Disclaimer: This story is for entertainment purposes only.

Warning: This story contains language and sexual situations between men. If this bothers you, do not read.

A/N: This story was purely for fun. Thanks for reading.

Full Moon Curse:

Lucky Kyou

"Is it any good?" Shigure asked, as he watched Kyou across the table. He already knew that it wasn't, but had too much pride to suggest the two of them go out to eat.

"Are you kidding? I think I'd rather starve. When I said it was your turn for dinner, I thought it was understood that you'd provide something edible, you dumb dog."

"Kyou-kun, must you be so cruel." Shigure hoped the cat would demand that they go out. "I poured my soul into this meal, and all you can do is criticize my efforts. You're wounding my poor heart."

"As if that's possible," Kyou scoffed.

"You'd be surprised," Shigure hoped his smile wasn't too fake.

"Right, so do I have to eat this crap, or are you going to treat me to some real food."

"Only because I promised." Shigure answered, secretly elated. Both of them stood from the table and Kyou approached his cousin. Shigure could feel his blood pressure rise as it always did when he was around Kyou. He almost choked when Kyou stopped only inches from him and looked up at him like he wanted to kiss him. Shigure was reminded of the cursed Kyou, although there was something different now.

"Are you ready?" Kyou's voice was breathy.

"Uh…sure." Shigure leaned his face down toward his cousin but stopped himself just shy of Kyou's lips.

"It will be nice going to dinner just the two of us." Shigure could feel Kyou's breath on his lips and about lost complete control.

"Oh…you think so." Shigure hoped he didn't sound as fluttery as he felt.

"Yeah, I've been getting sick of that damn rat hangin' around me, and Tohru acting so weird." Kyou tipped his face up almost closing the distance. "Why has everyone been acting so weird? Why do I feel like I'm missing something?"

Shigure moved quickly away, hoping to hide his discomfort. "Weird? No one has been acting weird. You're probably just imagining things. Nothing weird here, hehe."

Kyou shrugged. "I'm sure it's just my imagination."

Shigure breathed a sigh of relief convinced that the cat remembered nothing. "So you don't mind spending the evening with me? That's a surprise."

Kyou shrugged. "For some reason I feel like I want to hang out with you. Even if you are a damned pervert."

Shigure chuckled, glad that Kyou didn't realize how right he was.

"Where's Kyou?" Hatori asked Yuki a few days later.

Yuki glanced at his older cousin. "Out somewhere with Shigure," he answered bitterly. "They've been spending a lot of time together which I don't think is healthy. I mean if he only knew what an asshole that guy was…"

"Ah, yes, if only," Hatori answered.

"You're alone, aren't you," Yuki suddenly looked nervous.

"Your brother and Haru aren't with me if that's what you mean."

The tension left Yuki's feminine features.

Hatori impulsively ruffled his silvery hair. "Tomorrow is the full moon, Yuki. Make sure that you're with your cousin."

Yuki nodded. "Of course."

"I understand your point, Kyou-kun, but I don't think it would work," Hatori looked out of the room to see Kyou and Shigure carrying bags of groceries. "She's my character and she'd never choose Goh over Shinji."

"Oh, really, asshole, and why is that?"

"Shinji's sensitive and caring. Goh's a complete prick."

"You know, not all girls go for the sensitive type."

"Are we really talking about my story? Why hello, Haa-san, this is quite a surprise." Shigure beamed at his cousin.

Hatori nodded. "I came to see Kyou. I need to talk to him, alone." He looked into Kyou's eyes and was surprised that his cousin held eye contact. He was obviously not embarrassed about his lie. "Why don't we go for a drive?"

Kyou set down the groceries and followed Hatori out to the car. Once both were inside the black vehicle, Kyou muttered, "Talk."

"So I erased your memory," Hatori stated as they pulled out of the drive.

Kyou crossed his arms and leaned his head back. "You gonna tell on me?"

Hatori wondered why he hadn't done just that. "I don't know. Why pretend?"

Kyou shrugged. "That's my business."

"Really. I think when you lied using my name, it became my business too. If you kill him, I'll feel partially responsible."

"I'm not gonna kill him. I just want to see something."


Kyou twirled a finger in his hair and looked out the window. "I just wanted to know what it was I saw in him."

"You were cursed," Hatori answered simply.

"I mean, I wondered if there was any good in him, and it's so much easier to be around him when he thinks I don't remember. Things would be too awkward otherwise."

Hatori's expression softened. He could hear the pain in Kyou's voice and realized that this charade was part of his healing process. "So have you found any?"


"Good in him?"

Kyou shrugged. "I'll know tomorrow."

"Oh, then will you tell him?"


Hatori rolled down the window so that he could smoke a cigarette. "Kyou, since I know this will be over tomorrow, be truthful: part of this is for revenge, right?"

"Of course,"

The cousins left it at that.

The next day Yuki was unsurprised to hear a familiar obnoxious voice downstairs.

"Oh, Kyou-kun, please." Ayame purred. "I have this ticket and need someone to come with me."

"Hell no!" Kyou returned loudly.

"You should go," Tohru chirped. "The hot springs sound like a lot of fun."

"And it would only be for one little night." Ayame pushed.

Yuki's eyes went wide. Now his perverted brother's plot was all too clear.

"Do you think I could come along?" Tohru asked innocently.

Ayame chuckled. "I don't see why you can't. You're not one of us."

"This will be so fun!" Tohru exclaimed.

Is the girl a complete idiot? Yuki wondered, but then immediately took it back. He then went to pummel his brother.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Yuki stayed around the house so that he could be with Kyou at midnight. Hatori had come to collect Ayame and had promised to keep the snake occupied. Yuki shuddered at the thought. He realized that for the rest of his life he would have to be Kyou's protector. He would have helped the cat out anyway, but it helped that he cared for him. He just hoped that he would never let his cousin down, especially since Kyou was very vulnerable now that he had lost his memory.

At about ten that night he went to look for Kyou. He searched the house frantically. They had two hours until the curse, and Kyou was nowhere to be found. With a sinking feeling Yuki realized he hadn't seen Shigure either.

"So remind me why we're walking around the woods at eleven o'clock at night?" Kyou's voice was cold, and Shigure knew it would be even colder if the cat knew the real reason.

"I think I lost something. I hoped we could find it," Shigure lied.

"Why tonight? I'd think you'd want to look for a ring when it was light out, idiot," Kyou snapped.

Shigure turned to his cousin and flushed guiltily. "I asked you to come with me, Kyou-kun; I didn't force you."

"No, I guess you never have." Kyou shrugged. "I just think you're a moron."

"Then why did you agree to come with me?" Shigure was feeling impatient.

"To see," Kyou answered cryptically.

Shigure shrugged and pretended to look for the ring. He knew he was a terrible person, but he wanted Kyou so badly. It will just be for one more month, Shigure told himself, then I'll have Haa-san erase his memory, and I'll never do anything this creepy again. Spending the last couple of days with Kyou had definitely worn away Shigure's self control, and reminded him what it was like to have someone.

Kyou sat down in the grass. Shigure feigned that he was searching for the ring for a few more seconds before joining his cousin. Soon Kyo would belong to him again and he could take out all his sexual frustrations.

"The moon sure looks cool," Kyou said quietly.

"Yeah, that it does," Shigure answered with a nervous chuckle. Kyou moved closer to him.

"This might sound weird, but lately I've felt closer to you somehow. I guess you're not as bad as I've always thought, and the last couple of days you've been really nice to me."

"Oh, is that all that weird?" Shigure felt sick to his stomach.

"Yeah, I guess. What's even weirder is the damn rat. He's been nice to me too." Kyou sighed.

"Maybe we're all just growing up," Shigure responded although he felt more like an adolescent than ever before.

"Maybe." In the moonlight Kyou's eyes were so sad that Shigure could feel his own misting over.

Shigure stared at Kyou for several minutes regretting what he was about to say. "I'll stay and look for the ring; you go to Yuki. I can't explain why, but just trust me on this one."

Kyou's eyes sparkled in the moonlight and for a second Shigure had the feeling that Kyou was going to kiss him. "If you still haven't found it after midnight, I'll come back to help you."

Shigure was puzzled by Kyou's statement, but was too depressed to really think about it. He would have to wait at least another month before he could be with him again, and all because he had too much of a conscience.

Yuki was feeling extremely depressed. Kyou still hadn't returned and it was now about 11:45. He was going to have to murder Shigure. He flipped through the channels listlessly. Nothing could take his mind off the idea of his cousin being used by that perverted Shigure. It would have almost been better if he'd let the cat go to the hot springs with his brother. He jumped at a sound from behind him.

"Hey, you damn rat. Only one month on duty and already you're slacking off. I could have become Momiji's bitch for all you knew."

"Kyou!" Yuki's voice held obvious relief. I thought you were with Shigure."

"I was. You need to look out for me better. You promised."

Yuki felt his anger rising, "Hey, you stupid cat, I looked everywhere for you. It's not my fault you went running around with that pervert. Wait! How do you remember the promise…and the curse?"

Kyou took a seat on the couch next to Yuki and put an arm around his cousin before whispering in his ear, "Because I never forgot."

"I could kill you," Yuki hissed, but was trying to repress a laugh. It certainly explained why Kyou had been so homoerotic lately; the cat was torturing Shigure.

"I missed hanging out with you, Rat." He turned Yuki's head by his chin so that they were facing each other. "Mind if we hang out for at least another ten minutes."

"Hmm…" Yuki pretended to be thoughtful before putting his forehead to his cousin's. "I missed you too."

Shigure was still sitting where Kyou had left him about two hours before. He knew he had done the right thing, but somehow he didn't feel better for it. He stood and went to the woods and found the basket he had planted there earlier in the day when he had planned out he and Kyou's evening. He placed the blanket in the grass and put the bottle of wine to his lips, hoping to drown out his sorrow. He had been hoping to use the blanket for a slightly different purpose, but now he just wanted to lay under the stars and dream of his cousin. As he thought of Kyou's talented mouth, he moved his hand below his stomach, hoping to relieve his tension.

"Man, you're even more of a pervert than I guessed. You sure had it planned out." Kyou sounded angry.

Shigure sat up quickly, hoping Kyou hadn't noticed what he was doing. "Kyou-kun, what are you doing here?"

"I came to help you look for your ring." Kyou stalked to Shigure and took a seat on the blanket beside him. "So you were going to let me fall in love with you and then fuck me right then and there. You're such a romantic."

"Did Yuki tell you?" Shigure was angry. "About the curse?"

"Hatori never erased my memory, Moron. I just had to see for myself how much of an asshole you really were."

Shigure felt his anger rise as he realized he'd been tricked. "I hope I didn't disappoint."

Kyou shrugged, "I guess you did tell me to go to Yuki. You're lucky; I would have killed you if you hadn't."

"I guess I should be thanking my lucky stars," Shigure muttered.

Kyou leaned over and licked his ear. "Do you still want to?"

"Want to what?"

"Take me--here?" Kyou's tone was husky.

"Yes," Shigure breathed.

Kyou leaned over and kissed him softly. At first their lips barely brushed and Shigure thought he would die, but he held himself in check and was soon rewarded by Kyo ravishing his mouth with a soft wet tongue.

Kyou pulled away and looked into Shigure's eyes. "Too bad. I won't let you." Shigure tried to steady his breathing. "Okay, Kyou, you got your revenge. You can stop messing with me now. As you remember I have very little self control."

"Oh, I remember. I didn't say that I didn't want to take you." Kyou was suddenly on top of him kissing him hungrily. When he pulled away Shigure was extremely excited.

If Kyou thought that the idea of reversing roles bothered him, he obviously didn't know much about Hatori. Shigure helped the cat remove his clothing and was relieved when a bottle of lubricant fell out of Kyou's pant pocket.

"Why do I have the feeling you're going to punish me for last month?" Shigure asked as Kyou teasingly stroked his arousal.

"Because I am," Kyou whispered before sucking at Shigure's collarbone so fiercely that Shigure knew it would leave a mark.

"Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to enjoy every minute of it."

"Because you are." Kyou whispered as he entered Shigure, causing the man to call out with pleasure.

Epilogue: A Few Months Later

"I wasn't saying I was mad at you, idiot, I was just saying that the two of you should keep it down, for Tohru's sake if nothing else." Yuki hated the fact that he sounded like somebody's mother.

Kyou laughed. "Is it really for Tohru's sake?" He teased. "Or is it because you can't sleep afterwards?"

Yuki glared at him. "Yuck."

The air was warm and the stars looked beautiful from the roof, but not as beautiful as the bright full moon.

"What do you do to him anyway?" Yuki smirked. "He was never that vocal even when you were cursed."

Kyou smiled mischievously. "Maybe that's because the real deal is better than the fake."

"Oh, really." Yuki couldn't help but smile back.

"How's Haru?"

"Still stalking me." Yuki sighed. "He's probably the only one who's glad to see you back with Shigure."

"I talked to Akito yesterday. He told me there was something I didn't know about the curse," Kyou looked at his cousin seriously.

"Oh, and what's that?" Yuki asked as his alarm on his watch signaled that it was midnight.

Suddenly Kyou's eyes fixed on Yuki and he fixed his cousin with a gaze of pure…lust. "Yuki…" He breathed, "When did you become so… beautiful?" He leaned in and kissed his silver haired cousin square on the lips.

Yuki kissed him back for a few moments, thoroughly enjoying the way Kyou's tongue felt against the roof of his mouth. Finally he pushed him away laughing slightly. "That was funny the first couple of times, Kyou, but it's starting to get old."

Kyou laughed too. "Scared the crap out of you the first time."

"You're such an asshole." But Yuki's voice held no malice.

"Just looking for an excuse to kiss you once a month." Kyou's eyes danced.

Yuki shrugged. "Go back to Shigure, before I kick your ass."

"You wish you could."

"I know I could."

"Goodnight, Yuki."

Yuki gazed up at the full moon, wishing for some reason that a month wasn't a whole thirty days.


A/N: So endings are really hard to write. I was sorry to see this one end because I had so much fun writing it, but for some reason it seemed about time. Maybe someday I'll play around with this plotline again. Thank you so much for reading, and I'd appreciate any feedback you'd be willing to share.