Disclaimer – I do not own Gilmore Girls, believe me I wish I did.

A/N – Thanks for the reviews I'm glad people are still into this fic. Well here's the next installment!

WARNING – There is a swear word used in this chapter.


"Eric, what are you …" Rory stood from the chair and Eric immediately made his way to her, his hand falling on her stomach and a very worried look glazing his eyes.

"Are you okay? How's the baby? What happened Rory?" He finally lifted his eyes to meet Rory's.

"I'm fine, so is the baby." Rory pulled away from him coldly.

Eric felt his world come to a screeching halt when she pulled away from him, not even looking him in the eyes. He had given everything up for her and this was how she repaid him.

"Well than what the hell are you doing half way around the world?"

Rory jumped slightly at the anger, and was that hurt she heard in his tone. She instantly felt bad.

"I mean come on Rory you can't keep doing this." Suddenly she was angry again.

"Doing what? Coming to see my family."

"Taking off in the middle of the night and leaving a fucking note! Jeez, you drive me crazy some times, do you have any idea how dangerous it is to fly in the first trimester?" His face was red with anger and Rory's was deepening a shade as well.

He had no idea how she felt! That's because you didn't tell him.

Her inner voice berated herself.

"You know what Eric I don't have to answer that, I work six days a week and make more money than you do, If I want to take off for a while have a break, you can not stop me!" She cried.

"Not only are you my wife, but you are carrying my child, what you do most definitely concerns me!" He yelled and they heard the television click off.

Rory quickly remembered her mother and Luke behind her. What must they think of this, Oh God; they heard us mention the baby. Rory felt panic over come her. She felt her knees begin to give way but before she could say boo, Eric had his arms around her and was helping her into the chair.

"Please tell me what's going on Rory, Please." Eric's voice was soft and they could all just barely hear it. He was pleading with her, begging and Eric Montgomery rarely if ever begged anyone for anything.

Rory's heart was racing and her head felt tight and cramped, like there wasn't enough room for all of its contents. She closed her eyes and sighed. But she couldn't answer.

When several minutes passed Eric's head dropped.

"I've got a room at that Inn down the way, The Dragonfly, I'll be in room three and I will be there until you are ready to go home or to tell me what the hell is going on." His voice was ruff and forced like he was trying to keep all emotion hidden. " I'm not leaving Rory, you had better learn to accept that. I'm not him." He spoke the last words quietly trying to make Rory the only recipient but realized he was unsuccessful when her mother's eyes widened in question a bit.


Logan stood up and giving one more look at his wife slipped out the front door.

Lorelai had no idea what to say or do, so she stood in her spot completely still, Luke standing only inches behind her.

So that's why she's home. She's pregnant. Thought Luke.


Mia was pacing. She was not a pacer she didn't worry about things because generally there wasn't that much to worry about. But the yelling from the kitchen was making her nervous, and the worst part was that she didn't understand why.

So what if her long lost sister had returned, it wouldn't really affect her much, would it?

So what if her long lost sister now happened to be pregnant and possibly leaving the husband that on one even knew she had. This couldn't affect Mia's day to day life could it.

" I have got to be the most selfish person in the universe!" Mia whispered to herself as she fell onto her bed. And yet she couldn't stop the tears as they slipped down her cheeks. Her mind kept going back to Christmases where they would put an extra gift under the tree just in case Rory came home. And birthdays were her mother would try with all her might to be happy and herself but would inevitably end up in her room alone going over pictures of Rory's 6th birthday party or the day Rory lost her first tooth. Everything in her life had been compared to when Rory had done it first. She was Rory's replacement except she wasn't quite good enough because she didn't like coffee or speak a million words a minute or even read the dictionary.

Yet the couple of years after her 13th birthday something had changed, she didn't know exactly but she had a suspicion that it started when she'd had that crush on Alex Camper. Her mother had found out and they had, she couldn't even explain it but they'd spent hours in Mia's room talking about him and picking out an entire weeks worth of outfits for school. Ever since then, it had stopped being the Mia and Luke show and her mother and her had been well a mother and daughter. Could anyone blame her for hoping and praying that just because the prodigal daughter had returned it wouldn't change the relationship her mother and her had developed.

My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys began to play on Mia's phone and she dug into her purse to pull it out, knowing already that it was her best friend Adam.

"Mia! Where have you been all day?" Adam's voice blared into her ear.

Mia swallowed the lump in her throat and answered the only thing she could think to answer, "Rory's home."

"Who's… no way, THE Rory, your moms first daughter!"

"Yup," Mia winced at the sound of her mother's angry voice in the kitchen, "hey Adam would it be okay if I slept at your house tonight. I have to get out of here."

"Yeah of course, just leave a note for your dad this time." Mia had to smile at that. They hung up and Mia grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for school the next day. Scribbled a note for her dad and threw it on her bed. They'd probably be so wrapped up in there argument they wouldn't notice she was gone anyway.

Mia wiped away the last her tears for that night as she climbed out of her bedroom window and made her way to Adam's.


"You can't do that Rory, you can't just up and leave people." Lorelai cried.

"Why not? You did it." Rory spat out before she realized what she had said.

"They knew I was leaving Rory, and I wasn't running from a problem, I was running to a solution. You're running now and you were running then!"

"You have no idea what I was doing back then!" Rory shouted.

"Then tell me?" Lorelai yelled back.

"I can't." Rory said quietly.

"Why in the hell not?"

Just then Josh entered.

"I hate to break this up but it's 11:30 and not only do I have an early morning but Daniel and Brooke can't sleep either."

"Right, I'm sorry. Go back to bed." Luke said.

Josh turned to leave but stopped, " Oh and Mia disappeared out her window about an hour ago."

Luke and Lorelai's heads snapped towards each other and then in the direction of their eldest daughters bedroom.

"Thank you Josh, now go to bed." Lorelai said. When Josh had left she turned back to Rory.

"Come on, we'll finish this tomorrow, you can stay in the office. Luke do we still have the blow up mattress?" Lorelai brought her exhausted eyes to Luke's.

"Yeah I'll go and set it up. And I'll call Jess and make sure Mia's okay." Luke read the thank-you in his wife's eyes and then made his way into his baby's room. He walked over to Mia's bed and picked up the small note. Hey dad, If you're wondering were I am, call Jess, I'm going to stay with him and Adam tonight. See you later, Love Mia."

When Rory was all set Luke and Lorelai retreated to their bedroom.

Lorelai silently walked through the room getting ready for bed. Luke could tell she was feeling a range of emotions from hurt to confusion to just plain tired.

He said nothing as they climbed into bed, he just wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as she let the tears flow freely from her eyes and began to cry herself to sleep.

RR please!