Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible or any of it's characters. The title was in part inspired by Mel Gibson's movie, We were Soldiers.


We were...

We were sidekicks.

We were enemies.

We were friends.

We were lovers.

We fell down a mountainside, during a fight. That's what started this. Kim and I were fighting, Drakken was about to hit the switch on his laser. I don't know what it was supposed to do. It was a stupid idea in any case. Stoppable, Ron, charged, and tackled him, Drakken flipped him, something I didn't know the idiot knew how to do. Anyway, Ron hit me, and we went over the side of the mountain. Kim tried to save us, but she missed.

At the bottom of the mountain, I thought he was dead. I'm evil, but I'm not heartless. I moved towards him, to check, and carry out the body if he was. He wasn't. We found ourselves working together, to get out of there, since I'd recieved a bump on the head, that prevented me from using my powers, for a reason I never did understand. We learned things about each other during those few days, I'd never shared, and things I'll bet he hadn't either. When we reached civilization, we walked away from each other, with a different perspective. He could have taken me in, or tried, I didn't have my powers, and his style of martial arts is a match for mine, but he didn't.

We became friends, though only away from Drakken and Kim. On the field we were still enemies. Then Kim found out. She took it better than I'd expected. I had discussed it with Ron, and we both thought she'd go ballistic. She did, but Ron talked her down. He never did tell me, exactly how he managed it. When I saw her next, she apologized to me. I never found out what she was apologizing for either. His parents were an entirely different matter. They tried at first to have me thrown in jail. It didn't work. I'd done nothing wrong, lately anyway. Who knew testifying against Drakken was worth the effort of calming him down later. Then they tried a restraining order, but Ron turned eighteen a few days before the courts approved it, and he put a stop to it. They tried ignoring him, but he went away to college, and they couldn't stay away. They eventually accepted it, though, I'm not sure they ever really got away from their feelings about me. They simply buried them, for the sake of Ron's feelings.

When I left Drakken for the last time, I saw him cry, the first time with real pain in his eyes. Not the pain of smashing his thumb with a hammer. I think he had feelings for me as well, but he let me go. I don't know, really, what finally became of him, he sort of vanished, after I left. Kim told me, that he was last seen in south america, something to do with Dementor, and a waterfall. I never had the full story.

The only obstacle in our way, were my family. Not my brothers. No, they whole heartedly approved of Ron. Except Hego, but that had more to do with his day job at Bueno Nacho, than any animosity. It was my parents. I thought they were dead, but they knew where I was. I'm not sure how they found out about the wedding, though I suspect the twins knew they were alive, and might have said something by accident. No matter, I don't blame them, even if they did. See it wasn't that they didn't like him, or want me to marry him, it was that he was Jewish. I had no problem with it, since I've never been one to argue with higher powers in any case. I stopped bothering, about the time that stupid comet turned me into a walking christmas tree. Ron's parents tried to get me to convert, but I managed to slide of with not arguing over religion. I didn't mention I'd gone with Ron a few times, and that he'd accepted it wasn't my thing. It would only have started an argument. My parents had a lot to say about it, and Ron's parents fought back.

Our wedding was delayed for months. Kim managed to get married before us, though she'd met her fiance almost five years after we announced our engagement. Finally one night, she got tired of the arguments, since she had joined on our side, and had us kidnapped. She called in favors, and snatched us right out of our house. Since I had decided I wanted my family present, she had them grabbed too. We all awoke in Las Vegas. Everything was arranged, and the families, except my father, were chained in place, to prevent arguments. My father walked me down the Isle, possibly at knife point, I couldn't see what Kim's husband was doing behind him. We were married at a small chapel on the strip. A place that was tastefully decorated, Kim commented it was the only one in the city that was.

We were husband, and wife.

We were no longer two people.

We were now one life.

We were whole, forever more.

When our son, Reginald was born, Ron's face was like I had seen it only once before. The same as when we were married. Reggie got the best of both of us. My eyes and ears. Ron's face and smile. My hair, and body type. He also got my powers, and shares our intelligence. He took from Ron, his dispostion, and my temper. He turned out, to be so far the best thing to ever happen to us, except possibly, each other.

We were sidekicks.

We were enemies.

We were friends.

We were lovers.

We were...


Shego settled the paper to the table with a smiled, and rose to her feet. Ron slipped an arm around her shoulders, and touched his lips to her cheek. "What're you writing?" He whispered quietly.

"Just a few thoughts, I needed to express. Are you ready?" She asked, returning the kiss.

"Yes, but we'd better go, we'll miss Wade's wedding, and Kim'll be mighty peeved." He grinned, and offered his arm. Shego smiled, and slipped her arm into his.

"Then let's not miss it." She laughed, as they walked out.