Hey guys...god im really sorry about taking so long...Schools back in and chores and bleh...you know how it is...(sticks head out for flaming) gomen-ne!

I'd like to thank the following for the reviews of chapter 9:




Angel of Darkness and death

Hell's angel




lonely lulaby

Dark Inu Fan (I liked the idea you posted about killing Inuyasha, that was creative haha)

Immortal Blood

Last Time:

Kagome's eyes widened as another burst of energy bursted through the debris, obviously a parting gift from inuyasha. The miko lifted her hands to block it but was too late. The blast hit her and sent her sliding back towards a tree. This is when everyone else decided to show up. "Kagome! Kagome!" shrieked Sango jumping From Kirara and running towards her. Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara and Kurama showed up in the clearing too. "Kagome!" huffed Yusuke, stopping at the sight. Mostly all of the tree's were damaged and there was a lot of debris and whatnot lying around everywhere.

Kagome stood there staring at them, her fore arms burnt and battered as she swayed, holding tightly to the shikon jewel as she blinked and fell forward whispering 'Inuyasha...'

This time:

Kagome's POV;

"Ah..!" I gasped and sat up raggedly, finding 5 pairs of eyes staring at me. These eyes belonged to the people who sat around me; Sango, Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei who actually stood by the door but that's not the point. "Kagome, are you ok, what happened?" constant questions of concern were flung at me but I silently blocked them out.

Kurama reached out and gently touched my shoulder with concern, causing my distant mind to snap back to reality. I sat there a moment and turned to look at him, his deep emerald eyes slowly melting into an amber color. I jumped from the couch and stumbled across the room in shock, mumbling to myself. "Iie...Baka Inuyasha..." My eyes slowly found their way to the floor which I stared at. I heard a shuffling of foot steps and lifted my head, finding Sango standing in front of me.

"Kagome...: she spoke softly, stepping closer and attempting to embrace me in a sisterly hug but I withdrew, stepping back towards the door of our apartment where I unconsciously noted that Hiei stood. The boys stared at me and I could feel Hiei's cold glare on my back, causing me to shutter slightly. I slowly glanced back at Kurama, finding his caring Emerald eyes to be back to normal. I swayed slightly and brought a battered hand to my forehead and groaned, shredded strips of my former sleeve falling around my wrist.

Sango glared at me, the entire facade of a mother taking over her; the look, the hand on the hip and even the tone. She knew me and my habits all too well by now. "Your not running out of here in the condition your in...you need rest Kagome, you need to heal." she ordered, looking at me. "But..." I sputtered weakly, being pushed towards the stairs. "Go to bed Kagome, we'll talk in the morning" Her tone softened as she sat amongst the boys to explain some things.

I sighed and trudged up the stairs weakly, grinning once I reached my bedroom. Walking over to my closet I discarded the tattered clothing I had on and dressed in black jeans and a dark green tank, bandaging my left arm and abdomen. I unlatched the lock on my window and silently snuck out onto the roof, walking to the edge and jumping down.

Normal POV

"So you see...that male hanyou that attacked Kagome was..." Sango paused, looking at the males around her. "That was Inuyasha, our old companion. And he wasn't just a friend to Kagome, they were a bit more..." She explained, Kurama blinking, Yusuke and Kuwabara's mouths dropping open and Hiei just stood their with the same bored look on his face. "What kind of creature is he, what kind of man would treat a woman that way!" barked Kuwabara. Kurama turned to look at Hiei but found that the apparition had left. Moments passed in silence until Kurama spoke up. "What happened to make him like that Sango...?" He asked, Yusuke and Kuwabara nodding in curiosity. "Well..." Sango looked at him.

Kagome walked slowly down the sidewalk to a distant part of town where she jogged up a flight of shrine steps. "Its been so long...good to be back here though..." the miko spoke softly to herself, walking towards a large tree in the middle of the shrines court yard. She lifted a delicate but scraped up hand and ran It over the rough texture of the tree's trunk. Kagome sighed, sliding against the tree till she fell to the ground in shadow beneath it.

Unknown to Kagome, Hiei stood in a tree only a few yards away watching her. "Hm...what's with this girl? Such a curious creature she is...and how did she come to have the shikon jewel?" he thought to himself, opening his large yellow Jagan and trying to peer into her mind. To the koorimes surprise, she had blocked him and furthermore sent a shock wave radiating through his body as an unconscious warning. "Hn"

Kagome's body shook lightly, the faint scent of tears reaching Hiei's senses. "Why did this have to happen, I don't understand this at all...what did I do!" she managed between choked sobs. She remained silent for a bit and then groaned lightly, a shimmering bead of sweat slipping down her face. The moon peaked through the blankets of clouds and spilled light over Kagome's body, making her look ghostly. "Why am I doing this to myself? It wasn't...it wasn't my fault.." Kagome trailed off, standing up with a dizzy glazed look to her eyes.

She walked slowly towards a small building which seemed a bit rundown, and she slid the door open. When she did so, dirt and dust flew out at her, causing the poor girl to start a fit of coughing. "Ahh...dammit" she coughed, covering her mouth and nose with her arm. "Whats that baka onna doing now?" Hiei mumbled to himself and continuing to watch. He identified the building to be an old well house. Kagome walked into the dark building and ceased her coughing. As she did this, Hiei jumped onto the roof and peered through a hole curiously.

Kagome looked longingly at the well and walked towards it slowly and unsure. "I shouldn't be here...I don't belong here..." she spoke, turning her back to the well. Suddenly, an eerie blue glow engulfed the well and shined light onto the miko who stood before it, seemingly activating it. A ghost like figure floated up, white hair swirling around a red clothed body. The creature wrapped its strong arms around Kagome's small waist.

The girl lifted her arms back and felt atop the creatures head and tweaked soft white ears. Her eyes calmed and dulled slightly as she smiled slightly giving in. "Inuyasha..." Kagome spoke softly, the hanyou growling lightly at the use of his name. Hiei appeared in the doorway at this point, Inuyasha looking at him with large red eyes, purple pupils dilated. He nuzzled Kagome's neck, large fangs overlapping his lips. As Hiei lunged forward for Kagome, the light disapeared and both of them vanished with it.

"She's gone...I couldn't get to her fast enough..." Hiei mumbled to himself, feeling a slight pang in his chest which he brushed away. The insanely fast apparition disappeared to inform the others of what happened.

"We really don't know what happened to Inuyasha exactly...he just attacked us one day out of no where..." Sango spoke grimly, Hiei bursting into the room. His sudden appearance gained the attention of Sango, Kurama, Yusuke and Kuwabara. "Inuyasha has Kagome"

DUN DUN DUUUUUUN. Hehe cliffy. What now? What does Inuyasha want with Kagome? You guys will never know unless I get lots of reviews! R&R!