AN: Okay, here it is. The last chapter. This story was cool to write, and I'm glad people liked it so much! I might come out with another DP story soon, after seeing that one where Danny looses his memory, I've kind of been thinking of new ideas. Of course, I've still got to finish my other stories before I start a new one. Check my profile for updates, okay? If you're interested, that is. Anyways, this will be short, only because I don't want to ruin the moment from the last chapter, and give you guys just a little bit more closure. ENJOY!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own DP. I wish I did.

Blog Entry

It's weird how things happen. At first I thought it was nothing more than friendship. I never thought it turned out to be true love. I mean, how many kids find their true love at fourteen! It hardly ever happens.

I'm glad it happened though. Not to mention, boy am I glad she feels the same way! It would be weird if your true love didn't love you back. Like that Paullina thing, what was I thinking? I must've hit my head or something.

Sam and I are celebrating our two-month anniversary, going out to see the new horror movie she wants to see so badly. Boy, am I lucky, or what? Can't tell you how happy I am with the way my life is. I mean, sure, I still get bullied, but it doesn't matter. Sam makes up for it at the end of the day with just a simple hug and a kiss on the cheek. So it's great.

Tucker's on a crazy quest to find his true love. I doubt he'll have any luck, though. He's not good at keeping a girlfriend for longer than a month, two tops. Sad, I know, but that's Tucker.

Mom and Dad are glad for me, although, of course, Sam and I made up a story on how we got together. Somehow the truth didn't seem too good an option. I have a feeling Jazz knows the truth, though. Boy, that's another story!

All in all, life is going great. I've got my girl, my friends, my family, and, of course, my special 'ghost buddy' watching out for me.

Danny finished his post, grinning as he read it over. He was in his basement, writing on his blog site, trying to pass some time before he left to pick up Sam. Knowing Sam was at her house now, he knew she was already reading it. Waiting patiently, he saw his comment box receive something. He clicked it, and saw her username. "GothicGhostGirl," something she came up with when he introduced her to the blog website.

Hey, Danny! Two months, you getting tired of this vegetarian yet? I sure hope not! I'll be love-less! TRUE-love-less! That's worse, you know. Anyways, call you soon, okay? Love you!


Grinning, he closed his internet window and walked to his room to prepare. She would call in a few minutes, that was sure. She had a way of knowing when he got offline and when he was ready for a phone call.

"Life is good," he muttered to himself as he walked up to his stairs, already hearing the phone ring.