Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, so don't bother to sue me, you won't get much.

A/N: This story is based off the series meaning there are most of the characters, the shikon no tama and the quest to complete it. As the story starts, Kagome is an angel therefore; Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku have never met her, ever. Kikyo will be in this story about she also does not know of Inuyasha and the rest. Also the story will be mainly told through the eyes of Kagome. Now that is said, you may now go enjoy the fanfic! If you have anymore questions I will be happy to answer them. Enjoy!

Summary: (I:K with some S:M) Kagome is a guardian angel that has yet gained her wings. Without her own memories, she yearns to live again as she watches the lives of Sango, Inuyasha, and Miroku. But what would happen if her wish is realized? With her second chance at life all should be good, right? Not if Naraku has a say...

Fallen Grace

Chapter 1

To Wish Upon a Star

She was scared. But not for herself, but her companions. The one I had been assigned too, Sango, had once again found herself face to face against yet another youkai. Her friend, the monk had fallen ill to one of those insects. She had barely got him out of harm's way before the youkai sent another breathe full of fire their way. I stood beside her, watching her. She stood strong and confident, watching her enemy's moves, waiting for a chance to attack. Her eyes followed the demon as the hanyou attacked it skillfully.

If I hadn't been the being that I am, I would have believed she was well in control of the situation. But looks are deceiving. Her thoughts raced with plans of attack. She wanted this fire youkai taken care of fast, before he grew stronger.

Why hadn't she noticed? The youkai eyed her now and drew in a long breathe while the young monk called out to her from behind. Her thoughts had sped her through her mind at once, making it very hard to read. This happens when she felt the full effects of her fear.

"Move Sango, dodge the fire." I whispered beside her. In an instance she had jumped back, just messing the edges of the flame.

This scared her even more, her thoughts raced once more; buzzing with the fact she had almost been burnt to a crisp. She drew in her own breathes harder, taking in such shock.

The flames died down through my intangible body. I walked gracefully beside her again.

"Focus, Sango. Your friends need you now"

She realized I was right and sent her weapon soaring at the youkai. It distracted him enough for the hanyou to perform his wind scar and it was all over for the fire youkai. The only thing left among the ashes was the glint of a dark jewel shard. I focused my energy on it causing it glow a light purple as the darkness faded away. The hanyou appeared beside me and pick up the tiny thing. He expressed a small smirk before tucking it away.

Behind me Sango had begun to nurse the monk, since he had only taken in a few of those insects he wasn't in to bad of shape, but he wouldn't let the chance for Sango's attention go to waste while the hanyou stood idly by, waiting for the chance to continue in their journey. I stood beside him even though he didn't know it.

Being a guardian angel, no one knew I was there. Only Sango could hear me, but it words came through to her in her own voice. I was her conscience. I was meant to protect her, and help her through life.

How long am I to do this for? I don't know, I don't even know how long I have been doing this for. The Mother of the Angels gave me this task so I could earn my wings. Personally, I was in no rush. Mother told me that when I died, I wished to never remember my past life, so being a sort of guide for Sango gives me some memories of the mortal realm before I must live among the rest of the angels. Mother told me that my task was one of the most important; Sango was help fight a war against one of the most horrible villains that history has ever seen.

So now here I am, since I had no memory of anything before this, I have no sense of the time that has past. The days and nights all seem the same to me.

"Can we go now?" The hanyou wined beside me.

"Yes Inuyasha, Miroku needs to rest at the village. Kirara can carry him." Sango summoned the cat youkai beside her and it transformed while Sango helped Miroku on her back.

"It's about time" he mumbled. His sliver bangs hid his golden eyes while his dog ears sat relaxed on top of the rest of his long sliver hair. His arms were crossed covering a light wound on his arm, I assumed he would take care of it later himself.

For the short time I was with the other angels, most resented the youkai, but I never heard of hanyou. The one that travels with Sango, Inuyasha isn't bad though. He may come off cocky and selfish but I can tell he has a good heart.

Inuyasha moved off the tree, leading the group back to their home village. I took step beside Sango again, mildly reading her thoughts. Most her concern of lack of energy and how her body ached, but she never voiced her thoughts.

Already the village was in sight, I felt happy for Sango, she wouldn't have to walk much longer. Being an angel, I never grew tired. I never felt the environment around me, I wonder if I was missing much.

There was a stream beside us; I walked along it glancing at my reflection. I doubted any one else could see it though. I had long thick black hair with light brown eyes. My robes were of the angels. It was a long white dress with the sleeves falling of my shoulders. The sleeves were longer then my hands and dripped over them. I smiled at my image trying to memorize with detail into my mind. Sometimes I forgot what I looked like.

But I forgot even more my name. Not ever having to use it, it has left my memory. Thinking back to what Mother called me, I still can't remember.


Yes that was it! Mother must be watching me. I smiled up at the sky to her, hoping everything was alright.

No worries, everything will be fine, you are doing very well my child.

Thank you Mother. The stars were twinkling, I knew tonight would be nice.

The others were lying on their mats, trying to fall asleep. All but the hanyou, he had left to sleep outside in the tree again. I followed him.

Climbing into to a wide branch, he slumped against the bark. I watched him from below, his eyes searching the sky. He relaxed and closed his eyes. I myself would have preferred to sleep outside if I needed it.

Even though he wasn't the one I was protecting, I still liked to watch him. I kind of had to since he was a big part of Sango's life. Being around them for as long as I have, you learn to read their emotions. Sango was the easiest since her mind was open to me. Miroku seemed have a one track mind but he hid more under the surface, he couldn't just be a pervert could he? I hope not for Sango's sake. She is quite taken with monk even though she would rather die then ever admit to it. And Inuyasha was just... Inuyasha. He wasn't one to hide his anger or pretend not to be satisfied. I was glad that I wasn't the one to have to deal with him; at least that's what I think.

Leaves fell from the branches above me; they passed through my body as if I were nothing. How I yearned to touch, and feel them maybe just one time would be enough. I looked further up past the branches to sky Inuyasha had been taken with. The stars glowed white against the dark blue, I saw something shoot across the glowing sky.

"A shooting star..." I whispered.

Mortals believe that if you wish upon a shooting star, your wish will come true. Closing my eyes, I did the same. What was there to lose?

The hanyou above stirred slightly, but if he had been awake, he was asleep now. I wished him a goodnight and settled myself at the base of the tree. The body filled with a new feeling, my limbs begged to relax and I eased down to the ground.

This wasn't right, something was wrong. The wind swept past me, it was as if I could almost see it, it called to me.

"Kagome my child, you must reserve your strength for it will be needed in the near future..."

"Mother?" I questioned to the air around me. The Mother of Angels' voice had rung softly in the air, almost in a song like tone.

"Shhh my child, everything will be presented soon enough... Rest..."

Her words cradled me like a lullaby. My eyes begged to close but my mind swam with new thoughts. I wanted to know what was happening, I wasn't ready for sleep. With my last attempts to thinks my body leaned against the hard bark as it slightly dug into my back.

How can I feel this?

I was under a spell with no chances to fight back. Closing my heavy lids I soon fell asleep until the morning with hopes of answers then...

A/N: With that I finish the first installment of my story. Review if you want to read more, I hope you guys like it enough to continue with. What is going to happen to Kagome? Will she ever remember her past life? Ever get her wings? Does she even want them? Only I know hehe. REVIEW!!!!

To be continued...