Wow, it's been so long since I've added on to this. I hope my reviewers are still out there. I've been working on some other stuff, mostly in humor. But this story was my first and is still my baby, so I'm coming back to it! I hope you enjoy the next chappie!


Chapter 10

Dreams do come true?

The rest of the day wasn't too bad; Katherine kept herself busy, away from me. And I mostly stayed in her/my bedroom re-going through my mother's things. It's funny how much you can miss someone that you could have sworn you didn't even have the slightest liking for. As I went through her clothes I decided that maybe I'll wear something of hers tomorrow for school. Since I was told that I would have to go. But it didn't bug me too much. I mean hey, I just survived a day in hell with the devil herself. Perhaps school is somewhat of a blessing. And even my though my mother's clothes and belongings weren't exactly like my usual loose and somewhat plain style, they did fit me perfectly.

I chose what I wanted for tomorrow, a funky form-fitting tank and a pair of faded wash jeans. I tried them on, and even though they were pretty snug I kinda liked them. And I was ready for a little change. (other then death and moving to hell that is) Night came pretty quickly and I let my self drift off to sleep…..

I was running down a long dirt rode, which seemed like nowhere, yet somehow familiar. I heard a voice behind me and sped up without looking back. The footsteps started to catch up with me and began to panic. I heard a male voice yell my name and as I turned I stumbled forward tumbling, unable to catch myself. I sank into a complete darkness. My head got this light feeling and I began to drift out…

My eyessnapped open, then I quickly closed them again. I was surrounded by water. I didn't have a slight clue where I was or how I got there. I struggled with my arms trying to find which way was up. I felt my heart jump to my throat as my arms were grabbed and pulled up. The brisk air was a shock to my soaked skin, and I trembled as I gasped for oxygen, which my poor lungs were begging. I was freezing and shaking. My rescuer draped a jacket around my shoulder, and I leaned into them thankful for the warmth.

"dammit Alisa , what where you doing?" they mumbled at me. I looked up and wasn't at all surprised that it was Travis. I didn't feel like talking about anything, an I'm sure he got it cause he just took a deep breath then pulled me up to my feet keeping his arm around my waist for support. I laid my head against his shoulder as we didn't the whole teleport thing.

He gave me the 'you okay look?" and left shortly after I convinced him I was fine. Weird things have been going on lately and although I know Travis is on my side, and only trying to help, there're some things I have to do myself.


I hope you enjoy! And don't forget to review!