Seize the Day

15-year old Ashlyn Roberts held her little brothers hand tightly in hers as they approached the brown-haired newsie that was shouting headlines on the corner. "Excuse me," she said as he paused to take a breath, "I was wondering how my brother could become a newsie."

The tall young man took a look at Daniel, "Well, first off, how old are ya an' wha's ya name, kid?"

Ashlyn could feel her brothers grip on her hand clench but his voice was surprisingly steady when he answered, "I'm Daniel Roberts and I'm 9 years old."

"Well Daniel, I'm Jack Kelly, but ya can call me Cowboy an' wha' might be ya name miss?"

"I'm Ashlyn Roberts."

"Well Miss Roberts yer brudda can stay at the 'Hattan News Boy's Lodgin' House with me an da rest of my boys, I can show ya where it is, its not fa' from heah"

"We'd certainly appreciate that Mr. Kelly-"

"Jack or Cowboy miss, I ain't no mista"

"Very well Jack and if I'm entrusting my brother to you then we might as well be on first name terms, Ashlyn or Ash, which ever you prefer"

Ashlyn and Daniel stayed with Jack while he sold the rest of his papers, she noticed that every once and awhile he would change the headline to something even more extravagant and unbelievable. 'I wonder if he does that all the time?' When he was done he walked them to the Lodging House, there he had Daniel sign in saying that he would come up with a newsie name for him later. Afterward they stood on the steps of the building, Ashlyn gave Daniel a hug and handed him the bundle she had been carrying all day, "I packed some of your extra clothes and such, if you need anything you know where I am right?"

"Yes Ash."

"Ok, just making sure," she turned to Jack who had quietly turned around and was regarding a nearby building, she was rather grateful, even though Daniel was being brave she was having a harder time controlling her tears, "Jack, if anything happens to Daniel would you please get word to me? I work at Madame Lenoire's dress shop over on Haven Street and I live above the shop so I should be there most of the time if I'm not running errands."

"O' course I will Ash, an' don worry he'll be jus fine"

They shook hands and she gave Daniel one more hug before hurrying back to the shop.

Ashlyn tossed and turned all night worrying about Daniel. They had already lost so much it would kill her to lose him too. The sun finally rose over the city and Ashlyn hurriedly got dressed and went downstairs, she grabbed a bite to eat then began working on her dress orders almost feverishly so that she could be done by noon. It seemed like she would never be finished but when she finally sat back and looked over her work the clock read 11:45. She worked quickly for another 15 minutes before she went to find Madame Lenoire so she could take her lunch break. She snatched her hat and shawl up off their hooks and hurried out of the shop heading towards the corner where she and Daniel had met Jack yesterday but when she got there nobody was selling papers. Dejected she wandered around until she spotted what looked like newsboys entering a little restaurant called Tibby's. Bolstering her courage she walked towards the door when suddenly she heard her name being called and she turned around. There was Daniel running towards her clutching a stack of newspapers, Jack sauntered at a more leisurely pace behind him. She caught Daniel up in a fierce hug and gave him a good looking over, there were ink smudges on his hands and clothes but that was too be expected, other than that he looked very excited and still somewhat overwhelmed.

"Guess how many papes I've sold already Ash, guess! Guess!"

"Ummm, how about 10?"

"No way! More"




"NO! 50!"

"You sold 50 papers all by yourself?"

"Well Cowboy helped me with the last 10...but I sold the rest all by myself!"

"Dat's right yer brudder's a born newsie--course it 'elps that he's so young an' all. Younger sells more papes."

"Wow I'm so proud of you Daniel, how about I treat you and Jack to lunch?"

"Dat's alright Ash, I do fine on my own tanks."

"No I insist, its the least I can do since you're helping my brother out."

"Well since ya put it dat way I guess it'd be rude o' me not ta 'ccept"

"Exactly! Now let's get inside and you can tell us what is good here."