Once Upon A December

By: Eina

A/N: Stupid Internet connection! Damn prepaid card! Waaaaaaah!!!

Thanks to:

midnight solitaire


Requiem Elise


K a w a i i – S y a o r a n

Arsinen (have you reviewed in any of my fics before???)

- yes, all the songs in that movie are great, I also like Rumour In St. Petersburg… it's kawaii… wow I never thought that many liked Anastasia… hehehe, I have her Genetical family tree in my Biology book… did you know that her family had hemophilia? Her brother was inflicted with it…

AquaCherry66- saves AquaCherry66, I have updated!!!! Hope you liked it.



- thanks for loving this fic, please tell me if you found something wrong about the second chapter.

And lastly,

Sheo Darren- hindi po ako si Jessica(Jess), ako po si Eina…. Anywiez, thanks for reviewing in our fics…. And yes, Tomoyo is here, in fact this chappy is dedicated to her… ;;

If you were wondering why I took the time to thank all of you… welll it's because I am in a good mood… actually I am not, but anyway, I just feel happy today… which is weird because I have 3 research papers to submit… oh and an essay too….

I just remembered the reason, it was because this chappy is too short! I decided to make it longer by doing this!!!! XD

Italicized text means flashbacks or some other thing… olrayt?

Chapter 2

A Regal Affair

"Lady Tomoyo." A redheaded teenager peeked onto her room.

"Yes? What is it?" Tomoyo asked in a rather tired and irritated voice.

"Uhm… there's another batch of…." Before she could even finish, Tomoyo sighed and grunted,

"Tell them to go back tomorrow." Tomoyo sighed. "I don't want to frustrate myself, today."

"Hmmm… you do have a point." Nakuru smiled and left the room.

After Nakuru left the room, Tomoyo sat down her favorite beanbag and turned on her CD player. The first song was Once Upon A December, her very own version. She heaved a deep sigh and started to talk to herself.

"I cannot believe that I still cannot find him." Tomoyo started. She knew that talking to one's self means that they have somehow managed to snap the thin line between normality and insanity. But she would be willing to go through insanity, and even be willing to be put inside a mental institution just to see the person she loved dearly.

"Aaaah! Damn it! I swear I am going to commit suicide if he does not show up! Maybe, somehow, he'll feel guilty for abandoning me… stupid git…" Unwillingly, she broke into tears. For ten years, she had been waiting for him, for Eriol, to come back and smile at her. She had many suitors, but her heart remained loyal to him, no matter how weird that may sound.

"Tomoyo." The Eriol of ten years ago, the one she remembered and kept dear in her heart for almost a decade smiled at her. The magical war was still going on and everyone relied to Eriol to save their clan… but he didn't want… he wanted to stay with Tomoyo…

"Yes?" She replied politely.

"Please… wait for me…" Eriol begged her.

"Huh? Where are you gong?" Tomoyo's voice started to tremble.

"Just promise to wait for me, ok?" Eriol asked her once more.

"Sure." Tomoyo smiled as though she wasn't going to be hurt dearly.

"Eriol!" She once again started to talk to herself. "Look… I am patiently waiting for you… but I fear that my patience will soon run out… I may have to look for another man…" She was hoping that someone would reply. But that was impossible. She felt stupid. But dreaming for his return can't be bad, or can it?

"Lady Tomoyo, shouting and talking to yourself will do you no good, I assure you of that." Yue, a silver-haired man tried to conceal his laughter. (Wah? Yue? Laughing?)

"Oh… yeah, I know that… it's just that… oh crap!" Tomoyo sighed as she buried her face deeper onto the beanbag. "Could you leave me alone for a while?"

"Certainly." Yue bowed. "But I must remind you that Lord Eriol has instructed me to protect you." He reminded her.

"I am not in danger, Yue." Tomoyo said irritably.

"You are milady." Said Yue. "You are in danger of being placed in a mental institute."

"I have no fears in being there." Tomoyo said courageously. "Maybe, if I were in there, the real Eriol might show up. You know why?"

Yue shrugged.

"Because I am sick and tired of actors going in here saying that they are Eriol!" Tomoyo cried, "I may have to commit suicide."

"One of the reasons why I can't leave you." Yue said once more, "It is my sole duty to protect you… so technically, I cannot let you commit suicide."

Tomoyo glared at her. Why did Eriol give her such a persistent guard? Besides, it is his fault that she was becoming so suicidal.

"Leave." Tomoyo ordered him. "You know I can't kill myself… I cannot even hold a knife facing myself."

"Fair point." Yue nodded, bowed and left the room.

"Ugh! Good riddens!" Tomoyo sighed.

Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

She held a locket in her hands. She remembered the statement Eriol told her as he placed the necklace around her porcelain neck. He said that only he could open this locket, and if ever they were separated, the locket would glow. That would be the sign that he was the one standing in front of him.

She has been searching for Eriol for the past year, but the locket never glowed nor has she had any signs of Eriol's presence. Japan was her last destination because she heard that a family here adopted Eriol… but the only problem was that they never allowed her to see him because they were never related.

"Maybe he is gone, maybe he doesn't want to see me again…. Maybe… maybe he… maybe he doesn't like me anymore…" Again, Tomoyo broke into tears by these thoughts. She was deeply hurt and knew that the only person who could mend her heart is Eriol… but where could he be?

Kinomoto Residence

Someone's crying? Who could that be? Tomoyo? These words echoed through Eriol's sleeping mind. Tomoyo? Who was Tomoyo? Why was she crying?

"Tomoyo." Eriol woke up. He now had a vivid image of his past. Of Tomoyo… of his magical being. But who could he talk to? To Sakura? She has always believed in him. But would she believe him, with the nonsense he might be thinking of? Would she think that he was going nuts and would tell him to go to a mental institute or something.

To Be Continued

Patty: What are we doing here?

Eina: - shrugs-

Jess- gimme my Hershey's Smores!

Eina: XD

Patty: - confused-

Eina: Please review… I know it is short… so I am now working on the third chapter.