Okay, here it is, my sequel to "Kiko's Story." If you didn't read it (Kiko's Story), then you won't understand this story, because only a week has passed between the end of the first one, and what's going on here. Warning, this story is going to be only seven chapters long.
Chapter 1
Ever since the time Kiko woke up for the second time, at the same time, on the same day, her life had seemed like a rerun. Kiko did the same things, said the same words, and thought just about the same thoughts. The only thing different about her thoughts was that they were about a certain boy who wouldn't be part of her life for at least seven years . . . Od.
"Kiko, get out of bed. You don't want to be late for Mieko's party, do you?" Mrs. Kamia called, but Kiko didn't move. She knew what would happen at the party . . . nothing. A week ago, the two winds that she remembered came. This time, both of them were cold and blue. Thank you, Aelita. Kiko thought, knowing that many problems would've come out of a warm wind.
"Mieko, you've got a phone call from a boy named Haru. Wh-what just happened? The phone cord just froze in half!" Mr. Kamia exclaimed. Day of the Ice Queen . . . act one. No party for her . . . too bad.
"Kiko? I'm sorry hon, but something's wrong with the house. We're going to have to cancel the party," Mrs. Kamia apologized through her youngest daughter's bedroom door. "I'm so sorry you won't be able to wear that adorable, ruffled, pastel pink kimono that I bought for you today."
Yah, me too . . . NOT! Kiko thought, noticing that she talked to herself more than she talked to her family. The Dell computer that Kiko had received for her 7th birthday seemed so low-tech, of corse that was just because she remembered what technology was like . . . Stop it Kiko. Quit thinking about the future . . . you'll drive yourself crazy! Kiko reprimanded herself, while logging onto her e-mail. Wow. I'll keep this e-mail address for a long time. Only one message . . . bummer. Who's it from? No way! The message Kiko had received was from Od, who also had the same e-mail address. This is what his message said.
To: Kiko
From: Od
Subject: return trip
Hi, Kiko. I honestly didn't expect to go this far back in time, did you? Jeremie says that you need to keep the line of events as straight as possible. That genius is still in love with Aelita. He says she looks the same. Did those two winds come again? Respond soon. Od.
Kiko was shocked that everyone was keeping in touch, and that Od was the only one who had contacted her after this long. This is the reply message she sent.
To: Od
From: Kiko
Subject: return trip
Hi, Od. Have you been talking to everyone else? Does Jeremie or Aelita know why, or how this happened, and how to get us seven years into the future? If I stay this far back in the past much longer, I'll go crazy. Yes the two winds did come, but they were both cold. Where is everyone? I'm in Tokyo. Luv you. Kiko.
When Kiko realized what she'd signed at the end of her e-mail, it was too late, the send button had been pressed. Oh well, he was gonna figure out sooner or later. Kiko left the room to get something to eat, and came back to her computer to see Aelita's face on the screen. Kiko quickly shut the door behind her, and sat down by the computer.
"Kiko, is that you?" Aelita asked, wondering why humans looked different at different stages of life. "Kiko, Jeremie wanted me to contact you . . . he said that we'll need your help to go forwards in time."
"Yah, Aelita, it's me, but why does Jeremie need my help? Aren't you two the geniuses?" Kiko responded, very confused and worried.
"Jeremie wants you to try to think of how we might be able to change the time reversal program to make it take us forwards."
Kiko's brain worked quickly to find a logical solution. "Did you try reversing it? You know . . . turn it backwards . . ."
"No, we hadn't even thought of that," Aelita confessed, feeling silly. "I'll tell Jeremie your idea, and if you suddenly find yourself in 2004 . . . your idea worked." Then the pink haired girl disappeared from the screen, revealing a new message from Od.
To: Kiko
From: Od
Subject: return trip
Hi, Kiko. I've only been talking to you and Jeremie. He said that Aelita was supposed to talk to you about something important. He wouldn't tell me what it was . . . will you? I luv you too. Od.
Kiko pushed her chair back from her computer, then reread Od's message, focusing on the last bit. Is he playing with me, or does he mean it? She was about to click on the reply symbol . . . when a black cloud rushed over her.