Disclaimer: This story is for entertainment purposes only.

Warning: This story contains language and sexual situations between men. If this bothers you, do not read.

A/N: This story is purely for fun. The characters will be ooc at times (maybe most of the time) and the plot will be crazy. This is not the type of thing I could ever see happening in the series. Give it a try, but you may find it's not your thing. I welcome all types of feedback. Thanks to rena666 for putting the idea of this pairing in my head.

Full Moon Curse:

Poor Kyou

"Well, I certainly hope the two of you have fun on your class trip," Shigure said with a smile. "Now, Yuki, you take care of my little rose. Keep her away from those wicked boys. Oh, and try not to deflower her. I'd like to do the honor myself."

"You are simply disgusting," Yuki replied coolly. Tohru blushed.

Shigure grinned in response. "Oh, Kyou-kun, Aren't you going to come down and see Tohru and Yuki off for their senior trip?"

"Have a great trip, you damn rat! You can thank your asshole boyfriend for getting me out of your way," Kyou yelled from the other room.

"If you didn't insist on picking fights with me at school, then Haru wouldn't have an excuse to embarrass us both." Yuki shuddered as he remembered the scene from a few weeks before. As much as he hated to admit it, Haru did always act like a jealous boyfriend. Kyou's punishment for fighting Haru was losing the class trip. Haru had only received extra cleaning duty.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you, Kyou?" Tohru's eyes were wide with concern.

Kyou sulked into the room. "Nah, if you stayed and missed out, it would make me feel even worse," Kyou answered honestly.

"And besides, Miss Honda, I wouldn't have as much fun on the trip without you there to enjoy it with me."

Tohru put a finger to her lips. "I guess I never thought of it like that. I guess I can't make you both happy."

"Are you deaf?" Kyou asked with exasperation. "I said it would make me happy if you just went."

"You don't have to be so short with her, you stupid cat," Yuki hissed.

"Well, you can just mind your own damn business," Kyou snapped back.

"If you would have minded your own business, you'd be going on the trip."

"Well, if your boyfriend would have minded his own business…"

"He's not my boyfriend." Yuki had lost his composure.

"He's a damn pervert is what he is. We were just fighting damn it! And he had the nerve to think…" Kyou shuddered at a loss for words.

"Like we'd do…that." Yuki choked, his anger for Haru rising. The last thing he had wanted was a scene, and it had appeared to bystanders as though the two of them were fighting over him.

"Well, who can blame him. The two of you do get rather….physical when you fight," Shigure chirped cheerfully.

"Go to hell," Kyou told him as Yuki said, "Shut up, Pervert."

"Oh, now stop it. You're upsetting Tohru." Shigure motioned to the girl who stood by the door with a fake smiled plastered on her face.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Don't mind me," she giggled uncomfortably.

"We need to leave, Miss Honda." Yuki cast glares at both Kyou and Shigure not sure who to be more annoyed with. He was secretly disappointed that Kyou wouldn't be going on the trip because as much as they fought, Yuki always felt as though something was missing if it wasn't the three of them. He had been extremely relieved when Akito had given in to the pestering of Shigure and had agreed to allow Kyou to keep his freedom and not be caged like the rest of the cats.

Kyou gave a hasty goodbye before moping off to the roof.

"He's going to be a joy to be around the next few days," Yuki commented, looking after him.

Shigure shrugged. "No worries. I have a manuscript that was due two days ago to work on, and if he gets too pouty, I'll just call Aaya or Kagura over to cheer him up."

Tohru smiled. "I'm sure he'd like the company."

Yuki shook his head and took Tohru's suitcase knowing that Kyou would most likely be more pissy than usual when they returned.

Well, Kyou, I must say, you don't cook nearly as well as Tohru," Shigure said as he took another bite of stew.

"Then cook for yourself," Kyou snarled.

"I'm afraid that would be even worse than this." Shigure loved teasing Kyou because it was so easy to illicit a reaction. "Hmm…I wonder what our little flower and her prince are doing right now…" Shigure pushed his hair behind his ear. "A romantic walk perhaps…a little sex on the beach…"

"Do you ever think of anything besides sex? You are so perverted, and there's no way Yuki would have the balls to make a move on Tohru." Kyou's face burned with anger.

"And I suppose you would?"

Kyou flushed an even deeper red. "My mind doesn't run on the same track as yours."

Shigure sighed. "I've tried to raise you right, but you and Yuki are such prudes. Haa-san, Aaya, and I were nothing like you."

"Thank God," Kyou answered. "I don't care how frustrated you are, that's just…wrong."

Shigure shrugged. "Someday, Kyou, you'll change your mind and realize that sex isn't such a bad thing."

"Hey, I want it just as much as the next guy, but I'd definitely call Kagura before I'd do it with a guy."

Shigure laughed. "Ah, but you must remember we didn't have that option. Of course when we figured out what we were doing, we chose to be with women, but before that…well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

"I'm trying to eat."

"It's so nice to be able to talk like this. We should do it more often."

Kyou just glared at him with disgust.

Shigure was still working on his novel at midnight that same evening. He was typing a particularly steamy love scene when someone turned out the lights. Shigure smiled. He had reminded a special someone that he would be pretty much alone.

Soon someone was embracing him from behind and kissing his neck.

"Mmmn, Aaya," Shigure moaned as he reached back to grab his cousin's silky long hair and was surprised to instead find short hair.

Shigure jumped and turned around only to see Kyou in the meager light provided by his computer screen.

Kyou kissed him sloppily on the lips and Shigure pushed him away. "What? You don't want me anymore now that I'm not your precious Aaya? What do you see in that guy anyway? He's such a girl." Kyou sounded angry and at the same time unlike himself.

"Uh…that's kind of the point." For once Shigure was in shock. "Kyou-kun, are you well? When we were talking at dinner, I wasn't making you an offer."

"Am I not good enough for you? You'll screw everyone else. Why not me?"

"Uh…" Shigure struggled for sense in the insanity. He stood and slowly backed toward the door. He flipped on the light and immediately wished he hadn't. The cat's eyes shone with desire.

When he spoke his voice was throaty. "I never got to thank you for keeping me out of the cage." He prowled toward Shigure. The fire in his eyes matched the intensity of his orange hair.

"Oh, no thanks needed." Shigure's hand instinctively shot to the doorknob. He was ashamed to find that the idea of sleeping with Kyou didn't gross him out as much as it should. Although Shigure generally preferred sex with women, being a pervert, the issue of ready or not was more important to him than male or female.

Kyou's eyes had narrowed to slits and he appeared strangely predatory. "What's wrong, Shigure, scared? I promise you won't regret it. Kyou stalked to his older cousin and Shigure suddenly realized that this had to be some elaborate prank. Homophobic Kyou actually hitting on him. It wasn't even possible. For some reason (most likely revenge) Kyou was messing with him and Shigure refused to show weakness.

Shigure stayed where he was as Kyou approached him and kissed him. Shigure took charge and kissed Kyou firmly waiting for the younger man to break the kiss. It was obvious to Shigure that Kyou lacked experience, but he more than made up for it with passion. Wait, passion, Shigure thought to himself, I guess this isn't a joke. They stood kissing for several minutes before Kyou ran his tongue across Shigure's lips seeking access to his mouth. Shigure jumped, his body reacting. "Okay, Kyou-kun. You've had your little joke," Shigure said even as he feared that wasn't the whole of it.

"But I want you," Kyou whispered in his ear.

"Right," Shigure answered.

Kyou pressed his lower body into Shigure's causing him to gasp. "See," Kyou breathed. "I'm already hard."

Shigure now felt a sense of panic, which was rare as he was always in command of his situation. He blamed his inability to respond correctly on his lack of sleep. "Kyou-kun, what the hell is wrong with you?" Their bodies were still in contact.

"I want you to make love to me," Kyou answered. "I want to show you how much I love you." Kyou grinded himself against his cousin.

Shigure turned the knob to the door and the two of them fell into the hallway. Shigure quickly scrambled to his feet. Kyou rolled onto his side and struck a sexy pose. "Uh…" Shigure was obviously flustered. "Umm…Please excuse me. I have to make a phone call." Shigure scurried back into his office locking the door behind him. He hoped Hatori would know what to do.