A Dream Come True...
O.k. Before I start, I would just like to give whoever is reading this some important information...
WARNING: You WILL need a sandwich or something, as this story is over 76 pages long on Word!
I own nothing except for Carla and Aurora (You probably already know that though!)
So here we go!
Sonic awoke with a start and felt the cold sweat covering his body-his fur was damp and uncomfortable. It was just beginning to get light outside and Sonic looked at his clock.
"6:35..." Sonic sighed to himself. "Now I'll never get back to sleep."
Having realised this, he decided that he would go for a morning run to start the day so as soon as he had gotten dressed, (put his sneakers and gloves on) he opened the front door. He stopped for a moment and looked around. Everything appeared normal so why did he still feel a wave of fear wash over him?
It was then that he saw Tails, he was crawling towards Sonic feebly and he was covered in blood.
"Please...stay there Aunt Sal...Sally..." Tails groaned. His voice was merely a whisper but Sonic could still hear the agony and fear in Tails' cry.
"Its...Its a trap...stay there..." His voice trailed off as he fell onto his face. Sonic saw his body lying lifelessly as he watched Tails fight for each breath...
Suddenly, Sonic woke from his trance like state. He tried to push the remains of the previous night's dream he had had out of his mind.
Although he had no idea as to why opening his front door had caused part of his nightmare to flood back to him, he still sensed that something wasn't right.
He decided to head over to Tails' hut. He sped over at a super sonic speed noticing as soon as he got there that Tails' door was ajar.
Sonic panicked, thoughts of Tails crawling towards him were in his mind as he sped inside the hut.
"Sonic?" A voice from his right made Sonic jump. It was Tails.
"Oh Jeez Tails!-I thought that...I just..." His voice trailed off as he hugged Tails with all his might, nearly knocking Tails over.
"Whatssup?!" Tails asked worriedly. Had Sonic gone crazy?!
"Oh it's nothing now...It doesn't matter." Sonic replied, visibly mellowing. "I just came to tell you that me, Sal, Bun, Rotor and Ant are going to the ring pool soon and I was wonderin' if ya' wanted to come." Sonic hurriedly thought up.
"Sure Sonic! I'll get my stuff!" Replied Tails excitedly.
"O.k lil' bro. You go get ready and I'll go and gather up the others. Meet us at the ring pool A.S.A.P o.k?"
"Yep!" Sonic heard the fox reply as he sped of again. Little did he know that that was the last conversation he would have with his 'lil' bro' for a very long time...
So, what did you think? I had this whole story up here as a one shot a while ago but it was so long that no one could be bothered to read it! So here it is in bite-size pieces for you so you had better get reviewing!