This is the last chapter for this story! Hope you have all enjoyed this story as much as the first one! Look for the third in this series soon!!!

"Oh, sweetheart! Are you all right? Are you in any pain?" my mom ran into the room and to my side grasping my hand tightly.

"I'm fine, mom. Everyonce in a while I'm in a little pain, but they gave me some drugs to ease the pain," I explain.

"Are you ready for this, Ria?" asked Lizzie with a big grin.

I matched her grin and said, "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Are you excited? Cause I am so excited!" exclaimed Izzy who was kind of bouncy.

"I am very excited. I can't wait. I was just telling Micheal I didn't want to wait another week and BAM! Contraction!" I smile then cringe and grip Micheal's hand. "Speaking of which, I'm having one."

"Breathe, Maria. Deep breath. It's almost over...done," Micheal coached and when I looked up, everyone was staring at him, aghast. I looked over to him and saw love and admiration in his eyes. I smiled and lifted my hand to stroke his cheek. I kissed him quickly and we both turned our attention to the crowd.

"So, how about you, Micheal? Excited?" asked Max.

"I'm very excited...but nervous. I've never really been taught the right things to do, so I'll be bad at it," Micheal mumbled his reply, depressing himself.

"Don't say that, Micheal. Just because you never had this kind of influence in your life doesn't mean that you'll be bad at it. You'll have to learn. When my dad walked out on us I didn't trust men for a long time. I had to learn to trust them," I tried explaining, but my speech fell on deaf ears.

Hours passed and I felt as if I had been there forever. It was just me, Micheal, and my mom in the room now because the doctor thinks I'll be delivering within half an hour. It finally sinks in; I am about to endure the WORST pain EVER in my life time. Your first pregnancy is always the longest and most painful, and it's probably worse when your having triplets.

"Ready, Maria?" I nod my head slightly. "Okay, I want you to push down real hard now." I grasp both Micheal's and mom's hands tightly and push down as hard as I can. I strangle a cry as I feel my insides tearing.

"You idiot! AHHHHH! I HATE YOU MICHEAL GUERIN!" I scream, releasing my mother's hand to wack him a couple of times before moaning again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Ria, I didn't mean for it to hurt you," Micheal tries but shuts up when I give him the 'deluca glare'.

"C'mon, Maria! I need you to push down! I can see the head!" Dr. Martin says and I feel nothing but pain and exhaustion. I push down hard, one last time and the most beautiful sound fills my ears. My first born son, crying. "Good girl, Maria. Now take a quick rest before we start again for number two."

"Micheal, did you see him?" I hear my mother ask, tears evident in her voice.

I look to Micheal when I hear no response. He looks as if he is in a state of shock, but he nods. I start to smile, but it ends up as a grimace as the next child is eagar to come out. Dr. Martin comes and in the next 20 minutes I had my 2nd and 3rd sons.

A few hours later, Micheal and I sat together on my bed, I was holding two babies and Micheal one. We sat, saying nothing, admiring the three beautiful creations we never dreamed we could make.

A knock came at the door and I said, "come in!" In walked Liz followed by Kyle, Max, Is, Mom, and Jim.

"Aww! They are sooo cute!" exclaims Izzy as she comes to my side. I look up at her and see that we share the same stupid grin on our faces. "So, what did you end up naming them? I'm dying to know."

"Well, our first born is Micheal Andrew Guerin," I said with pride looking at Micheal.

"And second born is Brandon James Guerin," Micheal said gesturing to the bundle of joy in his arms.

"And last, but certainly not least, the one that gave me the MOST grief is Nathan Alexander Guerin," I said and saw pure joy in Isabel's eyes.

"Those are all beautiful names," said my mother, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Would you like to hold one mom?" I asked and she came to my side nodding. "This is Nathan."

"I can't believe I'm holding my baby's baby," the silent tears became sobs amongst the women in the room as all three babies were passed around. I looked at Micheal to see tears streaming down his face and went into his open arms. We were parents... I can promise you all I didn't think Micheal and I would be the ones to have the first baby, but we were. First 3 babies, really.

I cried, happily, in his arms until I heard singing. My mom and Iz started singing 'happy birthday' to the boys and we all joined in. Another day that I will always remember. Then again there was the time when Brandon used his powers in front of my mother....

Well, it's been a fun ride w/ you all! I hope to get some feedback and then I'll start on the sequel!!! Thanks to all my reviewers, you guys are the greatest!

I'm out for now! --Cowgoil10