they already thought us to be odd.

It would alienate those around us...but none were especially close to us anyway.

It would anger other demon lords...but we had already taken on two, and won.

It would break lots of different demon laws...but those laws were obsolete and often ignored.

It would break the cardinal rule of demons, "You must always obey your masters' wishes"...but he wanted it.

And so none of that mattered.

When Rae curls so trustingly in my lap now as we snuggle in front of the fire I have millions of reasons why I should just get up and leave.

But none of that matters now...because I did want him. I did fall in love. We could be together. And I can't just get up and leave.

And that's all that matters.

AN: I know I'm should be working on other things but I always seem to do better with one-shots and this just suddenly popped into my head. Depending on who expresses interest I may follow this with another DD story so please R&R. Any and all comments are welcome.