Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or anything else from Harry Potter! They all belong to J.K. Rowling! This is my first Harry Potter fanfic so everyone please be nice to me! Its DracoxHarry slash so if you don't like that.. I really don't know why you clicked on this. Plzz tell me how to make it better! R&R if you can .

Eyes Tell All

As Draco Malfoy lay across his silky green and black sheets in his Slytherin dormitory, all he could think about through the blasting music playing, was what had happened in potions about an hour before. 'How could have I been staring at him! And now I am in fucking dentention for covering it all up, too!' Earlier that day, Gryffindor and Slytherin were together for double Potions, again. All the sixth years were supposed to be practicing for their exam coming up, Draco on the other had forgotten about his potion and was caught staring at a certain dark haired boy. Harry had glanced over his shoulder and his eyes had come in contact with a pair of icy greyish blue eyes. As soon as Draco had actually realized what he had been doing, he placed a curse on Harry on the spot. He was trying to lead everyone to belive nothing had happened, but just an outburst of their rivalry. Ofcourse this caused him to fight back, ending them both up in detention. ' What does he think happened? What if he asks me. I'm not even sure what happened myself, I just couldn't stop lookign at him...' The blond thought rolling over again turning his music up louder. He had sound proofed the room so that no one would know of his disired tastes in muggle music, after all, he did hate muggles.

Everybody has a face that they hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time they lie
A face that laughs every time they fall
(And watches everything)

So you know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is watching you too
Right inside your skin

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin!

He lay listening to the lyrics of one of his favourite Linkin Park songs, then realized he was going to be late for detention. He switched off the radio and wandered out of his dormitory, his hair hanging in his face and his robes draping off his arms. He wandered through the halls not looking at anyone in the eyes, and ignoring everyone around him. Until he got to dentention that is. Once he arrived he looked up and stared into as before, a pair of dark green eyes, the same pair of eyes which caused him this detention.

"About time Malfoy " Harry grumbled sitting down. "Snape's left to find Dumbledor, were alone for the next hour."

"Well I was busy, I do have more improtant things to do you know." Draco shot back. " Don't start getting ideas that I wanted to be here Potter, now it's even worse that were alone together!"

Harry just blinked at him "What? Don't you think it is weird for me to turn around to see your eyes, peircing through me Draco? I don't want to be here just as much as you do."

Draco just stared. He didn't think Harry would've brought what had happened up so quickly, or even at all. He paniced and just started to fall " Fuck Potter! I don't know what happened, everythings just been so differant lately, you would never understand what a Malfoy has to go through after one has been sent to Askaban. And since when do you call me by my first name, you little..."

" Well you must know something! One day your threating to kill me, and the next your staring at me? Were you trying to hex me or was it something else?" Harry shouted back, waiting for a response. When he didn't recieve one he asked again. " Well, what was it?"

"I told you! I don't know!" Draco said lowering his voice. " I just... I just couldn't help it. Believe me, I don't go purposly staring at you.

"Do you swing slightly to the gay side Malfoy, and most usually for your enimes?" Harry said raising his eyebrow. "You know what? I don't care." He took out a muggle device from his bag and placed the head piece over his ears. Draco of course knew what this was though. He had owned one himself.

Draco was angered by this comment but decided to keep it in, for now." Wizard music, its all crap.." Mumbled Draco to himself. "What C.D. you got there Potter?"

"Humm? Oh. Linkin Park, you haven't heard of them. Muggle band, and I know how much you hate muggles." Harry responded looking over at Draco.

"Just because I hate muggles does not mean that I hate having Papercut on repeat in my dorm." Said Draco smirking. He could look away from Harry's eyes, they were so full of colour. He had never actually looked at him before quiet like this. He started walking closer to Harry, then realized what he was doing.

" What now Mafloy? See something you like?" Harry said teasingly, having no control over what was going on.

Draco's eyes widdened. "How could you even.. oh god. You wish Potter!" he spat. He walked over to the other side of the room and sat down. "Just becuase I'm confused does NOT mean I'm gay, or.. THAT"

"Liking me? Common it's not that hard to say, and don't worry, you'd never be able to have me anyways!" Harry said from across the room taking off his headphones. "I may look like the type to be gay, but I'm not." 'Maybe a bit bisexual, Fred and George are kind of hot..' Harry thought to himself.

Draco rolled his eyes. "This is the longest I think we've ever talked without trying to kill eachother, why is this Potter? Humm?" he said walking over to him.

"Maybe it's because you don't need to impress anyone, now that your father is in Askaban, you will be able to do things you want to, not just because of you fag ass father. I know your a good person by yourself, but I still wouldnt be your friend, your still a Malfoy." Harry said standing up.

"I don't fucking ever need to listen to my father, I just do it so he won't turn me into a death eater. I know this may be strange hearing this from me, I love being evil, but not my fathers evil, my own evil." Draco said continuing to walk closer to Harry.

"Malfoy I think you do have a heart after all, and your opening it up to me, how cute. I'm not going for it though, sorry!" said Harry slyly back at Draco as they became really close. 'I don't know what's gotten into you Malfoy, but I don't think it's all too bad...'

"I hate you Potter, make sure you know that. I'm just not myself today, thats all. Don't think I'll ever be talking to you like this EVER again." As Draco spoke this he had placed a hand on Harrys cheek.

"If you hate me, then why are you touching me like this, I mean---." Harry asked confusedly. He was cut off by Draco's lips sofly covering his own. His eyes widened, then in spare of the moment wrapped his arms around the blond boy, pulling him closer.

To Be Continued...


A/N: Sorry about the short first chapter! All of the other chapters are expected to be alot longer! I promise you that! Well I don't know where I'm going with this. I wrote like three paragraphs, then stopped, then went back. I'll try to fix it up as the story goes along, editing it more and stuff. plzzz r/r! I know people just like to read these. but plzzzzzzzzz i need some ideas! Thanks .