A/N: This is my first fan fic so if you review please don't be too harsh. And if it sucks then I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except Damia so... yeah!

The sleek, black jet landed in the deep snow, the road was just a few feet away. The cold air nipped at Damia's pale skin as she stepped off the ramp and found herself up to her ankles in snow.

"Come on.," said the man who stood in front of her. "This is your chance to show us what you got, kid." He didn't even bother to look at her before he hurried off, though she probably wouldn't have been able to tell with his red visor blocking his eyes.

Damia sighed as the two women she was with went after him to help the people in the car. There was a cat-like man standing near the wreckage which was pinned to ground by a tree trunk. Scott, or Cyclops as he was nicknamed, shot him with laser vision. The cat-man got hit square in the chest and was knocked off his feet, falling to the ground an impressive way off from where he originally stood. It was at that moment that Damia realized the car was on fire.

"Great," muttered the young girl as she ran to the flaming wreckage. The man who had been driving lay in the snow some feet away and she assumed he hadn't been wearing his seatbelt. There was another person in the vehicle and Damia could tell she was unconscious.

After opening the passenger side door Damia saw a girl of about her own age with reddish hair. Her seatbelt was jammed and the fire was getting larger and coming closer. Damia tried with all her might to unbuckle her but to no avail.

"Cyclops," Damia yelled to the man who was watching as the two women carried the driver of the car onto the jet. "I could use some help over here." The young man hurried over and assessed the situation. "Fire's really not my strong point so please hurry." Damia said quietly as she concentrated on the flames which seemed to shrink a little under her gaze. She could feel herself tire considerably as she tried to control the wild element. Damia was pushing the flames back with her mind, keeping them at bay while Cyclops fought with the seatbelt. Looking down, Damia realized she was surrounded by snow and she couldn't help but smile a little.

Damia turned back to the man who was still trying to unbuckle the girl in the truck. "Melt the snow," She called to him and he glanced at her as if she were insane.

The flames were growing ever higher and were getting close to the gas tank. Cyclops doubtfully turned to the snow which covered the ground. With one touch to his visor the red beams emitted from his eyes and melted the snow instantly. Damia concentrated on the large puddle of water with what was left of her energy.

The water seemed to cling to itself in a large sphere as it slowly lifted off the ground. It moved over the flaming truck and the large bubble burst, dousing the flames. At that moment Cyclops turned a knob on the side of his visor and a small beam shot from it, cutting the seatbelt. The three of them made their way back to the jet, Damia swelling with pride. But the feeling of delight faltered and was replaced by something else. Damia turned and scanned the woods surrounding the lonely country road but she saw nothing. There was no one there to watch her. She shrugged off the feeling and entered the warm jet, settling down for the trip back to the mansion.